
Terro-human Future History Gallery

"They were turning into the main hallway, between the rows of portraits of past emperors, Paul and Rodrik, Paul and Rodrik, alternating over and over on both walls."
— H. Beam Piper, "Ministry of Disturbance"

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Terro-human Future History Cover Illustrations
(click on images to view full-size)

Kelly Freas
Astounding Science Fiction, February 1957

Four-Day Planet
Charles Geer
Putnam 1961
( hoard)

Little Fuzzy
Victor Kalins
Avon (F-118) 1962

Space Viking
John Schoenherr
Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction, November 1962 (part 1)
( hoard)

Little Fuzzy by Karel Thole

Il piccolo popolo (Little Fuzzy)
Karel Thole
Mondadori (Urania) 1962
(Served by Mondourania)

Junkyard Planet
Herb Mott
Putnam 1963
( hoard)

Space Viking
Ed Valigursky
Ace (F-225) 1963

The Other Human Race
Avon 1964

The Cosmic Computer
Ed Valigursky
Ace (F-274) 1964

Der kleine Fuzzy (Little Fuzzy)
Karl Stephan
Moewig (German) 1964

Vikingo espacíal (Space Viking)
Unknown artist
Vertice 1966 (Spanish)

"Naudas" ("Naudsonce")
Rudolf Sieber-Lonati
Pabel 1968 (German)

I vichinghi dello spazio (Space Viking)
Paola Pallottino
Casa Editrice La Tribuna 1968 (Italian)
(Served by

Omnilingual by Karel Thole

"Omnilingue" ("Omnilingual")
Karel Thole
Mondadori (Urania) 1972
(Served by Mondourania)

Il piccolo popolo (Little Fuzzy)
Paul Scharff
Mondadori 1976 (Italian)
(PicClick via Internet Archive)

Little Fuzzy
Michael Whelan
Ace 1976

Fuzzy Sapiens
Michael Whelan
Ace 1976

Was is lost auf Planet Zeno (Little Fuzzy)
Beni LaRoche
Albert Müller (Swiss) 1977

Encuentro en Zarathustra (Little Fuzzy)
Michael Whelan
Bruguera (Spanish) 1976
(Served by todocoleccion)

Wollie Sapiens (Fuzzy Sapiens)
Michael Whelan
Scala SF 1976 (Dutch)
(Served by Boekwinkeltjes)

Space Viking
Michael Whelan
Ace 1976

The Cosmic Computer
Michael Whelan
Ace 1977

The Fuzzy Papers
Michael Whelan
Doubleday (SFBC) 1977
(Served by Goodreads)

Little Fuzzy
Uncredited cover artist
Futura/Orbit 1977 (British)

Les hommes de poche (Little Fuzzy)
J. J. Vincent
Masque 1977 (French)
(Served by NooSFere)

Fuzzy Sapiens
Uncredited cover artist
Futura/Orbit 1977 (British)

Tinounours sapiens (Fuzzy Sapiens)
J. J. Vincent
Masque 1978 (French)
(Served by NooSFere)

Space Viking
Melvyn Grant
Sphere 1978 (British)
(Served by ISFDB)

Fuzzy & Ruimteviking
Michael Whelan
CentriPress SF (Dutch)
(Served by Goodreads)

スペース ヴァイキング ("Space Viking")
Naitou Sadao
Tokuma Shoten 1978 (Japanese)
(Served by Reading Meter)

Four-Day Planet
Michael Whelan
Ace 1979

The Fuzzy Papers
Terry Oakes
Futura/Orbit 1979 (British)

Der kleine Fuzzy (Little Fuzzy)
Michael Whelan
Pabel 1979 (German)
(Jürgen Kerckhoff via Internet Archive)

Fuzzy Sapiens
Michael Whelan
Pabel 1979 (German)
(Jürgen Kerckhoff via Internet Archive)

