
Terro-human Future History Concordance

"Lautier called Leo Belsher something you won't find in the dictionary but which nobody needs to look up."
— H. Beam Piper, Four-Day Planet

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A compendium of background and setting information from H. Beam Piper's Terro-human Future History stories and novels and gleanings from Future History works not yet in the public domain.  (See Martian Joe's for information about Future History characters and Rivington Spaceport for information about Future History planets.)

The Terro-human Future History Concordance was inspired by Mark Olson's original "Concordance to H. Beam Piper's Federation / Empire universe."  (Many entries in Olson's Concordance have not yet been transcribed to this Concordance.)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Abbot (SV): Contragravity inventor and drive namesake.

Acadia Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on the Trinity Peninsula of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for an American National Park (name inspired by a science-fictional spaceship).[Ap]

Adelaide, University of: "Adelaide had a Federation-wide reputation for left-wing neo-Marxist 'liberalism.'"  Many of the early settlers on Kwannon were "sociographers and para-anthropologists" from Adelaide.  Edith Shaw has a "master's in sociography from Adelaide."(OS)  Likely evolved from the actual University of Adelaide.

Agent-General: the official representative of a colonial planet government on Terra and some other Federation planets (see Governor-General, Minister-General, Resident-Agent, Resident-General and agent-general).[Ap]

Air Patrol (JP): Poictesme police/paramilitary agency

airdyne (OL): wingless reconnaisance fighters used as survey aircraft on first Terran mission to Mars.  The Cyrano carried a complement of three airdynes.

Al-Borak ("The Lightning"): U.S. strategic missile launch facility in the Islamic Caliphate, part of Operation Triple Cross; visited by Tallal ib'n Khalid before the outbreak of the Thirty Days' War.[Sk]  (The Al-Borak Undertaking was the name of the Islamic Kaliphate's effort to launch the first spaceship to the Moon in the non-Terro-human Future History yarn "The Mercenaries.")

Algol (starship): a transport-cruiser (warship) sent to relieve the flotilla which brought Aditya into the Empire; sibling-ship of the Canopus and Mizar and therefore presumably also a three thousand foot globe; named for a star in the constellation Perseus(MD)

Andromeda (starship): "tramp freighter" which travelled from Terra to Poictesme with a cargo of "general merchandise" and apparently also with Mike Shanlee as a passenger; subsequently chartered by local interests and sent to the Gamma System to look for evidence of Merlin's fabrication; named for a nearby galaxy(JP)

Apache Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at the Schirmacher oasis on the Princess Astrid Coast of Queen Maud Land.  Site of a former Eastern Bloc (Russian) research station.  Named for southwestern American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Arrhenius: settlement on Venus, originally established by the World Commonwealth; named for a First Century, PreAtomic scientist who imagined the ecosphere of Venus. (Ap)

Asgard (JP): Spaceport on Odin

Atomic Era (EK): Dating system beginning at Year Zero A.E. with first sustained nuclear fission reaction in 1942 AD

Australia: historical Terran nation-state; perhaps a Federation Member Republic (perhaps including New Zealand, Indonesia and other Oceanian territories), with capital at Canberra.[Ap]

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Bailly: burrow-city on Luna; originally established by the World Commonwealth, its first settlement on the Moon.  Named for its location in the Bailly crater. (Ap)

Banking Cartel: major stockholder in the Chartered Zarathustra Company, along with Interstellar Explorations and Terra Baldur-Marduk Spacelines; Governor General Ben Rainsford borrowed funds from the Cartel to finance his administration; sunstone royalties paid by the Charterles Zarathustra Company to the Colonial Government in trust for the Fuzzies were invested with the Cartel; a Cartel lawyer served the Chartered Uller Company on Uller; Bish Ware received quarterly drafts via the Cartel on Fenris; potential investor in Stellar Explorations on Freya(UU, LF, FS, FOP, FDP, WC)

Barathrum: Poictesme island continent; site of abandoned spaceport.  (JP)

Beirut: Terran city sacked following the assassination of Khalid ib'n Hussein, prior to Turkish intervention in Islamic Caliphate(EK)

Big War: Sword-Worlds name for the System States War(SV)

Bigglersport: duchy and principal spaceport on Gram, held by Duke Joris; pledged to Angus when he became King.  Its blazonry are daggers and chevrons. (SV)

bisonoid (SV): Gram domesticated agricultural animal

Blackcliffe (SV): Barony on Gram

Blackfoot Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on the Sanavirón (Coughtrey) Peninsula off the Danco Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for northern Great Plains American Indian tribes. (Ap)

Blue Springs: Terran settlement on Uller; an Uller Company patrol killed a band of Jeel near there; the Jeel were suspected of a recent cannibalistic attack on the estate of Prince Neeldink. (UU)

Brannerton, University of: Empire era university of Gimli; presumably also the capital city.  (MD)  (Given that mining was a key component of Gimli's Federation era economy—the Federation era Gimli Company is described in Fuzzies and Other People as having a fissionables mining concession—this name was perhaps inspired by the site of a major mine disaster in New Zealand in 1896 CE.)

Buenos Aires: city on Terra, in South America; textbooks printed in Buenos Aires were used by young Kragans in school at Kankad's Town on Uller; an atomic bomb was assembled at Buenos Aires by the Christian Anarchist Party in 378 A.E.; La Prensa is an "old Terran newspaper" published in Buenos Aires; location of headquarters of Argentine Exotic Organics, Ltd.; likely served by La Plata Spaceport; capital of the pre-Federation nation of Argentina. (UU, FDP)

Bunker Hill Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by Americaat the Thala Hills oasis on the Enderby Land coast.  Site of a former Eastern Bloc (Russian) research station.  Named for an American Revolutionary War battle.[Ap]

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Callisto (starship): Pan-Federation Spacelines which came to Freya from Yggdrasil after the Stellex brought the first cargo from Freya; named for a moon of Jupiter(WC)

Camelot: capital of Excalibur; only the size of a suburb of Malverton on Marduk(SV)

Camelot, University of: University on Excalibur, attended by Lucas Trask and Elaine Karvall(SV)

Canada: First Century, A.E., nation which seceded from the British Commonwealth in 32, A.E., presumably to join the first Terran Federation. (EK, 16)

Canberra: city on Terra, perhaps the capital of the Federation Member Republic of Australia; capital of the pre-Federation nation of Australia.[Ap]

Canopus (starship): a "three thousand foot globe" transport-cruiser (warship) which was part of the flotilla sent to Aditya; sibling-ship of the Mizar and Algol; named for a star in the constellation Carina(MD)

Cape Canaveral (starship): Terra-Odin Spacelines liner which services the "milk-run" between Terra and Odin, stopping at six intermediate planets including Fenris and Gimli, the next planet in the direction of Odin from Fenris; a "two-thousand-foot globular ship" which lands on the planet with assistance from contragravity tugs; typically boarded via a "bridge . . . across the pit to the equator" of the ship; sibling ship to the Peenemünde(FDP)

Carolina Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at the Bunger Hills oasis on the Knox Coast of Wilkes Land.  Site of a former Eastern Bloc (Russian) research station.  Named for a southeastern American region.[Ap]

carniculture: artificial growth of meats (JP, SV, FDP, WC)

Chartered Fenris Company: Federation era chartered company on Fenris which failed, resulting in the evacuation of most colonists. (FDP)

Chartered Uller Company ("Uller Company"): Federation era chartered company on Uller; the de facto — and perhaps also the de jure — colonial government. (UU)

Chartered Zarathustra Company: Federation era chartered company on Zarathustra which lost its full ownership of Zarathustra after the Fuzzies were found to be sapient. (LF)

Cherokee Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for Great Plains American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Cheverton Estate: Islamic Caliphate ambassador's residence in Britain, located in Northamptonshire; Tallal ib'n Khalid occasionally visited Nayef ib'n Abdullah here while attending Cranhurst Academy.[Sk]

Cheyenne Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on King George Island in the South Shetland Islands.  Site of a former Chilean research station.  Named for southeastern American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Chippewa Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on Adelaide Island off the Loubet Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for northern Midwestern American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Choctaw Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on King George Island in the South Shetland Islands.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for southeastern American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Chronicle: Litchfield newspaper(JP)

City of Asgard (starship): liner on which Conn Maxwell travels to Poictesme, having transferred aboard at Odin, from the Mizar from Terra; apparently one of two liners which travel between Odin and Aton, with the stop at Poictesme (with perhaps no other intermediate stops), without travelling to Terra; connects to the Pan-Federation Spacelines route to Terra at Aton; sibling ship to the City of Nefertiti(JP)

City of Canberra (starship): One of the regular hyperships travelling between Uller, Niflheim and Terra; presumably like City of Pretoria it is also a "three-thousand-foot globe" which lands at Gongonk Island spaceport on Uller; perhaps a Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines liner. (UU)

City of Kapstaad (starship): a Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines liner which stops at Zarthustra. (FS)

City of Konkrook (starship): a Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines liner which stops at Zarthustra; because Konkrook is on Uller perhaps Terra-Baldur-Marduk also serves Uller. (FOP)

City of Malverton (starship): a liner which stops at Zarthustra; presumably a Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines ship named for the capital of Marduk(FS)

City of Montevideo (starship): One of the regular hyperships travelling between Uller, Niflheim and Terra; presumably like City of Pretoria it is also a "three-thousand-foot globe" which lands at Gongonk Island spaceport on Uller; perhaps a Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines liner. (UU)

City of Nefertiti (starship): liner which travels from Aton to Poictesme and on to Odin, with the stop at Poictesme (with perhaps no other intermediate stops); apparently one of two liners which travel between Odin and Aton; connects to Pan-Federation Spacelines route to Terra at Aton; sibling ship to the City of Asgard(JP)

City of Pretoria (starship): One of the regular hyperships travelling between Uller, Niflheim and Terra; "three-thousand-foot globe"; lands at Gongonk Island spaceport on Uller; perhaps a Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines liner. (UU)

civilized planet: in the Space Viking era, one of the major planets in the Old Federation — such as Aton, Baldur, Isis, Ishtar, Marduk and Odin — "which had maintained the culture of the Terran Federation uninterruptedly," "with no hiatus of Neobarbarism," "that still have hyperdrive" and where "the language had been frozen unalterably in microbooks and voice tapes."[SV]  (See "rational planet.")

