
The Piper Hoard

"All that we ask is that, when you have loaded the gold hoards of Stolgoland aboard your ships, you will leave our troops in possession of the country."
— Pedrosan Pedro (H. Beam Piper), Space Viking

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Original works listed in order of first publication

(click on images to view full-size)

Image - Restless Oaks catalogue, 1948

"Restless Oaks" Catalogue
Times Tribune, 1927

Image - True: The Man's Magazine, December 1950

"Rebel Raider"
True, December 1950

Image - Murder in the Gunroom, Knopf 1953

Murder in the Gunroom
Knopf, 1953

Image - Four-Day Planet, Putnam 1961

Four-Day Planet
Putnam, 1961

Image - Junkyard Planet, Putnam 1963

Junkyard Planet
Putnam, 1963

"When in the Course —"
Federation, Ace, 1981

First Cycle
Ace, 1982

Reissues listed in order of publication

(click on images to view full-size)

Image - The Petrified Planet, Twayne 1952

"Uller Uprising"
The Petrified Planet
Twayne, 1952

Image - The Science-Fictional Sherlock Holmes, Council of Four 1960

"The Return"
The Science-Fictional Sherlock Holmes
Council of Four, 1960

Image - Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen by H. Beam Piper

Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen
Garland, 1975

Image - Space Viking by H. Beam Piper

Space Viking
Garland, 1975

Ace, 1981

The Worlds of H. Beam Piper
Ace, 1983

The Adventures of Little Fuzzy
Grossett & Dunlap, 1983

Murder in the Gunroom
Old Earth Books, 1993

The Complete Fuzzy
Ace, 1998

The Complete Paratime
Ace, 2001

Transmissions from Piper
Rogue Games, 2009

Space Viking
Pequod, 2011

The Cosmic Computer
Pequod, 2013

The Rise of the Terran Federation
Pequod, 2017

Sequels to Piper's work

(click on images to view full-size)

Wiliam Tuning
Fuzzy Bones
Ace, 1981

Ardath Mayhar
Golden Dream
Ace, 1981

Roland Green & John F. Carr
Great Kings' War
Ace, 1985

John F. Carr with Roland Green
Kalvan Kingmaker
Pequod, 1999

John F. Carr with Roland Green
Siege of Tarr-Hostigos
Pequod, 2003

John F. Carr & Roland Green
Great Kings' War (expanded)
Pequod, 2006

John F. Carr
The Fireseed Wars
Pequod, 2009

H. Beam Piper & John F. Carr
Time Crime
Pequod, 2010

John F. Carr
Gunpowder God
Pequod, 2011

John F. Carr
Down Styphon!
Pequod, 2016

John F. Carr
Paratime Trouble
Pequod, 2017

John F. Carr
The Paratime Police Chronicles, Volume I
Pequod, 2019

John F. Carr
The Paratime Police Chronicles, Volume II
Pequod, 2020

John F. Carr & Mike Robertson
The Way of the Sword-Worlds
Pequod, 2021

Other Piper-related material

"Typewriter Killer"
The Pennsy, September 1953

"The Electric Bibliograph VII"
WFSA Journal, Jun-Aug '70

Down Styphon!
FGU, 1977

"The Last Cavalier"
Analog, January 1988

"Piper in Paperback"
Books Are Everything, March 1989

Emperor of Paratime
Galactic Central, 1994

"H. Beam Piper"
Argentus, 2004

H. Beam Piper: A Biography
McFarland, 2008

Transmissions from Piper
Rogue Games, 2009

Typewriter Killer
Pequod, 2015

A Search for Piper Manuscripts
Tweet & Tick, 2015

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