Torna il piccolo popolo ("The Little People Return")
Franco Storchi
La Tribuna 1979 (Italian)
(Served by Anobii)

The Fuzzy Papers
Michael Whelan
Ace 1980

Michael Whelan
Ace 1981
( hoard)

Michael Whelan
Ace 1981
( hoard)

Fuzzy Bones
Michael Whelan
Ace 1981
( hoard)

Die Vier-Tage-Welt (Four-Day Planet)
Eddie Jones
Moewig 1981 (German)

Der kosmische Computer (The Cosmic Computer)
Tony Roberts
Pabel 1981 (German)
(Jürgen Kerckhoff)

Golden Dream
Michael Whelan
Ace 1982
( hoard)

Space Viking
Philippe Adamoff & François Allot
Temps Futurs 1982 (French)

Uller Uprising
Gino D'Achille
Ace 1983
( hoard)

Fuzzies and Other People
Michael Whelan
Ace 1984

Little Fuzzy
Yoneda Hitoshi
Tokyo Sogensha 1984 (Japanese)
(Served by Hideki Watanabe)

Fuzzy Sapiens by Jantner János

Bundás népség ("Fuzzy Sapiens")
Jantner János
Móra Ferenc 1993 (Hungarian)
(Served by Régikönyvek)

The Complete Fuzzy
Michael Whelan
Ace 1998
(Served by Penguin Random House)

Little Fuzzy uncredited cover illustration, Aegypan Press, 2006

Little Fuzzy
Amy Sterling Casil
Ægypan 2006
(Served by

Little Fuzzy
Uncredited cover artist
Wildside 2006 (ebook)
(Served by

Little Fuzzy cover illustration by Michael Whelan, Wildside 2007

Little Fuzzy
Michael Whelan
Wildside 2006
(Served by

Space Viking cover illustration by Ericus, Wildside 2007

Space Viking
Wildside 2007
(Served by

Ministry of Disturbance and Other SF cover illustration, Aegypan 2007

Ministry of Disturbance and Other SF
Unknown artist
Ægypan 2007
(Served by Goodreads)

The Cosmic Computer, Ed Valigursky, Aegypan 2007

The Cosmic Computer
Ed Valigursky
Ægypan 2007
(Served by Goodreads)

Space Viking cover illustration by John Schoenherr, Aegypan 2007

Space Viking
John Schoenherr
Ægypan 2007
(Served by Goodreads)

Space Viking cover illustration by Ericus, Wildside 2007

Space Viking
Wildside 2008
(Served by

Fuzzy Nation by John Sclazi, cover illustration by Kekai Kotaki, Tor 2011

Fuzzy Nation
Kekai Kotaki
Tor 2011
(Served by John Scalzi)

Space Viking by H. Beam Piper, cover illustration by Alan Gutierrez, Pequod 2011

Space Viking
Alan Gutierrez
Pequod Press 2011
( hoard)

Space Viking cover illustration by Luca Oleastri, Wildside 2012

Uller Uprising
Luca Oleastri
Wildside 2012
(Served by

El Visitante Inesperado, cover illustration by unknown artist

El Visitante Inesperado (Fuzzy Nation)
Unknown artist
Minotauro 2012
(Served by John Scalzi)

The Cosmic Computer by H. Beam Piper, cover illustration by Alan Gutierrez, Pequod 2013

The Cosmic Computer
Alan Gutierrez
Pequod Press 2013
(Served by

The Rise of the Terran Federation, cover illustration by Alan Gutierrez, Pequod 2017

The Rise of the Terran Federation
Alan Gutierrez
Pequod Press 2017
(Served by

Original artwork for Future History cover illustrations
(click on images to view full-size)

Image - Omnilingual by Kelly Freas

Kelly Freas
Astounding Science Fiction, February 1957
(Served by Robert Weinberg)

Image - Space Viking by John Schoenherr

John Schoenherr
Space Viking
Analog, November 1962
(Served by Christy Champoise)