Class II (also "Class-II"): Federation era Colonial Office classification indicating an "inhabitable only in artificial environment" planet (like Mercury or Titan); Fenris was reclassified from Class III to Class II after the failure of the Chartered Fenris Company and the evacuation of the original colonists. (FDP; "Class-II" in LF)

Class III (also "Class-III"): Federation era Colonial Office classification indicating a "uninhabited but inhabitable" planet; Gonzalo Ware recommended Fenris, which had was classified as Class II, be reclassified as Class III after the capture of Anton Gerrit.  The Chartered Zarathustra Company owned all of Zarathustra when it was classified as a Class III planet. (FDP; "Class-III" in LF)

Class IV (also "Class-IV"): Federation era Colonial Office classification indicating a planet inhabited by sapient lifeforms; Zarathustra became a Class IV planet after recognition of Fuzzy sapience; Class IV planets are required to have a Colonial Government, with a Colonial Legislature and headed by a Governor-General; Terrans are forbidden to settle upon or exploit the "anciently accustomed habitation" of Class-IV planet indigenes.  Loki, Shesha and Thor were all Class IV planets and Zarathustra became a Class IV planet when the Fuzzies were recognized as sapient. ("Class-IV" in LF; FS and FOP)

Class V: Federation era Colonial Office classification indicating a planet inhabited by sapient lifeforms with an unspecified degree of "civilization"; on a Class V planet permission for Terrans to settle had to be guaranteed in a treaty of with the sapient indigenes; the Svants made Svantovit a Class V planet (but the Fuzzies did not make Zarathustra a Class V planet).  Federation colonial government on a Class V planet is headed by a Governor-General. (NS; UU)

collapsium [JP/SV]: compressed-matter shielding in which electron shells are collapsed onto atomic nuclei allowing atoms to touch each other; can only be cut by cosmic ray abrasive rotary beam cutter

colonel: Sixth Century Chartered Uller Company Army officer rank with three silver, concentric circles insignia on shoulder. (UU)

Colorado Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on Greenwich Island in the South Shetland Islands.  Site of a former Chilean research station.  Named for an American river.[Ap]

Columbia Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on King George Island in the South Shetland Islands.  Site of a former Chilean research station.  Named for an American river.[Ap]

Comanche Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on Robert Island in the South Shetland Islands.  Site of a former Chilean research station.  Named for Great Plains American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Constabulary: Poictesme police agency. (JP)

contragravity: some aspect of contragravity depends upon the specific gravity of the fluid in which the contragravity craft is operating.  "The engines [of a hunter-ship] are much bigger than would be needed on an ordinary contragravity craft, because a hunter-ship operates under water as well as in the air." (FDP, p. 79)  "[The engines of a hunter-ship have to be] big enough for a five-thousand ton freighter [because running] submerged isn't the same as running in atmosphere." FDP, p. 80)

Corisande: Otto Harkaman's original starship, destroyed at Durendal prior to Harkaman coming to Gram in service to Duke Angus(SV; Corisande was the name of several late 19th and early 20th Century CE British and Canadian sailing ships.  Corisande was also the name of a female character in Jean-Baptiste Lully's 1648 CE opera Amadis and the name of a female character in Benjamin Disraeli's 1870 CE novel Lothair.)

Corisande II: Space Viking ship commanded by Otto Harkaman; first starship built at Rivington Spaceport on Tanith(SV)

Council of Syndics (SV): Ruling body of Eglonsby headed by Pedrosan Pedro

Countess Dorothy (JP): Contragravity ship which brings Conn Maxwell from the starport at Storisende to his home in Litchfield.  Countess Dorothy was a character in James Branch Cabell's novel Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice.

Cranhurst Academy: Military academy in the United Kingdom, attended by Tallal ib'n Khalid and his friend Walid.[Sk]  (Cf. Cranwell and Sandhurst.)

Cyrano (non-starship): Spacecraft which transported the first Terran mission to Mars.  Scheduled to return to Terra when the Schiaparelli arrived at Mars.  Cyrano crew expected to serve as leadership cadre for Schiaparelli mission. (OL)

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Dakota Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on the Trinity Peninsula of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Chilean research station.  Named for a High Plains American region.[Ap]

Damascus (EK): Terran city, site of revolt following assassination of Khalid ib'n Hussein, prior to Turkish intervention in Islamic Caliphate

Darshat's (OS): Terran plantation on Kwannon, overrun by swarming Kwanns; displaced Kwanns from Darshat's plantation were among those who traveled with Gilbert around the world.

Devastators (UU): one of the best regiments of King Jonkvank of Krink, a pro-Terran monarch on Uller.

Didreksburg (SV): duchy on Gram, held by Duke Ridgerd, later pledged under duress to Angus when he became King

Dillingham: Hyperdrive inventor and namesake. (SV)

Dire Dawn (UU): historical novel by Hildegarde Hernandez which included plans of the World War II atomic bomb; used by the Terran settlers to design atomic bombs.

Dunnan: Barony on Gram held by Andray, light blue crescent on black symbol. (SV)

Dynamite Island (UU): small island near Kankad's Town on Uller; site of a indigenous Kragan explosives-plant.

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Eastern Axis: First Century, A.E., alliance believed to have inspired the assassination of Khalid ib'n Hussein; demanded demilitarization internationalization of US Lunar Base which weakened the United Nations, later attacked US rocket ports to start Thirty Days' War.(EK, p. 13, 30)

Eglonsby (SV): Amaterasu city and state ruled by the Council of Syndics (Labor, Manufacturers, Small Businesses, State Protection, 12 others)

Elmersans: Faction competing for the Royal throne on Durendal, Otto Harkaman's ship Corisande was lost in their service. (SV)

Elmoran: One of Klem Zareff's gunships; named for a System States Alliance navy capital ship. (JP) (An Elmoran was a type of young Masai warrior in Rider Haggard's novel Allan Quatermain.)

electronics, miniaturization of:(JP) "[The hunter-ship scout boat] regular boat radio [and] the receiver for the [radio] locator [had components that] had been miniaturized to a point where watchmaker's tools would have been pretty large for working on them. . . ."  (FDP, p. 120)

Erie Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on King George Island in the South Shetland Islands.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for an American Great Lake.[Ap]

Essex Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at the Cape Hallett oasis on the Borchgrevink Coast of Victoria Land.  Site of a former New Zealand research station.  Named for an early American sailing warship.[Ap]

Everglades Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for an American National Park.[Ap]

Exectutive Special Agent: Terran Federation covert investigative and enforcement official.  "There are all sorts of secret agents operating in the Federation—Army and Navy Intelligence, police of different sorts, Colonial Office agents, private detectives, Chartered Company agents.  But there are fewer Executive Specials than there are inhabited planets in the Federation.  They rank, ex officio, as Army generals and Space Navy admirals; they have the privilege of the floor in Parliament, they take orders from nobody but the President of the Federation.  But very few people have ever seen one or talked to anybody who has."(FDP, p. 193)

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Federation, First: early Terran Federation from which Venus seceded. (SV)

Federation, Old: see Old Federation(SS, SV)

Federation, Second: new Terran Federation organized after Venus seceded from the First Federation. (SV)

Federation Constitution: The supreme government establishing document of the Terran Federation ("The Federation Constitution guarantees equal rights to all," FDP, p. 196).

Federation Day: Terran Federation holiday likened by Walt Boyd to the Pre-Atomic French Bastille Day and  American Independence Day holidays in the context of the potential commemoration of the outbreak of the "First Fenris Civil War."(FDP, p. 178)

Federation Institute of Xeno-Sciences: Federation era research institute.  Sponsor of Bennett Rainsford's scientific work on Zarathustra.(LF, FS)

Fenris Civil War, First: Possible description offered by Walt Boyd of the conflict between the independent monster hunters and the Hunters' Co-operative led by Steve Ravick; Boyd likely provided a key historical account of this conflict (Boyd at the time had no knowledge of any "second" civil war on Fenris).(FDP, p. 178)

Franklin Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at the Stillwell Hills oasis on the Kemp Land coast.  Named for an American Revolutionary War sailing warship.[Ap]

Freyan: indigenous sapient race on Freya, interfertile with Terro-humans (WC) One of Paul Quinton's great-grandmothers was Freyan (UU)

Fuzzy: indigenous sapient race on Zarathustra. (LF, FS, FOP)

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gadolinium: element essential to hyperdrive engines.(SV)

Gartner Trisystem: Trinary system settled by Genji Gartner in the Seventh Century, A.E. Alpha system worlds named from works of James Branch Cabell, location of Poictesme, Koshchei. Beta system worlds named from Spenser's Faerie Queen. Gamma system worlds named from works of Rabelais, location of Pantagruel, three light years from Alpha system.(JP)

Ghu: Deity of indigenes on Thor, the 'Grandfather-God'. Name used by humans as curse "Great Ghu!", "For Ghu's sake!"(JP)

giraffe-bird: animal native to Tizona.(SV)

Glaspyth: Duchy on Gram, held by Omfray, later seized by Angus when he became King. (SV)

Gordon Valley: Location of Litchfield on Poictesme.(JP)

Gordon Valley Home Guard: Poictesme militia commanded by Colonel Klem Zareff.(JP)

Gorram shipyards: shipbuilding barony on Gram held by Alex Gorram, pledged to Angus(SV)

Governor-General (or "Governor General"): the chief administrative officer of colonial planets appointed or confirmed by the Federation government (see Agent-General, Minister-General, Resident-Agent and Resident-General). (UU, NS, FOP; "Governor General" in OS, LF)

Grank: regional sovereignty "in the North" on Uller, ruled by indigenous King Yoorkerk in the Federation era; site of Chartered Uller Company ore smelting operations; the Company Resident-Agent was Guido Karamessinis. (UU)

gum-pear: Gram fruit used to make brandy.(SV)

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Hancock Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on the Trinity Peninsula of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for an American Revolutionary War sailing warship.[Ap]

Hermann Reuch's Land: region of the Antarctic continent on Fenris. (FDP)

horse: Terran beast of burden popularly thought to be extinct. (FDP)

Hoylbar: Glaspyth arms manufacturing house. (SV)

Hubert Penrose (starship): a "2500-foot battle cruiser" which brought the joint Space Navy-Colonial Office expedition to Svantovit; commanded by Captain Guy Vindinho; stayed in orbit, sending landing craft to the planet's surface; named for Hubert Penrose, commander of the first Mars expedition(NS)

Hunters' Co-operative: Commercial association of monster-hunters on Fenris that led the revolt against Steve Ravick and Morton Hallstock. (FDP)

Huron Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on the Oates Land coast.  Site of a former Eastern Bloc (Russian) research station.  Named for an American Great Lake.[Ap]

hyperspace drive: Faster-than-light propulsion method. (JP)  One light year in "sixty-odd" hours. (FDP)  "About a light year an hour." (SV)

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Interstellar Era (EK): Dating system. The First Galactic Empire dissolved in the Tenth Century of this era

interstellar expansion (EK): early period similar to Spanish Conquistadores; (SV): early period in Third Century, A.E.

Interstellar Explorations, Ltd.: major stockholder in the Chartered Zarathustra Company, along with the Banking Cartel and Terra Baldur-Marduk Spacelines(LF, FS)

Interstellar Wars: warfare which occurred in Old Federation space, after the collapse or the Old Federation, from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Centuries, A.E.  (SV; SS)

Iroquois Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in the Debenham Islands off the Fallières Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for northeastern American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Islamic Caliphate: Pro-Western Middle Eastern state of the First Century, A.E., apparently with its capital at Basra. Wracked by anarchy (revolt at Damascus, sack of Beirut), inter-factional power struggles (war between Jordan and Saudi Arabia) and Turkish intervention (and annexation of Syria and Lebanon) after the assassination of it's first leader, Khalid ib'n Hussein, in 32 A.E. Eventually joined the Terran Federation under Khalid's son, Tallal ib'n Khalid, before start of Thirty Days' War. (EK, pp. 16-7, 48, 54, 59)

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Jan Smuts (starship): a Terran Federation Navy (T.F.N.) destroyer, sibling ship of the Simón Bolivar; named for a pre-Atomic Era South African military and political leader.[Ap]

jetticopter: aircraft used on first Terran mission to Mars(OL)

John Monash (starship): a Terran Federation Navy (T.F.N.) destroyer, sibling ship of the Simón Bolivar; named for a pre-Atomic Era Australian military and political leader.[Ap]

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Kapstaad ("Cape Town"): city on Terra, legislative capital of the pre-Federation nation of South Africa; perhaps the seat of the Federation government (perhaps with the Federation Parliament using the South African Houses of Parliament — and perhaps any remaining South African legislature relocated to the Union Buildings in Pretoria); also see Pretoria.[Ap]  Location of Kapstaad Spaceport (FOP) and Kapstaad Chemical Products (FDP); Leslie Coombes planned to engage a Kapstaad (or Johannesburg) law firm on behalf of the Charterless Zarathustra Company (FOP).

