
John F. Carr's Ace Collections

"Now, Piper's Terro-human Future History stories have been published in Federation and Empire, while the Paratime Police yarns can be found in ParatimeThe Worlds of H. Beam Piper includes all the remaining stories that did not fit into either series or somehow slipped between the cracks."
John F. Carr, Introduction to The Worlds of H. Beam Piper

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Piper Editor Extraordinaire

Image - photo of Camden Benares and John F. Carr

John F. Carr, right, shortly before he began editing Ace's Piper collections.

From 1981 to 1983 H. Beam Piper's shorter yarns were reissued by Ace Books in four collections edited by John F. Carr and detailed below.  These collections supplemented Ace's reissue of several of Piper's sci-fi novels.

Piper works originally published before Piper's death in 1964 passed into the public domain in 1984 and most of the yarns reissued by Ace are now available online at Project Gutenberg.  Beginning in 2006 many have also been reissued by publishers Wildside Press and Ægypan Press (aka "Alan Rodgers Books").

Carr's Piper-themed anthology The Rise of the Terran Federation, which includes three yarns written by Piper and new, original work by other authors, was published by Pequod Press in 2017.


Image - Federation cover illustration

Cover illustration by Michael Whelan.

Federation, John F. Carr, ed. (uncredited), New York, Ace, 1981, with cover illustration by Michael Whelan, collects five stories from the Federation-era of Piper's Terro-human Future History, and includes:

Ace issued Federation in both trade and mass market paperback editions, with multiple printings issued through 1986:


Image - Empire cover illustration

Cover illustration by Michael Whelan.

Empire, John F. Carr, ed. (uncredited), New York, Ace, 1981, with cover illustration by Michael Whelan, collects four stories from Piper's Terro-human Future History, plus the stand-alone story "The Return," co-written with Piper's occasional collaborator John J. McGuire (which Carr included to "give us a good look at what life might have been like on Terra after the [Atomic] Wars"), and includes:

Empire was a mass market paperback, with multiple printings issued through 1986:


Image - Paratime cover illustration

Cover illustration (from "Police Operation") by Michael Whelan.

Paratime, John F. Carr, ed. (uncredited), New York, Ace, 1981, with cover illustration by Michael Whelan (illustrating a scene from "Police Operation"), collects five of Piper's Paratime stories (all featuring the parallel-world-policing Paratime Police except, "He Walked Around the Horses"), and includes:

Paratime was a mass market paperback, with multiple printings issued through 1986:

The Worlds of H. Beam Piper

Image - The Worlds of H. Beam Piper cover illustration

Uncredited cover illustration.

The Worlds of H. Beam Piper, John F. Carr, ed. (uncredited), New York, Ace, 1983, with uncredited — and unrelated — cover illustration (based upon a still photograph from the 1968 film The Green Slime — hat-tip to Piper fan Doug Brown), collects ten stories, including the shared-universe "Hartley yarns" and two other stories which are likely part of the Paratime series (though the Paratime Police do not appear in either story), and includes:

The Worlds of H. Beam Piper was a mass market paperback, with a reprinting in 1986:

The Complete Paratime

Image - The Complete Paratime cover illustration

Cover illustration by Dave Dorman (image served by Penguin Random House).

More than a decade after reissuing most of Piper's work, Ace issued an omnibus edition of his Paratime yarns, adding the novel Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen to Carr's original Paratime collection.

The Complete Paratime, H. Beam Piper (John F. Carr, ed., uncredited), New York: Ace, 2001, with cover (and dust jacket) illustration by Dave Dorman, was originally issued both in trade paperback and Science Fiction Book Club (SFBC) hard cover editions:

Michael Sauers's guide "Editions and Printings, How to Tell the Difference" has been very helpful in compiling information on reprints of Ace's H. Beam Piper collections edited by John F. Carr.

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