Image - Space Viking by Ed Valigursky

Ed Valigursky
Space Viking
Ace 1963
(Served by Richard Anderson)

Image - Little Fuzzy

Michael Whelan
Little Fuzzy
Ace 1976
(Served by Michael Whelan)

Image - Fuzzy Sapiens

Michael Whelan
Fuzzy Sapiens
Ace 1976
(Served by Michael Whelan)

Image - Fuzzies and Other People

Michael Whelan
Fuzzies and Other People
Ace 1984
(Served by Michael Whelan)

Image - Fuzzy Fire (study)

Michael Whelan
"Fuzzy Fire" (study)
(Originally served by The Gashta Homepage)

Image - The Cosmic Computer

Michael Whelan
The Cosmic Computer
Ace 1977
(Served by Michael Whelan)

Image - Four-Day Planet

Michael Whelan
Four-Day Planet
Ace 1979
(Served by Michael Whelan)

Image - Space Viking

Melvyn Grant
Space Viking
Sphere 1978 (British)
(Served by Sci-fi-o-rama)

Image - The Fuzzy Papers

Terry Oakes
The Fuzzy Papers
Futura/Orbit 1979 (British)
(Served by the Internet Archive)

Image - Federation

Michael Whelan
Ace 1981
(Served by Michael Whelan)

Image - Empire

Michael Whelan
Ace 1981
(Served by Michael Whelan)

Image - Fuzzy Bones

Michael Whelan
Fuzzy Bones
Ace 1981
(Served by Michael Whelan)

Image - Golden Dream

Michael Whelan
Golden Dream
Ace 1982
(Served by Michael Whelan)

Image - Space Viking

Philippe Adamoff & François Allot
Space Viking
Temps Futurs 1982 (French)

Image - Little Fuzzy

Jeff Zugale
Fuzzy Nation (concept)
Unpublished 2010
(Served by Jeff Zugale)

Image - Space Viking

Alex Gutierrez
Space Viking
Pequod 2011
(Served by Alan Gutierrez)

Image - The Last Space Viking

Alan Gutierrez
The Last Space Viking
Pequod 2011
(Served by Alan Gutierrez)

Image - Space Viking's Throne

Alex Gutierrez
Space Viking's Throne
Pequod 2012
(Served by Alan Gutierrez)

Image - The Cosmic Computer

Alan Gutierrez
The Cosmic Computer
Pequod 2013
(Served by Alan Gutierrez)

Image - The Merlin Gambit

Alex Gutierrez
The Merlin Gambit
Pequod 2014
(Served by Alan Gutierrez)

Image - Rise of the Terran Federation

Alan Gutierrez
Rise of the Terran Federation
Pequod 2016
(Served by Alan Gutierrez)

Uncredited illustrations from "Edge of the Knife,"
Amazing Stories, Vol. 31, No. 5, May 1957.
(click on images to view full-size)

On the knife-edge
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

To Northern State Mental Hospital
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

See full page versions (pp. 6-7 & 27) captured from the Luminist Archives

Illustrations by Kelly Freas from "Omnilingual,"
Astounding Science Fiction, Vol. LVIII, No. 6, February 1957.
(click on images to view full-size)

Martha Dane . . .
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

. . . on the surface of Mars
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Fitzgerald and Koremitsu
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Blasting into the University
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

In the lower basement
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Penrose and Von Ohlmhorst
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Illustrations by Paul Orban from "Ullr Uprising,"
Space Science Fiction, Vol. 1, No. 4, February 1953, and Vol. 1, No. 5, March 1953.
(click on images to view full-size)

Attacked by geeks . . .
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

. . . and Von Schlichten to the rescue
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

King Kankad
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Geek A-bomb
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Jan Smuts destroyed
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Illustrations by Leo Morey from "Naudsonce,"
Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction, Vol. LXVIII, No. 5, January 1962.
(click on images to view full-size)