Kapstaad Chemical Products, Ltd.: company in South Africa, on Terra, with which Steve Ravick negotiated an exclusive contract for the purchase of tallow-wax produced by the Hunters' Co-operative on Fenris(FDP)

Kapstaad Spaceport: spaceport at Kapstaad on Terra; Hugo Ingermann bought a ticket on the Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines liner City of Konkrook to Kapstaad when he fled Zarathustra.[Ap]

Karvall House: Estate of Sesar Karvall(SV)

Karvallmills: steel mill barony on Gram held by Sesar Karvall, pledged to Angus, yellow fire and black hammer symbol. (SV)

Keegark: regional sovereignty on Uller, ruled by indigenous King Orgzild in the Federation era; the Company Resident-Agent was Hendrik Lemoyne. (UU)

Kilroy: first unmanned rocket to land on the Moon in 29 A.E. (1971 AD).  (EK, pp. 21-2)

Kiowa Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in the Ross Archipelago off the Scott Coast of Victoria Land.  Site of a former New Zealand research station.  Named for Great Plains American Indian tribes.[Ap]

kregg (SV): Khepera long-haired, unicorn-like animal

Krink: regional sovereignty on Uller, ruled by indigenous King Jonkvank in the Federation era; site of Chartered Uller Company ore smelting operations and farms; the Company Resident-Agent was Francis Xavier Shapiro.

Kukan: Martian name of the city in Syrtis where the first Terran mission to Mars began its explorations. (OL)

Kwann: indigenous sapient race on Kwannon.  Kwanns are "humanoid, to the extent of being [upright bipeds], with two arms, a head on top of shoulders, and a torso [with] four lungs.  Their faces have "two eyes in front, close enough for stereoscopic vision . . . [and a] mouth strictly for eating.  They breathe "through separate intakes and outlets, one of each on either side of [the] neck [and talk] through the outlets and [have] scent and hearing organs in the intakes."  They have skin that is "blue-gray and [looks] like rubberTheir hands are "long and thin, like a squirrel's."  Kwanns exhale through their skin, surrounding themselves with "stenches like an organic chemistry lab."(OS)

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La Plata Spaceport: spaceport on Terra, most likely near Montevideo and Buenos Aires; Conn Maxwell, who had been attending the University of Montevideo, departed from La Plata Spaceport on the Mizar, when he returned to Poictesme via Odin(JP; the Rìo de la Plata is a river and estuary which empties into the Atlantic Ocean on the southeastern coastline of South America; the cities of Buenos Aires and Montevideo are on its western and northern shores, respectively.)

Lexington Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in the Palmer Archipelago off the Danco Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for an American Revolutionary War battle.[Ap]

Liberals (JP): Political party on Terra in the late Federation era.

Lingua Terra: standard language of the Terran Federation (FDP); standard language of the Sword-Worlds and Old Federation worlds. (SV)

Litchfield (JP): Settlement on Poictesme, home of Conn Maxwell

Litchfield Academy (JP): School on Poictesme attended by Conn Maxwell before he went to college on Terra, headed by Professor Dolf Kelton

Loki enslavements: The "enslavement of from twenty to thirty thousand Lokian indigenes . . . most of whom were worked to death in the mines"; led by Anton Gerrit; occured fifteen years prior to the events portrayed in Four-Day Planet; most of the participants were caught by Federation officials, but Gerrit escaped and eventually made his way to Fenris, assuming the alias identity Steve Ravick.(FDP, 195)

Lunar Base: "powerful" United States military facility on the Moon, subject of "crisis over the Eastern [Axis] demands for [its]] demilitarization and internationalization" which sparked the Thirty Days' War.(EK)  At the outbreak of the Thirty Days' War, the Lunar Base was "completed and ready [and] the enemy missiles would be aimed primarily at the rocketports from which it was supplied."(EK)  The Lunar Base may have been something like the planned Moonbase Apollo.

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Magellanic (starship): Pan-Federation Spacelines ship that brought news of Foxx Travis's interview with Interworld News Service from Terra to Aton; it was brought from there to Poictesme by the City of Nefertiti; named for a nearby galaxy(JP)

Malverton: capital city of Marduk; perhaps named for the "Countess of Malverton," a character in a 1938 film which was based upon a 1827 novel(FDP)

major: Late First Century Terran Federation Space Force officer rank with single star insignia on shoulder; Sixth Century Chartered Uller Company Army officer rank with cuff-braid insignia. (OL, p. 14; UU, p. 77)

Manniwel (SV): Neighboring barony to Traskon on Gram, Lucas Trask led Traskon forces against in boundary dispute

Maylower Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in the Flatvaer Islands off the Prince Harald Coast of Queen Maud Land.  Site of a former Japanese research station.  Named for the sailing ship which brought early European settlers to America.[Ap]

McMurdo Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in the Ross Archipelago and at the McMurdo Dry Valleys oases on the Scott Coast of Victoria Land.  Site of a former American research station for which it was named.[Ap]

Med Service: Branch of the Federation Armed Forces, color sterilon. (JP

megathere: Gram elephantine animal. (SV)

Member Republic: autonomous member of the Terran Federatrion; Venus, Poictesme and Khepera were all Federation Member Republics. (WC; JP; SV)

Mesa Verde Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on King George Island in the South Shetland Islands.  Site of a former Eastern Bloc (Russian) research station.  Named for an American National Park.[Ap]

Michigan Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in the Wilhelm Archipelago off the Graham Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for an American Great Lake.[Ap]

Minister-General: the official representative of the Federation Government to Federation Member Republics; there was a Minister-General on Poictesme (see Agent-General, Governor-General, Resident-Agent and Resident-General). (JP)

Mississippi Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at Cierva Cove on the Davis Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for an American river.[Ap]

Missouri Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on Joinville Island off the Trinity Peninsula of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for an American river.[Ap]

Mizar (Federation era starship): starship which brought Conn Maxwell from Terra, departing from the La Plata Spaceport, to Odin, where he transferred to the City of Asgard to Poictesme; there were four months between Maxwell's departure from Terra and his departure for Poictesme; perhaps a Terra-Odin Spacelines ship; named for a star in the constellation Ursa Major(JP)

Mizar (Empire era starship): a "three thousand foot globe" transport-cruiser (warship) which was part of the flotilla sent to Aditya; sibling-ship of the Canopus and Algol; named for a star in the constellation Ursa Major(MD)

Mojave Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at Ferin Head on the Graham Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for an American National Preserve.[Ap]  (Name inspired by a science-fictional freighter spaceship.)

monster-hunter (FDP): local name for hunters of Fenris sea monsters, only known natural source of tallow-wax

Montevideo: city on Terra; likely served by La Plata Spaceport; perhaps the capital of the Federation Member Republic of South America; capital of the pre-Federation nation of Uruguay. (JP, Ap)

Montevideo, University of: Terran university attended by Paula Quinton, Miles Gilbert and Conn Maxwell.(UU; OS; JP)  The University library is where "the photostats of the old U.S. data that General Lanningham brought to South America after the debacle in the United States in A.E. 114" are kept.(UU)  Nancy Patterson had been a secretary in the social science division there.(WC)  Likely evolved from the Universidad de la República Uruguay.

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naudsonce (NS): the "non-auditory sonic sense" of the Svants by which sound waves are transformed in tectile sensations.

Navajo Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at the Holme Bay oasis on the Mac. Robertson Land coast.  Site of a former Australian research station.  Named for southwestern American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Nemesis: Lucas Trask's starship, purchased from Duke Angus with his barony, Traskon; built at Gorram shipyards; first commanded by Otto Harkaman, used to establish Space Viking base at Tanith.

Neobarbarians (SV): Eighteen worlds in the Old Federation that still possess hyperdrive technology

Newhaven: county on Gram, held by Lionel, later pledged to Angus when he became King. (SV)

New Year's Day (SV): Gram (all Sword-Worlds?) holiday apparently celebrated with the giving of gifts

New Yellowstone: burrow-city on Luna; originally established by the first Terran Federation, its first settlement on the Moon (at the site of the first Lunar Base).  Named for one of the first Terran Federation settlements in Antarctica. (Ap)

Nifflheim (JP): Curse similar to 'hell', from the planet so-named

Northport (SV): Independent barony on Gram held by Lord Alan, later pledged to Angus when he became King.

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Odin Dock & Shipyard Company: operates the startport, with extraterritoriality conditions, on Fenris(FDP)

Old Federation: name for the collapsed Terran Federation, in the Space Viking era and during the first Galactic Empire, which the founders of the Sword-Worders fled after the System States War.

Ordnance: Branch of the Federation Armed Forces, eight-pointed red star symbol. (JP)

Orthodox-Monophysism: Religion on Fenris. (FDP)

Operation Triple Cross: Secret plan that duplicated and triplicated supply rocket ports for US Lunar Base, served to thwart Eastern Axis surprise attack on primary supply ports at start of Thirty Days' War.(EK, p. 47, 55-6) See Philadelphia Project.

oukry: Freyan beast of burden. (FDP)

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Pan-Federation Spacelines: their ship Magellanic brought news of Foxx Travis's interview with Interworld News Service from Terra to Aton; it was brought from there to Poictesme by the City of Nefertiti; their freighter Callisto came to Freya after the Stellex brought its first Freyan cargo to Yggdrasil; seen as a potential competitor to Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines on Zarthustra after the Chartered Zarathustra Company lost its charter. (JP; WC; FOP)

Pan-Federation Telecast System: Late First Century news organization which sent a reporter, Gloria Standish, on the first Terran mission to Mars. (OL)

Panplanet News Service: Gram news agency. (SV)

Parliament: Terran Federation legislative body.(FDP, p. 193)

Paula von Schlicten Fellowship: extraterrestrial sociography post-graduate fellowship established by Paula von Schlichten; Miles Gilbert was a recipient. (OS)

Peenemünde (starship): Terra-Odin Spacelines liner which services the "milk-run" between Terra and Odin, stopping at six intermediate planets including Fenris and Gimli, the next planet in the direction of Odin from Fenris; a "two-thousand-foot globular ship" which lands on the planet with assistance from contragravity tugs; typically boarded via a "bridge . . . across the pit to the equator" of the ship; sibling ship to the Cape Canaveral(FDP)

Penn State University (OL): Late First Century university which provided a female professor of natural ecology to the first Terran mission to Mars.

Penrose landing craft (contragravity ship): "sixty-foot collapsium-armored turtles" from the Hubert Penrose used to shuttle members of the Meillard expedition to the surface of Svantovit(NS)

Penrose: settlement on Mars, near the site of the ancient Martian city of Kukan, where the first Terran mission to Mars began its explorations; named for the leader of the Cyrano expedition. (OL)

Philadelphia Project: secret U.S. military lunar-base project in the First Century, A.E.(EK, pp. 21-2, 54) See Operation Triple Cross.

pinnace (SV): two hundred foot hyperdrive craft, four normally carried by Space Viking ships

Port Oberth: city (presumably capital and spaceport) on Venus; Yves Jacquemont had experience there of general lawlessness; named for a pioneer of spacecraft dynamics(FDP)

Port Sandor: spaceport and only major city on Fenris(FDP)

President: Chief executive of the Terran Federation.  Also the chief executive of the Federation Member Republic of Venus.  Also the chief executive of the Federation Member Republic of Poictesme.  The chief executive of the Eglonsby Council of Syndics on Amaterasu in the Space Viking era.  Hereditary ruler of the Republic of Tetragrammaton in the Space Viking era. (FDP; WC; JP; SV)

Pretoria: city on Terra, perhaps the capital of the Federation Member Republic of Southern Africa; administrative capital of the pre-Federation nation of South Africa; also see Kaptaad.[Ap]

Princeton Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on Signy Island of the South Orkney Islands.  Site of a World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for an American Revolutionary War battle.[Ap]

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Queen Flavia: unfinished starship captured by Angus after seizure of Glaspyth; eventually switched allegiance to Lucas Trask at Tanith.

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Randolph Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at Waterboat Point on the Danco Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Chilean research station.  Named for an American Revolutionary War sailing warship.[Ap]

rational planet: one of the major colonized planets of the Federation era — such as Baldur, Thor, Odin and Freya — with exceptionally hospitable ecospheres and advanced economic and technological accomplishment similar to that of Terra.[FDP]  (See "civilized planet.")

relativistic time dilation (for hyperdrive travel): "Belsher's been on the ship [from Terra to Fenris] for six months.  Well, call it three; everything speeds up about double in hyperspace."(FDP, p. 71) Distance between Terra and Fenris is "six hundred and fifty light-years. . . ."(FDP, p. 149)

Reno (EK): Terran city destroyed by non-nuclear explosion at railroad yard and fire shortly after the assassination of Khalid ib'n Hussein

Resident-Agent: Colonial Office official representing the Terran Federation on Class III settled planets; Gonzalo Ware assumed position Acting Resident-Agent of Fenris after capturing Anton Gerrit, recommended to Colonial Office that a permanent Resident-Agent be appointed, as part of reclassification of Fenris as Class III planet; also the local official representing the Chartered Uller Company at the capitals of indigenous regional sovereignties; there were Resident-Agents at Grank, Keegark, Krink, Skilk, (see Agent-General, Governor-General, Minister-General and Resident-General).  (FDP, pp. 48, 206 & 212; UU)

Resident-General: the official representative of the Federation Government on colonial planets; there was a Resident-General on Zarathustra before it was reclassified as a Class IV planet; (see Agent-General, Governor-General, Minister-General and Resident-Agent). (LF, FS)

Rio Grande Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in Marguerite Bay off the Fallières Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for an American river.[Ap]

Rise and Decline of the System States: history text by Franchard published in the "Twenty-eighth Century" (this likely means the 28th Century of the Christian Era, which ends in 857 A.E., shortly after the end of the System States War). (EK); (possibly modeled on The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, written by Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, which would imply that Franchard was the leader of the System States Alliance).

Rivington Spaceport: Tanith spaceport constructed by Lucas Trask's Space Vikings. (SV)

robots (SV): widely used in the Sword-Worlds; (JP): Widely used on Poictesme

Roncevaux: the capital city of the world Durendal in the Empire era (SS); (from the Carolingian romances, site the battle in which the paladin Roland, wielder of Durendal, was killed).

Rozinante (starship): Durendal freighter, commanded by Captain Morbes which was chartered to accompany the Space Scourge back from Gram with trade goods after Boake Valkanhayn had taken the first Tanith raiding booty to Gram; returned to Gram with a cargo of raiding booty.  Named for the horse of the protagonist of a work of medieval European literature (SV)

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sapient race: Zarthustran Fuzzies are confirmed to be the "ninth extrasolar sapient race" in the Federation era of Little Fuzzy.  The eight previously-known "extrasolar" sapient races are the Ullerans of Uller Uprising and the Freyans of "When in the Course—," the indigenes of Gimli mentioned in Fuzzy Sapiens and Fuzzies and Other People, the indigenes of Hathor mentioned in Fuzzy Sapiens, the Lokians mentioned in "When in the Course—," Four-Day Planet and the Fuzzy novels, the Sheshans mentioned in Four-Day Planet and the Fuzzy novels, the Thorans mentioned in "When in the Course—," Four-Day Planet, Uller Uprising and the Fuzzy novels, and the Khoogras of Yggdrasil mentioned in "When in the Course—," Uller Uprising and the Fuzzy novels.
     The races mentioned in the Fuzzy novels or in yarns which occur prior to Little Fuzzy suggest that the discovery of the Svants in "Naudsonce" was not yet generally known at the time of Little Fuzzy.  The Kwanns of "Oomphel in the Sky" must have been discovered after the events of Little Fuzzy as well.
     In "Ministry of Disturbance" there are "fourteen races—fifteen if you counted the Zarathustran Fuzzies" within the bounds of the Empire.  Adding Terro-humans to the eleven races described above leaves three additional races.  The extinct ancient Martians of "Omnilingual" might be among these.  Considering the example of the Freyans who are interfertile with Terro-humans, perhaps there is a similar interfertile race on Nergal where a "half-breed Space Viking" character whose mother may have been a Nergaler is described as having "coarse black hair, a mahogany-brown skin, and red-brown, almost maroon, eyes" (though this may simply have been the result of centuries-long Terro-human adaptation to the Nergal environment).  The fifteenth sapient race of the Empire era remains a mystery.

Saratoga Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in the Palmer Archipelago off the Danco Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for an American Revolutionary War battle.[Ap]

Schiaparelli (OL): Spacecraft expected to transport the second Terran mission of five-hundred people to Mars a year-and-a-half after the Cyrano mission arrived.

Seminole Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in Crystal Sound off the Loubet Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for southeastern American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Sequoia Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at the Larsemann Hills oasis on the Ingrid Christensen Coast of Princess Elizabeth Land.  Named for an American National Park.[Ap]  (Name inspired by a science-fictional freighter spaceship.)

shellosaur: at one time the dominant type of mobile land-life on Uller; running from five to fifteen tons, plated all over with silicate shell, till it looked like a six-legged pine-cone; some were herbivores and some were carnivores. In the Federation era there are a few left, in remote places, quite a few in the Southern Hemisphere.  Dome of them began specializing on mobility instead of armor and began excreting waste-matter instead of turning it to shell. Some of these new species got rid of their shell entirely. The indigenous sapient race on Uller, Parahomo sapiens Ulleris, is descended from one of these. (UU)

shellosaur-rifle: heavy rifle used to hunt Ulleran shellosaurs. (UU)

Shenandoah Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in the Geologie Archipelago off the Adèlie Land coast.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (French) research station.  Named for an American National Park.[Ap]  (Name inspired by a science-fictional freighter spaceship.)

Sheshan: indigenous sapient race on the planet Shesha.  (Shesha was a mythological Hindu figure.)
    Walt Boyd notes that a company troop squad facing an angry mob on Fenris would "last about as long as a pint of trade gin at a Sheshan funeral."(FDP)  Colonel Ian Ferguson, head of the Colonial Constabulary on Zarathustra, makes a similar allusion.(LF)
    In the Federation era, Shesha is a "Class-IV planet," meaning it has a indigenous sophont race.  These indigenes are able to speak with Terrans and describe indigenous concepts in their own language.(LF)
    Ruth Ortheris had worked with the extraterrestrials on Shesha prior to coming to Zarathurstra.  Gerd van Riebeek uses Sheshan curse words.(LF)
    When Conn Maxwell and Sylvie Jacquemont rebuild Conn's mother's household robot, giving it the ability to understand voice commands, they also program it to respond in a "thick Sheshan accent" because all "the smart people on Terra . . . had Sheshan humanoid servants." (JP)
    Jack Holloway believed that Sheshans (and Ullerans) were a bit more culturally advanced than indigenes on "planets like Loki or Thor or Yggdrasil" who would understand abstract concepts like "ultrasonics and electronics and acoustics" in terms of "black magic" while those concepts could be explained to a Sheshan as the "the mysterious ways of the gods."(LF)  Sheshans (and Ullerans) are understood to be a bit more culturally advanced than the indigenes on planets like Loki and Gimli and Thor but nevertheless "thought [cocktail hour] was a [Terran] religious observance." (LF)
    Jack Holloway had been on Shesha (and Thor and Loki and Mimir) before coming to Zarathustra and had had a friend killed there. (FOP)

Sif: colonized planet in the Alpha Centauri system, the first extra-solar colony (named for an ancient Norse deity); originally named Demeter (for an ancient Hellenic deity), but controversy over naming of the world led the Terran Federation Astrographic Commission to prohibit use of Helleno-Roman names for extra-solar bodies; "Demeter" officially changed to "Sif," though use of original, Hellenic term persisted for many years.[Ap]

Simón Bolivar (starship): a Terran Federation Navy (T.F.N.) destroyer apparently based on Gimli which came to Fenris to take Anton Gerrit and Leo Belsher to Terra for trial; also brought Detective-Major MacBride of the Colonial Constabulary; did not make landing at Fenris but went into orbit and sent down a boat; Bolivar transit from Fenris to Terra takes at least two hundred hours less than the transit for the Cape Canaveral or Peenemünde (unclear whether this is because Bolivar travels at faster speeds or because it does not make same intermediate stops—or perhaps simply because it does not take time to land); named for a pre-Atomic Era South American military leader and revolutionary(FDP)

Sioux Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on the Trinity Peninsula of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former World Commonwealth (British) research station.  Named for Great Plains American Indian tribes.[Ap]

Skafloc (starship): the starship which brought the first, privately-funded Terran expedition to Gimli.[Ap]

Skilk: regional sovereignty on Uller, ruled by indigenous King Firkked in the Federation era; site of Chartered Uller Company ore smelting operations and farms; the Company Resident-Agent was Jules Keaveney. (UU)

Skorvann: city (presumably capital and spaceport) on Loki; Yves Jacquemont had experience there of general lawlessness.  (FDP)

sol: basic medium of exchange of Terran Federation.(FDP; JP)

South Africa: historical Terran nation-state; perhaps a Federation Member Republic (perhaps including Bechuanaland (Botswana), Congo-Brazzaville, Congo-LĂ©opoldville, Gabon, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Nyzasaland (Malawi), Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Ruanda-Urundi (Burundi and Rwanda), South Africa, South West Africa (Namibia), Swaziland, Tanganyika and Zanzibar and Uganda), with capital at Pretoria.[Ap]

South America: perhaps a Federation Member Republic (perhaps including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil (including Angola and Moçambique), Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyane, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venzuela), with capital at Montevideo.[Ap]

South Ocean (FDP): Fenris sea

Southmain Continent: Gram continent, site of ongoing, two-century long war. (SV)

Space Scourge: Space Viking starship commanded by Boake Valkanhayn; eventually pledged to Lucas Trask at Tanith(SV)

Space Force: Late First Century Terran military service which led the first mission to Mars; field uniforms were green; referred to as "the Service." (OL)

Space Viking ship (SV): Two-thousand foot diameter ship used by Sword-Worlders, requires crew of 300 and carries 500 ground fighters

Space Vikings (SV): Sword-Worlders conducting raid-and-trade operations in the Old Federation for the last three hundred years, at least two hundred ships in operation

stellar (SV): Excalibur currency, basic medium of exchange of the Sword-Worlds

Stellex (starship): the "thousand foot sphere" starship which brought the first Terran expedition to Freya; subsequently brought first cargo to Yggdrasil; had a crew complement of fifteen; carried the "two hundred foot hyperyacht" Voortrekker in an internal berth and six "seventy foot oval" landing-craft; had Dillingham hyperdrive engines, carniculture vats and hydroponic gardens and life support systems which recycled oxygen and water; would take it six months to travel from Freya to Terra; named is Latin for a "star."[WC]

Stolgoland (SV): Amaterasu state conquered by Eglonsby with the aid of Trask's Space Vikings, capital Stolgonopolis

Storisende (JP): Capital city and spaceport on Poictesme

Storisende, First Families of (JP): ruling oligarchy on Poictesme, direct descendants of original crew headed by Genji Gartner that discovered the Gartner Trisystem.