Navy & Colonial Office team
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Svant town council
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Calling in the reserve
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Improving the visibilizing analyzer
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Succesful trading effort
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Stop the noise, and let my people work.
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Illustrations by Art Bernklau from "Oomphel in the Sky,"
Analog Science Fact — Science Fiction, Vol. LXVI, No. 3, November 1960.
(click on images to view full-size)

"Let down there, Heshto."
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

"What the devil is oomphel?"
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

Kwannon Air Transport's Hesperus
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

Her private face wasn't particularly happy
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

"Speak on, Grandfather of Grandfathers!"
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

Illustrations by Leo and Diane Dillon from "Graveyard of Dreams,"
Galaxy Science Fiction, Vol. 15, No. 4, February 1958.
(click on images to view full-size)

Graveyard of dreams
( hoard)

Conn and Lynne
( hoard)

In Fawzi's office
( hoard)

Illustrations by John Schoenherr from Space Viking
Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction, Vol. LXX, No. 3, November 1962,
Vol. LXX, No. 4, December 1962, Vol. LXX, No. 5, January 1963, and Vol. LXX, No. 6, February 1963.
(click on images to view full-size)

Space Viking
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

The Sword-Worlds
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Dunnan interrupts the wedding
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Crucified on a robomedic
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Space Scourge and Lamia on Tanith
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Rivington spaceport
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Vikings on Khepera
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Raiding Beowulf
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

The Big Board
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Survivors on Tetragrammaton
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

"You're fighting my enemies; does that make you a friend?"
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Mardukan democracy and Sword Worlds feudalism
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Makann to Power!
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Returning from Marduk
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Abandoned base on Abaddon
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Inside the Royal Palace
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Dowager Crown Princess and her King
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Empty vengeance
(Courtesy of Project Gutenberg)

Illustrations by John Schoenherr from "A Slave is a Slave"
Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction, Vol. LXLX (sic), No. 2, APril 1962,
(click on images to view full-size)

"And there is not a single missile on the installation."
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

Canopus and Mizar
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

Khreggor Chmidd and Tchall Hozher
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

The Lords-Master
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

To the Citadel
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

In the Convocation Chamber
(Courtesy of Greg Weeks)

Illustrations by H.R. Van Dongen from "Ministry of Disturbance,"
Asounding Science Fiction, Vol. LXII, No. 4, December 1958.
(click on images to view full-size)

"Past emperors, Paul and Rodrik, Paul and Rodrik. . . ."
( hoard)

Captain-General Harv Dorflay
( hoard)

Lord Marshal Koreff, King Ranulf XIV and First Citizen Zhorzh Yaggo
( hoard)

Yorn and Paul
( hoard)

Crown Prince Rodrick
( hoard)

Michael Whelan illustrations
from Collector Card sets
(click on images to view full-size)

Clockwise from top left:
#2 Golden Dream; #57 Four Day Planet; #62 The Adventures of Little Fuzzy; #59 Fuzzy Face
From "Adventures in Fantasy" set (1993)

Clockwise from top left:
#4 Empire; #43 Fuzzy Fire (Fuzzies and Other People); #28 Run for Cover (Fuzzy Bones); #13 Fuzzy Sapiens
From "Other Worlds" set (1995)

Fuzzy Illustrations by Victoria Poyser
from The Fuzzy Papers, Ace 1980
(click on images to view full-size)

Little Fuzzy
( hoard)

Fuzzy and Landprawn
( hoard)

Harpy and Fuzzy
( hoard)

Jack Holloway and his Fuzzies
( hoard)

Diamond at CZC computer console
( hoard)

Fuzzies with suntones
( hoard)

Illustrations by Jeff Preston from "Ministry of Disturbance,"
Transmissions from Piper, Wheeling, IL: Rogue Games, 2009.
(click on images to view full-size)

Emperor Paul XXII

Thoran Household Guardsman
(archive of original served by Rogue Games)

Gendarme riot brigade

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