Subwar (EK): A "steady underground conflict of subversion and sabotage" between the United States and its allies and the Eastern Axis nations in the period after the advent of nuclear weapons and leading up to the Thirty Days' War; the destruction of Reno in 30 A.E. (1973 AD) was a "relatively minor incident" of the Subwar.

sunstone (JP): Zarathustran gem

Superior Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on Seymour Island off the Trinity Peninsula of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for an American Great Lake.[Ap]

Svant: indigenous sapient race on Svantovit first encountered in the Seventh Century, A.E.  Svants are "red-brown in color, completely hairless [with] long necks, almost chinless lower jaws, and fleshy, beak-like noses that gave them an avian appearance heightened by red crests, like roosters' combs, on the tops of their heads."  The combs are sense organs which "transform sound waves into tactile sensations."  This "non-auditory sonic sense" is known as naudsonce(NS)

Sword-Worlds: interstellar society comprising twelve planets (Excalibur, Joyeuse, Durendal, Flamberge, Morglay, Haulteclere, Gram, Curtana, Colada, Tizona, Quernbiter and one unnamed world) and three and a half billion people. (SV)

Syrtis (OL): site of the first Terran landing on Mars.  See Kukan.

System States Alliance: worlds (including Abigor, Asmodai, Baphomet, Belphegor, Marduk and Mephistopheles) that attempted to secede from the Terran Federation leading to the System States War(JP; SV)

System States War (842-854 A.E.): civil war between the Terran Federation and the secessionist System States Alliance in the Old Federation, also called Big War; the founders of the Sword-Worlds fled the Old Federation after defeat in the war. (JP; SV)

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tallow-wax: principal export product on the planet Fenris in the Federation era. "It isn't really wax, and it isn't tallow. It's a growth on the Jarvis's sea-monster; there's a layer of it under the skin, and around organs that need padding. An average-sized monster, say a hundred and fifty feet long, will yield twelve to fifteen tons of it. . . . Chemically, tallow-wax isn't like anything else in the known Galaxy. The molecules are huge; they can be seen with an ordinary optical microscope, and a microscopically visible molecule is a curious-looking object, to say the least. They use the stuff to treat fabric for protective garments [and] . . . a suit of waxed coveralls weighing only a couple of pounds will stop as much radiation as half an inch of lead. Tallow-wax will burn, and a wax fire is something to get really excited about, but the ignition point is 750° C." (FDP)

Tanith Adventure (SV): Duke Angus's plan to use the Enterprise to establish a base on Tanith in the Old Federation.

Terra-Odin Spacelines: operates two liners, the Peenemünde and the Cape Canaveral, on the "milk-run" between Terra and Odin, stopping at six intermediate planets including Fenris and Gimli, the next planet in the direction of Odin from Fenris; seen as a potential competitor to Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines on Zarthustra after the Chartered Zarathustra Company lost its charter. (FDP; FOP)

Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines: has a leased terminal on Darius, the inner moon of Zarathustra, where it enjoyed a monopolistic franchise before recognition of Fuzzy sapience; major shareholder of the Chartered Zarathustra Company, along with Interstellar Explorations, Ltd. and the Banking Cartel; their liners City of Kapstaad and City of Konkrook (and perhaps City of Malverton) stop at Zarathustra. (LF, FS, FOP)

Terran Federation: Formed by Western nations after dissolution of United Nations resulting from assassination of Khalid ib'n Hussein and Eastern Axis demands for demilitarization and internationalization of United States Lunar Base. Tallal ib'n Khalid, Khalid's son, brought the Islamic Caliphate into the Federation in 32, A.E. Became single world sovereignty by early Second Century, A.E. (SV; EK, pp. 16-7, 21-2, 30, 48) See also Federation, First; Federation, Old; Federation, Second.

Terrohuman: indigenous sapient race on Terra.

Third Fleet-Army Force (JP): Federation Armed Forces unit based at Poictesme during the System States War

Thirty Days' War: Thermonuclear war between US-led Terran Federation and the Eastern Axis in 32, A.E. Preceded by Turkish attempt to restore order in the Islamic Caliphate (and annexation of Syria and Lebanon) after the assassination of Khalid ib'n Hussein and the subsequent revolt at Damascus, the sack of Beirut, and war between Jordan and Saudi Arabia; Eastern-inspired uprising in Azerbaijan (northern Iran) was followed by Indian invasion of Bangladesh (East Pakistan). Caliphate joined the Federation. General war followed, surprise Eastern Axis missiles attacked rocket ports that supplied U.S. Lunar Base, United States suffered grievously before Operation Triple Cross permitted counter-attack from Lunar Base.(EK, pp. 16-7, 30, 36, 48, 54, 55-6, 57, 59)

Thorans (JP): indigenous race on Thor, 'funny little fellows, with faces like terriers, their bodies covered with matted black hair', students on Terra, worshippers of Ghu

Ticonderoga Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on the Queen Mary Land coast.  Site of a former Eastern Bloc (Russian) research station.  Named for an American Revolutionary War battle.[Ap]

Transcontinent & Overseas (T&O) (JP): Poictesme contragravity airline, original owner of the Harriet Barne

Trans-Space News Service (OL): Late First Century news organization which sent a reporter, Sid Chamberlain, on the first Terran mission to Mars.

Traskon: farming and ranching barony on Gram, originally held by Lucas Trask, pledged to Duke Angus; symbol is a tawny bisonoid head on green; given to Angus by Trask in trade for Nemesis(SV)

Traskon New House: Traskon residence built by Lucas Trask as wedding gift for his bride Elaine(SV)

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United Nations (UN): First Century, A.E., international collective-security organization. Dissolution hastened by assassination of Khalid ib'n Hussein after weakening from Eastern Axis demands for demilitarization and internationalization of U.S. Lunar Base. Led to formaion of Terran Federation by Western nations.(EK, p. 30)

Uprising: Federation era (526 A.E.) indigenous revolt on Uller, similar to the Sepoy Mutiny. (UU; FOP)

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Valley Forge Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America at the Vestfold Hills oasis on the Ingrid Christensen Coast of Princess Elizabeth Land.  Site of a former Australian research station.  Named for an American Revolutionary War battle.[Ap]  (Name inspired by a science-fictional freighter spaceship.)

vibratool: a hand-held, automated prying device.(OL)

Voortrekker (starship): "two hundred foot hyperyacht" carried in an internal berth aboard the Stellex; had Dillingham hyperdrive engines; faster than the Stellex and the Pan-Federation freighters; can travel from Freya to Terra in "about four months"; owned by Adriaan de Ruyter(WC)

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Ward (SV): Ducal house on Gram, symbol is sword and atom.

Wardshaven: duchy and capital city of the ducal house of Ward on Gram, held by Angus(SV)

Waterville (JP): Town on the east coast of the main continent on Poictesme, sacked by outlaws.

Wellstown: settlement on Mars, originally established by the World Commonwealth; named for a First Century, PreAtomic writer of speculative fiction about Mars. (Ap)

Westlands Telecast and Teleprint (SV): Gram news agency, orange and blue colors.

Windsor (SV): Spaceport on Curtana.

Image - World Commonwealth flag

World Commonwealth flag

World Commonwealth (formally "World Commonwealth of Nations"): International collective security organization formed in the aftermath of the Third World War.  One of two major successor organizations to the United Nations.  Led by northwestern Eurasian nations of Britain and France.  Launched the first expedition to Venus and went on to establish a major colony there.  One of the principal combatants in the Fourth World War.[Ap]

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Xanx: a territorial region on Freya. (WC)

Xeno-Sciences, Federation Institute of: see Federation Institute of Xeno-Sciences.

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Yah: chief diety in the religion of Gilgamesh, referred to as "Yah the Almighty." (SV)

Year End Holidays: Federation era holidays known for consumer shopping. (FS)

Yellowmarsh: city/spaceport on the world Janicot in the Gartner Trisystem. (JP)

Yellowsand Canyon: region in Fuzzy Reservation on Beta Continent of Zarathustra, three time zones east of Mallorysport, site of sunstone deposits leased to the Zarathustra Company. (FOP)

Yellowsand River: river in Fuzzy Reservation on Beta Continent of Zarathustra, with headwaters in the Divide mountain range. (FOP)

Yellowsand Valley: region in Fuzzy Reservation on Beta Continent of Zarathustra. (FOP)

Yellowstone Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America in the Palmer Archipelago off the Danco Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former American research station.  Named for an American National Park.[Ap]  (Name inspired by a science-fictional freighter spaceship.)

Yellowstone Valley: region on Freya, site of sulfur deposits. (WC)

Yenth: tenth month in the Martian calendar. (OL)

Yo-Yo: Space Viking ship, commanded by Captain Vann Humfort, aligned with Andray Dunnan; raided Tetragrammaton with Dunnan's Enterprise; destroyed by Nemesis at Audhumla. (SV)

Yorktown Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on the Budd Coast of Wilkes Land.  Site of an American research station.  Named for an American Revolutionary War battle.[Ap]

Yorvoy: Empire era duchy on Aton. (MD)

Yggdrasil Company: Federation era chartered company on Yggdrasil. Producer of nitrates used on indigenous farms on Uller. (UU)  Manufactures nitrates from guano on a single continent. (LF)  Exports nitrates for the soil-reclamation projects in Terra's war-ruined Northern Hemisphere.  Manufactures blasting explosives.  Federation Army base. (WC)

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Zion Redoubt: Antarctic settlement established in the aftermath of the Thirty Days' War by America on the Foca (Seal) Nunataks off the Nordenskjöld Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  Site of a former Argentine research station.  Named for an American National Park.[Ap]

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Gleanings from Future History works

"They knew so little about this planet which they had come to bring under Imperial rule.  It had been colonized thirteen centuries ago, during the last burst of expansion before the System States War and the disintegration of the Terran Federation. . . .  A century or so later, it had seceded from or been abandoned by the Federation, then breaking up.  That much they had gleaned from old Federation records still existing on Baldur.  After that, darkness, lighted only by a brief flicker when more records had turned up on Morglay."
— Jurgen, Prince Trevannion, "A Slave is a Slave"

In addition to his fascinating storytelling one of the joys of Piper's work is the rich background setting he paints for the yarn he is telling.  These settings were particularly well developed when Piper wrote multiple yarns in the same setting, such as the Terro-human Future History.  Consider, for example, the starship Hubert Penrose which appears in Piper's yarn "Naudsonce," named for a famous Terran Federation space explorer, who appears as a character in Piper's earlier—in the chronological order of the future historical setting—yarn "Omnilingual."

Most of Piper's Terro-human Future History yarns are now in the public domain and available at Project Gutenberg.  The gleanings here are from those remaining Future History yarns which have not yet passed into the public domain.

"When in the Course —" | Fuzzy Sapiens | Fuzzies and Other People

"When in the Course —"
By H. Beam Piper

Image - Federation cover illustration

"When in the Course —" appeared in Federation

"When in the Course —" tells the story of a group of Federation adventurers who discover an inhabited world they call Freya.  Interestingly, this story includes elements which also appeared in Piper's Paratime yarn "Gunpowder God."

Plot Summary

A privately-financed, joint-stock company, Stellar Explorations, Ltd., in which all fifteen shareholders are also crew members of the starship Stellex.  Julio Almagro is the largest shareholder with "more money in the Stellex than any three of the others, except Adriaan de Ruyter" (whose principal contribution was most likely his hyperdrive yacht Voortrekker).  The Stellex crew could only afford the to buy the ship "because her former owners could no longer get her insured."  They hoped to discover an uninhabited, Terra-type planet for which they could get an exploitation charter.

The Stellex crew has "spent four years and visited six systems" and "six airless, waterless, poisonous and otherwise abominable planets" before finding the "Terra-type planet . . . Eta Stellex II" (the second planet of the seventh system visited by the Stellex) which they name Freya, after the Norse goddess of love and beauty.

Most of the Federation characters appear to be Americans although none are explicitly identified as such.  Barron is a Venusian and de Ruyter is apparently an Afrikaner.  Narvaes and Almagro are most likely South Americans.  Zahanov has a Russian surname but perhaps a German first name (Karl) and Muramoto has a Japanese surname and an Anglo first name (Arthur), the first suggestions of the "intermingling" of nationalities that we see later in Federation history.  These are also all of the "Western" nationalities of the early Terran Federation.

The discovery of Freya is not placed specifically in time.  There are several historically relevant events mentioned though.  It happens after the discovery of Thor, Loki and Yggdrasil and the establishment of chartered companies for those worlds.  The Norse name Freya suggest that all Norse names—the pantheon preferred by the Federation Astrographic Commission—for new worlds had yet to be exhausted by this time, placing the discovery relatively early in the period of interstellar exploration.  It occurs sometime after the "Atomic Wars" and at a time when Venus is a "Federation Member Republic."  The characters speak Lingua Terra and while the Atomic Era dating system is used on Venus it apparently is not yet used customarily on Terra.  (Note that the eventual standardization of Atomic Era dating later in Federation history suggests the important influence of Venus at this point.)

Specific Citations (all page numbers from Federation, Ace 1981)

The intial discussion aboard the Stellex is characterized by Barron as "a worse gloom session than six months ago, and with less reason." (p. 206)  This suggest a six month travel time from the expedition's previous system exploration at what would have been designated Zeta Stellex. (p. 226)


Freya has three continents, but only one is inhabited. (p. 206)  Civilization is "confined to one river valley about the same area as the Mississippi-Missouri system in North Terra . . . except a small and apparently unrelated patch at the northern corner of the continent." (p. 206)  One of the two uninhabited continents is "even bigger than the Eurasian landmass on Terra." (p. 206)  Freyan oukry are "ungainly things, with bovine heads and short, stumpy legs . . . [and] flat, beaverlike tail[s]." (pp. 212, 214, 219)

The location Freya and Yggdrasil:

Freya is twenty light years from Yggdrasil—three months round-trip travel time for the Stellex—and six months one-way travel time for the Stellex from Terra (four months one-way for the Voortrekker). (pp. 267, 283)  This suggests that Stellex travel speeds are about thirteen and a third light years per month (just a bit over three light years per week) and therefore that Freya is about eighty light years from Terra.  But Freya and Terra are apparently "seven hundred light-years apart"! (p. 276)  (This figure suggests a Stellex speed of nearly 120 light years per month—about 27 light years per week, placing Yggdrasil about 175 light years from Freya!)  Freya is "closer [to] Terra than Yggdrasil" is to Terra while Yggdrasil is "right next door" to Freya as compared to Terra. (p. 282)  Indeed, de Ruyter believes the Voortrekker might beat a Stellex-speed Yggdrasil-Terra freighter even though it won't leave until after a Yggdrasil-Freya freighter, scheduled to arrive at Freya a week after the returning Stellex, arrives at Freya. (p. 282)  Because the Yggdrasil-Terra freighter may have as much as almost a two-month head start on the Voortrekker, Yggdrasil is also about eighty (or seven hundred!) light years from Terra (almost six months travel time at Stellex speeds and yet still farther from Terra than Freya is).

Federation culture, practices and institutions:

"Atomic Era dating [is used] exclusively on Venus" but Christian Era dating is apparently still widely used on Terra. (p. 207)

"The Astrographic Commission won't accept Helleno-Roman names for anything outside the Sol System.  They prefer names from Norse mythology, as long as they last." (p. 226)

The "Pan-Federation freighter Callisto" will arrive at Freya from Yggdrasil bringing "a Terran Federation Army captain and ten enlisted men to represent the Government till something permanent can be set up. . . .  The Federation Army was authorized to furnish arms to colonies and exploitation companies, that meant they had at least tentative recognition." (p. 282)

Barron has a "10-mm Colt-Argentine" automatic pistol. (p. 216)  Someone else has a "7-mm Sterberg." (p. 217)

"Dillingham hyperdrive" (p. 234)

The Stellex crew speak Lingua Terra. (pp. 228, 231)

"The curse of overpopulation [had] put its mark on the. . . mind . . . [of] the Terran." (p. 276)

Unit of exchange in the Federation is the sol.


The aerial photos of Hostigos remind Barron "of pictures he had seen of Switzerland and the Tyrol before the Atomic Wars." (p. 211)  Fitzurse campaigned against "mounted warriors" of the "Eurasian barbarians of North Terra, the human debris of the Atomic Wars" to "protect the reclamation projects." (p. 213)  Terra imports "huge quantities" of guano from Yggdrasil "for the soil-reclamation projects in the war-ruined Northern Hemisphere." (p. 267)  Elsewhere, mention is made of "pacifying the Northern Hemisphere barbarians on Terra." (p. 246)  Barron notes that there "was always some half-crazy messiah stirring up the Eurasian barbarians. . . ." (p. 258)


A "Federation Member Republic." (p. 209)  "If you got voted out of office [on Venus], they indicted you for corrupt practices.  There were no other kind in Venusian politics." (p. 209)  Barron had been "a teenage illegal voter." (p. 261)


"Yggdrasil is inhabited, and the Terran colonist there still have to eat hydroponic vegetables and carniculture meat" but there's "some kind of a micro-organism, something like a virus, that gets into the nutrients for both the hydroponics and the carniculture. . . .  Contact with Terran organic matter kills it, but it makes the food taste simply foul." (pp. 209, 281)  Yggdrasil exports "huge  quantities" of guano to Terra "for the soil-reclamation projects in the war-ruined Northern Hemisphere." (p. 267)

Chartered Companies:

De Ruyter notes that if Freya "had been uninhabited, we'd able to get clear title of ownership for the whole planet.  But look at the Thor Company, and the Loki Company, and the Yggdrasil Company.  They were all chartered for inhabited planets, and they're all making money." (p. 206)

In order to "float a company on Terra" the Stellex crew need "an exclusive-rights charter to operate on" Freya. (p. 207)  Thus, because Freya is inhabited, Stellar Explorations needs "some kind of a treaty with some more or less sovereign power, granting [them] rights of entry and trade" in order to "get  a charter" which "the Federation Colonial Office would accept. . . ." (pp. 207-08, 233)  De Ruyter is concerned about "stock issues and the Banking Cartel and franchises" when considering making an application for a charter. (p. 282)

Non-human races:

"Humanoid form . . . was to be expected in any sapient race, with variations the hairy, dog-faced Thorans, the faunlike Lokians, the grotesque but upright and biped natives of Yggdrasil." (pp. 212-13)

Terran characters, in order of appearance:

Roger Barron, (p. 205): former Venusian politician; in accordance with "standard practice" he faces a  warrant on Venus for "corrupt practices" after being voted out of office; had been "a teenage illegal voter." (pp. 209, 261)

Adriaan de Ruyter, (p. 205): Voortrekker pilot; second largest Stellex shareholder

Reginald Fitzurse, (p. 205): responsible for landing operations; a retired Terran Federation army officer; campaigned against the "Eurasian barbarians of North Terra" to "protect the reclamation projects." (pp. 254, 213)

Laurenço Narvaes, (p. 205):

Charley Clifford, (p. 206): "the doctor, who doubled as carniculturist."

Karl Zahanov, (p. 206): "the space-captain."

Nancy Patterson, (pp. 206-7): a former secretary in the social science division of the University of Montevideo

Luther Smith, (p. 207): chief engineer

Margaret Hale, (p. 208): hyperdrive engineer

Sylvia Davock, (p. 208): environmental systems?

Julio Almagro, (p. 208): largest Stellex shareholder

Dave MacDonald, (p. 211): scout, hunter, naturalist

Arthur Muramoto, (p. 211):

Katherine Gower, (p. 214):

Lisette Krull, (p. 223): chemist?


coffee-concentrate tablet

Dillingham hyperdrives (always mentioned in plural) (pp. 208, 234)

carniculture (p. 208)

automatic pistol

contragravity vehicles

Hyperdrive technology is based on "the Keene-Gonzales-Dillingham Theory of Non-Einsteinian Relativity."

Stellex, a "thousand foot sphere." (p. 205)

Voortrekker, a "two hundred foot hyperyacht . . . [which] is berthed inside the thousand foot sphere of the Stellex." (p. 205).  Ship's vehicles include six seventy foot oval landing craft and various lorries, aircars and airjeeps.

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Fuzzy Sapiens
By H. Beam Piper

Image - Fuzzy Sapiens cover illustration

Fuzzy Sapiens, Ace 1976

Fuzzy Sapiens is a sequel to Piper's novel Little Fuzzy and begins almost immediately after the events depicted in the first novel.

Plot Details

Distance between Zarathustra and Terra is five-hundred light-years, approximately six months hyperspace travel time. (pp. 6, 231) These data agree with Little Fuzzy (LF). Gimli, the closest inhabited planet, is two months away, or approximately 170 light-years. (pp. 120, 136) Marduk, apparently the closest major world, is three months away, or approximately 250 light-years. (pp. 150, 193)

The story takes place in about 654, A.E. (p. 85). Holloway, born in 580, left Terra in about 614. (pp. 8-9, 85) LF says Holloway came to Zarathustra in 644. Grego came to Zarathustra five years before Holloway, in 639. (p. 42) According to LF, Zarathustra was settled in 626, and sunstones discovered in 648.

Fuzzies are the ninth sapient species encountered by Terrans. (pp. 12, 19). The eight other species include native races on Loki, Gimli, Thor, Yggdrasil, Shesha, Uller and Hathor. (pp. 33, 103, 127, 150, 189) The other sapient species is most likely the Freyans.

The Third World War occurred sometime in the First Century, A.E. (p. 137). Terra suffered extensive nuclear damage during the Third and Forth World Wars, which led to the formation of the First Terran Federation. (p. 137). Damage was so extensive that civilization in the Northern Hemisphere must have nearly been extinguished. (pp. 96-97)

Specific Citations (all page numbers from Ace edition)

"the City of Malverton; she's spacing out from Darius today." (p. 2)

". . . the Terran market quotation, as of six months ago. . . ." (p. 6)

". . . Zarathustra Company, which represented thousands of stockholders, including . . . Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines, and Interstellar Explorations, Ltd., and the Banking Cartel." (p. 7)

"Forty years ago, [Holloway] had left Terra. . . ." (p 8-9)

". . . the eight other sapient races discovered since Terrans had gone out to the stars. " (p. 12)

". . . his major's single star had quite recently been replaced a first lieutenant's double bars . . . his uniform was Colonial Constabulary." (p. 15)

". . . a new race of sapient beings; why, it was only the ninth time that had happened in the five centuries since the first Terran starship left the Sol System." (p. 19)

". . . a Native Cases Court, like the ones on Loki and Gimli and Thor." (p. 33)

"And Company House . . . had been built twelve years ago, three years after [Grego] came to Zarathustra. . . ." (p. 42)

". . . the Terra-Baldur-Marduk liner City of Kapstaad, which would be getting in a week." (p. 63)

". . . Navy Intelligence . . . or Colonial Office Investigative Bureau. . . ." (p. 77)

Holloway is "[s]eventy-four . . . born in 580 . . . [and] couldn't even estimate how much to allow for on time-differential for hyperspace trips." (p. 85)

". . . we're speaking Lingua Terra . . . [an] indiscriminate mixture of English, Spanish, Portuguese and Afrikaans, mostly English." (pp. 96-97)

". . . van Riebeek's theory that Fuzzies were living fossils, the sole survivors of a large and otherwise extinct order of Zarathustran primates." (p. 102)

Sapient beings "on planets like Loki or Thor or Yggdrasil; on Shesha or Uller. . . ." (p. 103)

". . . a Year-End Holidays shopping crowd. . . ." (p. 114)

". . . it would be four months till any [Extee Three] could get in from the nearest Federation planet." (p. 120)

". . . in the three months since we've been checking on . . . Baby Fuzzy . . . ." (p. 122)

". . . this infamous space-transport monopoly of the Company's. . . ." (pp. 123-24)

". . . on Thor; clans that'd be shooting us on sight one season would be our bosom friends the next, and planning to double-cross us the one after." (p. 127)

". . . Terra, Odin, Freya, Marduk, Aton, Baldur, planets like that." (pp. 135-36)

"In a month, word will have gotten to Gimli; that's the nearest planet, and in two months a ship can get here from there." (p. 136)

". . . nuclear bomb radiations on Terra during and after the Third and Fourth World Wars, at the beginning of the First Federation." (p. 137)

"First Century, between the Second and Third World Wars." (p. 137)

". . . wheat from the [Argentine] pampas and from the Mississippi Valley in North America." (p. 143)

". . . a temporary shortage which will be relieved in about six months, when Extee Three begins coming in from Marduk." (p. 150)

". . . Cocktail Hour. The natives on planets like Loki and Gimli and Thor and even Shesha and Uller thought it was a religious observance." (p. 150)

". . . on Marduk. There are a number of shipping companies who would like to get in here in competition with Terra-Baldur-Marduk Spacelines, and there are quite a few import-export houses who would like to trade on Zarathustra in competition with CZC." (p. 180)

"A lot of the older planets are beginning to overpopulate, and there's never room enough for everyone on Terra." (pp. 181-82)

"[When Terrans] find something valuable on [a native reservation]--gold on Loki, platinum on Thor, vanadium and wolfram on Hathor, nitrates on Yggdrasil, uranium on Gimli . . . the natives get shoved off onto another reservation, where there isn't anything anybody wants, and finally they just get shoved off, period." (p. 189)

"Look how the power interests tried to suppress the discovery of direct conversion of nuclear energy to electric current, back in the First Century. Look how they tried to suppress the Abbot Drive." (p. 193)

". . . in six months the off-planet immigrants'll start coming in." (p. 193)

". . . labor unions organized by outsiders had been frowned upon by the company. . . ." (p. 197)

"Terra's five hundred light-years, six months ship-time away." (p. 231)

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Fuzzies and Other People

Image - Fuzzies and Other People cover illustration

Fuzzies and Other People, Ace 1984.

Fuzzies and Other People completes the trilogy which began with Little Fuzzy.  The third Fuzzy novel was discovered many years after Piper's death and published two decades after Fuzzy Sapiens first appeared in print.

Plot Details

We learn that there are about 500 planets in the Federation. (p. 1)

The events in Uller Uprising must have occurred shortly before 526, A.E. (p. 28) One of the Terra-Baldur-Marduk lines is named for Konkrook, the Kragan capital on Uller. (p. 210)

While Fuzzy Sapiens tells us that Gimli is the closest inhabited planet to Zarathustra and that Marduk is the closest major planet, we learn that the first regular stop on the way to Terra is Volund. (p. 210). Four-Day Planet told us that Gimli was the next planet toward Odin from Fenris and that Volund was between Fenris and Terra.

Other planets mentioned include Ishtar, Xipototec, Ithavoll, and Lugaluru. (pp. 210 & 214)

Specific Citations (all page numbers from Ace edition)

"Officially, on all of the half-thousand human populated planets of the Terran Federation, the date was September 14, 654 Atomic Era, but on Zarathustra it was First Day, Year Zero, Anno Fuzzy. . . . It wasn't the day that the Fuzzies were discovered--that had been in early June. . . ." (p. 1)

". . . on Loki . . . the natives there . . . [have] turned into a lot of worthless Native Agency bums." (p. 22)

"The Chartered Loki Company was dissolved by court order, for violation of Federation law. . . . The Chartered Uller Company taken over by the Government after the Uprising, in 526; the Government simply confirmed General Von Schlichten as governor-general. . . . And when the Chartered Fenris Company went bankrupt, the planet was taken over by some of the colonists. . . ." (p. 28)

"Six months aboard ship [to Terra]. . . ." (p. 28)

". . . some of the tribal councils on Yggdrasil . . . [o]r Gimli." (p. 76)

". . . the Gimli Company got [native] consent to work those fissionable ore mines." (p. 76)

". . . you've hunted on Loki. . . . You know how good the Bush Dwanga there are." (p. 109)

Holloway had "had friends killed before, on Thor and Loki and Shesha and Mimir. Everywhere but on Terra. . . ." (p. 173)

". . . the Terra-Baldur-Marduk liner City of Konkrook spaced out from Darius . . . for Kapstaad Spaceport on Terra. The first port of call en route is New Birmingham on Volund." (p. 210)

". . . in a duel once on Ishtar. . . ." (p. 210)

". . . we don't need to be afraid that somebody like Pan-Federation or Terra-Odin will . . . put in a spaceport to compete with Terra-Baldur-Marduk. . . ." (p. 213)

". . . some planet like Xipototec or Fenris or Ithavoll or Lugaluru. . . ." (p. 214)

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B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Baldur: A 'rational planet' known for honey-rum.(FDP)  Had some sort of public health care in the Federation era (". . . the free public ward of a big hospital at Paris-on-Baldur. . . ."(FDP, p. 197) A 'civilized' world which had maintained the culture of the Terran Federation uninteruptedly.(SV)

Baphomet: A Federation era colony planet circa 604 A.E. (LF, OS) An Alliance world devastated by the Federation in the Systems States War. (JP)

Belphegor: an Alliance world devastated by the Federation in the Systems States War. (JP) A major world in the First Empire era. (SS)

Beowulf: Pre-hyperdrive Old Federation world raided by Task's Space Vikings, fourth planet of an F-7 star, Antarctic continent. (SV)

Britomart: planet in the Gartner Trisystem, abandoned after the System States War(JP)

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Calidore: planet in the Gartner Trisystem, abandoned after the System States War; Old Federation world with Buddhist religion. (JP, SV)

Colada: Sword-World, the home planet of Otto Harkaman, who hunted "marsh pigs" there as a youth; not among the first Sword-Worlds—Excalibur, Joyeuse, Durendal and Flamberge—to be settled nor was it among the most prominent Sword-Words—Excalibur, Tizona, Gram, Morglay, Durendal, Flamberge, Curtana, Quernbiter—in the Empire era.  Named for the sword of a southwestern European medieval warrior(SV)

Curtana: Sword-World, with spaceport at Windsor; not among the first Sword-Worlds—Excalibur, Joyeuse, Durendal and Flamberge—to be settled but among the most prominent Sword-Words—Excalibur, Tizona, Gram, Morglay, Durendal, Flamberge, Curtana, Quernbiter—in the Empire era; approximately 320 light years from Morglay; relatively far removed from Gram, there is very little direct trade between the two planets; over two thousand light-years to the nearest Old Federation planet.  Named for legendary European sword(SV, SS)

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Dagon: Space Viking base planet, "occupied by a character named Fedrig Barragon"; a "number of ships operated from it, including a couple commanded by Barragon's half-breed sons"; raided by Otto Harkaman after ships from Dagon had raided Ganpat, one of Tanith's trade planets.  (SV)

Deirdre: a world of the Galactic Empire.  (MD)

Dremna: "the Great World," the capital of the Fifth Empire.  (KP)

Durendal: Sword-World, one of the three worlds colonized by grandchildren of original settlers of Excalibur; Lucas Trask hoped to take Elaine Karvall to Durendal on their honeymoon, until he remembered the "Durendal War"; "branches of the royal house contesting fratricidally for the throne"; Otto Harkaman lots his ship Corisande at Durendal, having "hired out" the Elmersan faction; Elmersans opposed by Oskarsan faction; King Napolyon of Flamberge subsequently intervened to aid the Elmersan faction; Joyeuse also subsequently intervened, presumable in support of the Oskarsan faction; among the most prominent Sword-Words—Excalibur, Tizona, Gram, Morglay, Durendal, Flamberge, Curtana, Quernbiter—in the Empire era.  Named for a legendary European sword(SV, SS)

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Excalibur: Original Sword-World settled by refugees from Abigor in the Ninth Century, A.E.; where Elaine Trask attended school, apparently the most important Sword World, with 'clear blue skies and stars at night'; ruled by King Rodolf, site of University of Camelot; approximately 30 light years from Gram (SV)

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Fenris: Second planet of a G4 star, 650 light-years to the galactic southwest of the Sol System.(FDP. pp 4-5) Colonized in the 4th Century, A.E. by the Chartered Fenris Company; six-months out from Terra by hyperspace ship, beyond Volund and 500 hours short of Odin; Port Sandor, spaceport and only major city; Hermann Reuch's Land region, South Ocean; has three moons: "There wasn't a cloud in the sky and two of Fenris's three moons were making everything as bright as day."  (FDP, p. 125)

Flamberge: Sword-World settled by colonists from Excalibur, ruled by King Napolyon, Terra-type (SV)

Freya: honeworld of the Freyans; discovered by the Stellex expedition; "rational planet"; native world of the oukry beast of burden. (FDP, WC)

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Gilgamesh: A 'civilized' world that had endured two centuries of darkness and had pulled themselves out of it , religious culture (Yah the Almighty), sharp traders, blue triangle in a white circle religious symbol (SV)

Gram: Sword-World settled by colonists from Haulteclere, with constant cloudveil, birthplace of Lucas Trask, approximately 30 light years from Excalibur and 200 light years from Morglay; Bigglersport Spaceport, Southmain Continent, gum-pear brandy. (SV)

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Hathor: high-gravity planet with permanent cloud envelope, Tom Brangwyn's homeworld in the late Federation era. (JP) Source of vanadium and wolfram, indigenous sophont species homeworld. (FS)

Haulteclere: Sword-World settled by colonists from Joyeuse, Terra-type. (SV)

Hertha: Primitive Old Federation world (SV)

Hovendile: Planet in the Gartner Trisystem, abandoned after the System States War, main city is Port Saunders. (JP)

Hoth: Space Viking base planet with shipyard, ruled by the Everrards. (SV) Planet colonized before the System States War that had yet to industrialize. (JP)

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Imhotep: Old Federation world known for furs (SV)

Irminsul: Old Federation world known for vegetable-amber and flame-bird plumes (SV) Planet colonized before the System States War that had yet to industrialize (JP)

Isis: A 'civilized'world which had maintained the culture of the Terran Federation uninteruptedly (SV)

Ithunn: Old Federation world (SV)

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Janicot: Gartner Trisystem world, abandoned after the System States War, its main city was Yellowmarsh. (JP)

Jaganath (or Jagannath): Space Viking base planet with shipyard, settled by father of Nicky Gratham, with two ships. (SV)

Joyeuse: Sword-World settled by colonists from Excalibur. (SV)

Jurgen: Gartner Trisystem world, abandoned after the System States War, cities included Chloris and Anaïtis. (JP)

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Khepera: Primitive Old Federation world raided by Trask's Space Vikings, thirty light years from Tanith, former Member Republic in the Terran Federation, kregg animal (SV)

Koshchei: Gartner Trisystem planet; site of Federation military installation during the System States War(JP)

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Loki: Homeworld of indigenous race enslaved by Anton Gerrit; known for mining. (FDP)

Lugaluru: Old Federation world (SV)

Luna: Colonized by early Second Century, A.E.(EK, pp. 21-2)  There is a communications relay here which supported the first mission to Mars. (OL)

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Malebolge: Planet colonized before the System States War that had yet to industrialize (JP)

Marduk: A 'civilized' planet which had maintained the culture of the Federation into the Space Viking era uninteruptedly. (SV)

Mars: Colonized by early Second Century, A.E.; later revolted. (EK)

Melkarth: Primitive Old Federation world. (SV)

Mephistopheles: System States Alliance planet. (JP)

Mercury: Class II planet in the Terran system.

Midgard: A Federation planet; apparently suffered from nuclear weapons use. (UU)

Mimir: A Federation planet.(UU, LF, JP, FOP)  Source of nitrates; "swarming with a race of semi-intelligent quasi-rodents, murderous, treacherous, utterly vicious" (perhaps the "black slinkers" of LF); apparently suffered from nuclear weapons use (UU)  Visited by Jack Holloway; homeworld of "black slinkers" (perhaps the "quasi-rodents" of UU) (LF)  Apparently reknown for its "equatorial cloudbursts" (JP)  Visited by Jack Holloway. (FOP)

Morglay: Sword-World, approximately 320 light years from Curtana and 200 light years from Gram(SV)

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Nergal: Space Viking base planet; indigenes have coarse black hair, mahogany-brown skin, and red-brown, almost maroon eyes (SV)

Niflheim: planet with hostile environment, including a fluorine atmosphere, but also with extensive radioactives and other mineral and chemical resources; owned by the Chartered Uller Company which was required to exploit its resources as a condition of the charter to Uller; the "the main [Company] base off Niflheim is practically self-supporting, with hydroponic-gardens and animal-tissue culture vats.  And it's enough bigger than one of the City ships to pass for a little world"; the planet's name was subsequently used "as a swear word" throughout the Federation era. (UU, GD, FDP, NS, SS, LF, SV, JP, FS, FOP, MD; The conventional spelling "Niflheim," used in both Uller Uprising and "Ullr Uprising" as well as in "Graveyard of Dreams," is different from that—"Nifflheim"—used in the subsequently-published yarns Four-Day Planet, "Naudsonce," "A Slave is a Slave," Little Fuzzy, Space Viking, Junkyard Planet, Fuzzy Sapiens and Fuzzies and Other People, where references to the planet are also often used as an epithet.  Note also that "Nif"—rather than "Niff"—is used as an abbreviated form throughout Uller Uprising and "Ullr Uprising"; the abbreviation "Niff" is not used in any Terro-human Future History yarn.  A third spelling—"Niffelheim"—is used in "Ministry of Disturbance," published a few months after "Graveyard of Dreams."  It's not clear whether this spelling is merely the result of a different editorial choice or is intended, given that "Ministry of Disturbance" occurs well after all of the above-mentioned yarns, to indicate an evolution in the spelling over the course of internal history, though the fact that the more common spelling is used in "A Slave is a Slave" suggests an editorial variation is more likely.)

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Obidicut: Old Federation world. (SV)

Odin: A 'rational planet', five-hundred hours out from Fenris by hyperspace ship. (FDP) Asgard Spaceport.  Four months out from Terra by hyperspace ship. (JP) A 'civilized'world which had maintained the culture of the Terran Federation uninteruptedly. (SV)

Osiris: A major world in the late Federation era. (JP) A major world in the First Empire era. (SS)

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Pantagruel: World with multiple moons in the Gamma system of the Gartner Trisystem, three light years from the Alpha system. (JP)

Panurge: planet in the Gartner Trisystem, abandoned after the System States War(JP)

Poictesme: Headquarters of the Terran Federation Third Fleet- Army Force during the System States War.  Located in the Alpha system of the Gartner Trisystem; six months out from Terra by hyperspace ship, two months beyond Odin; Litchfield, home of Conn Maxwell; Calder Range, mountains outside of Litchfield, toward Storisende; Gordon Valley, location of Litchfield, site of wine-melon cultivation; Barathrum island continent; Waterville, east coast town.(JP)

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Quernbiter: one of the Sword-World whose "names were a roll-call of fabulous blades of Old Terran legend." (SS)  Quernbiter was the "sword of Haakon I [Tenth Century, CE, King] of Norway and his follower, Thoralf Skolinson the Strong, said to be sharp enough to cut through quernstones.""

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Rimmon: Old Federation planet which had "just re-invented the railroad" and needs more steel that it can produce for itself.  Presumably a trade planet of some civilized planet, as Roger-fan-Morvill Esthersan of the Damnthing was going to trade steel raided from Tetragrammaton for Rimmon "heaven tea." (SV)  Rimmon was an ancient Mesopotamian diety.

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Seshat: Old Federation world, Marduk trade planet, raided by Andray Dunnan(SV)

Set: Primitive Old Federation world. (SV)

Shesha: Federation era planet with primitive extraterrestrial race; Sheshan servants were popular on Terra when Conn Maxwell was at the University of Montevideo. (FDP, LF, FS, FOP, JP)

Svantovit: homeworld of the Svants(NS)

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Tanith: Third planet of seven orbiting Ertado's star, a G-class sun, Terra-type with nearly 25-hour day, single 500-mile diameter nickel-iron moon with fissionable ore deposits orbiting at 50 thousand miles, one of the last planets colonized by the Old Federation before the System States War, more than 3000 light-years from Gram, planned location of raid-and-trade base to be established by Angus of Wardshaven's ship Enterprise for the Tanith Adventure, later site of Lucas Trask's base and Rivington Spaceport(SV)

Terra: La Plata Spaceport (JP) Canada secedes from the British Commonwealth; Islamic Caliphate formed, eventually joins Terran Federation before general war resulting from Indian Communists' attempt to seize Bangladesh (EK)

Tetragrammaton: Old Federation world, Neobarbarian world (SV)

Titan: Class II planet in the Terran system.

Tizona: Homeworld of giraffe-birds (SV)

Thor: A 'rational planet' known for indigenous uprisings (FDP) Homeworld of indigenous race, 'funny little fellows, with faces like terriers, their bodies covered with matted black hair', students on Terra, worshippers of Ghu (JP)

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Uller (Beta Hydri II): world known for organic opals (FDP, SV); site of the Uprising, 526 A.E., native revolt similar to the Sepoy Mutiny (EK; FOP)

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Venus: revolt of colonies (EK, p. 16, 47); seceded from First Federation (SV); Federation Member Republic. (FDP)

Vishnu: Federation era colony world circa 612 A.E. (OS)

Vitharr: Old Federation world, Tanith trading partner. (SV)

Volund: Apparently the most recent destination of ships coming out from Terra before arriving at Fenris and then going on to Odin. (FDP)

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Xerxes: an airless moon of Zarathustra, site of a Terran Federation naval base and not owned by the Zarathustra Company.  Experiments by naval personnel here discovered how to communicate with Fuzzies.(LF, FS, FOP)

Xipototec: primitive Old Federation world originally considered by Angus as target base of operations before Otto Harkaman suggested Tanith(SV)  A remote world of the Empire to which Army units had been scattered. (MD)

Xochitl: one of the Federation era planets Hugo Ingermann may have fled to after leaving Zarathustra. (FOP)  Space Viking base planet originally settled by Haulteclere, with primitive local population.  A thousand lightyears from Tanith.  With shipyard, ruled by a Haulteclere noble, Prince Viktor.  Lucas Trask of Tanith pondered the prospect of one day trading with Xochitl.  (SV)

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Yggdrasil (Yggdrasill): source of nitrates used on indigenous farms on Uller.  Federation era indigenous peonage system ended through efforts of Extraterrestrials' Rights Association.  Three-months from Loki by reaction-drive. (UU)  Chartered Yggdrasil Company manufactures nitrates from guano on a single continent.  Khooghras are indigenous sapient race. (LF, FS, WC)  Terran vegetation won't grow in the soil so Terran colonists there have to eat hydroponic vegetables and carniculture meat.  Indigenes are "grotesque but upright and biped."  Twenty lightyears from Freya (farther from Terra that Freya is).  Exports nitrates for the soil-reclamation projects in Terra's war-ruined Northern Hemisphere.  Manufactures blasting explosives.  Federation Army base. (WC)  Indigenous tribal councils. (FOP)

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Zarathustra: Fuzzy homeworld.  (LF, FS, FOP)  Old Federation world known for sunstones.  (SV)

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Concordance sources (in order of original publication):

UU: Uller Uprising, The Petrified Planet, Twayne, 1952.
OL: "Omnilingual," Astounding, February 1957.
EK: "The Edge of the Knife," Amazing Stories, May 1957.
KP: "The Keeper," Venture, July 1957.
GD: "Graveyard of Dreams," Galaxy, February 1958.
MD: "Ministry of Disturbance," Astounding, December 1958.
OS: "Oomphel in the Sky," Analog, November 1960.
FDP: Four-Day Planet, Putnam, 1961.
NS: "Naudsonce," Analog, January 1962.
SS: "A Slave is a Slave," Analog, April 1962.
SV: Space Viking, Analog, November and December 1962, January and February 1963.
LF: Little Fuzzy, Avon, 1962.
JP: Junkyard Planet, Putnam, 1963.
FS: Fuzzy Sapiens, as The Other Human Race) Avon, 1964.
WC: "When in the Course —," Federation, Ace, 1981.
FOP: Fuzzies and Other People, Ace 1984.

Ap:   Apocrypha — non-canonical material.  See "Newton's Rule."
Sk:   "The Spine of the Knife," The Rise of the Terran Federation, Pequod, 2017. (Ap)

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