The Cleaved Helm

Exploring Expedition Survey: Lodestone

"This world is our lodestone: the first waypoint on our adventure into the unknowns of the Rim frontier."
— Kommandor Steffen Margadsson, Commander's Log

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Lodestone was named by the Margadsson Expedition which first surveyed the world for the Sacnoth Dominate (though its gas giants had been used for some time as wilderness refueling points by ships travelling between the Sword Worlds and Caladbolg).  It was named "Lodestone" because as the first world visited by the Expedition it was understood to be pointing toward the path of discovery.  The world is uninhabited and was claimed by the Expedition for the Sacnoth Dominate.

Lodestone is ill-suited for permanent settlement, with extenstive breathing counter-measures necessary at all times, unsheltered living possible only during certain seasons in all latitudes and minimal land surface.

Image - Lodestone world map

Lodestone world map[]

Lodestone is a medium-sized world with a surface gravity that is two-thirds of standard.  It is located safely beyond the 100-diameter jump limit of its primary star in the star's habitable zone.  Lodestone's "day" is nearly twenty-five-and-a-half hours and the orbital period is something less than five standard years, making the four seasons each over a standard year in length.  It has a single, small moon, Fremmedsten, a vacuum world which appears to be a captured planet.

Lodestone and surrounding worlds[]

The world is only marginally habitable.  Its very thin, oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere is tainted by volcanic out-gassing, requiring a respirator / compressor plus filter for breathing.  Most of Lodestone's surface is covered in water, with just a few volcanic archipelagoes being the only land surface.  The hot climate and low atmospheric pressure leaves much of the equatorial regions of the worldwide ocean near water's boiling point during the day in the summer (though there are polar ice caps in winter).  The very thin atmosphere, extensive hydrosphere, long seasons, moderate axial tilt and near-standard-length days result in relatively mild weather.  There is abundant native life but it is limited to primarily ocean-based microorganisms.

The hot climate makes most of Lodestone's equatorial regions hearly uninhabitable except in the height of winter.  The polar regions are quite temperate in the summer but can be bitterly cold in the winter, with ice caps forming over the ocean.  The thin atmosphere means the world warms quickly during the day and cools even more during the night, with the average daily variation usually slightly more than twenty degrees.  Seasonal variations are also relatively moderate with differences ranging something less than forty degrees between midsummer and midwinter.

Lodestone is a near-water world, with only slightly more than one twentieth of its surface being land.  A handful of volcanic archipleagoes are scattered across the world ocean.  Because it's uninhabited Lodestone is classified as "barren" for trading purposes but the ocean-borne microorganic life makes for extensive agricultural resources which on a world with a less-harsh environment could be easily harvested as profitable agroproducts.  Lodestone also has extensive ore deposits as well as radioactives and complex compounds though their undersea locations increases the difficulty of exploiting them.

Being uninhabited, Lodestone has no starport or other facilities.  Unrefined fuel is available via skimming at the system's gas giants or drawn from the ocean on Lodestone.  The Magadsson Expedition left a beacon satellite in orbit at the J-4 jump point around Lodestone—and another in orbit at the J-2 jump point around the large gas giant Nordur—broadcasting the Sacnoth Dominate's claim to the system.

Detailed World Data (GS, p. i; WBH, p. i)

UWP: X529000-0α (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; S03, p. 16)

Location: 04T03R (S03, p. 16; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

Date: 26 Maí 25 D.E.

Size-related Details

Diameter (5): medium 8001 km (S03, p. 16; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT01, p. 72; GT31, p. 64; MT2, p. 22)

Density: 1.1 (B06, pp. 43, 49; WBH, p. 60)

Mass: 0.26 (B06, pp. 43, 49; WBH, p. 60)

Surface gravity: 0.66g (GT31, p. 64)

Primary (star) mass: 1.7 (B06, p. 45; WBH, p. 62)

Primary (star) radii: 1.7 (B06, p. 45)

Primary (star) 100-diameter limit: 240 Gm (B02, p. 4; B06, p. 46; J22, pp. 27-29; MT2, p. 39)

Orbit number: 5 (360 Gm) (B06, p. 46; GT31, p. 64)

Orbital period: 4.8 standard years (B06, p. 46)

Rotation period: 25.4 hr (GS, p. 26)

Axial tilt: 24° (WBH, p. 63; B06, p. 50)

Obital eccentricity: 0.0 (WBH, p. 63)

Seismic stress: 3.2 (WBH, p. 63)

Orbit number (if satellite): n/a

Orbit period (if satellite): n/a

Satellite (1): Fremmedsten (Y111000-0) (B06, pp. 24, 28, 33, 36-37; MT2, pp. 28-29; GT31, p. 64)

Satellite orbit (Fremmedsten): 8 (32 Mm) (MT2, p. 29)

Size - notes: [- redacted -]

Atmosphere-related Details

Atmosphere (2): very thin, tainted (respirator / compressor plus filter required) (S03, p. 16; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT01, p. 72; GT31, p. 64; MT2, pp. 22-23)

Composition: oxygen-nitrogen, volcanic gas (sulphur compound) taint (GT01, p. 72)

Surface pressure: 0.38 (GS, p. 45; GT31, p. 70)

Stellar luminosity: 1.7 (WBH, p. 64)

Orbit factor: 223.5 (WBH, p. 64)

Energy absorption: 0.81 (WBH, p. 65)

Greenhouse effect: 1.0 (WBH, p. 65)

Base temperature: 35 °C (WBH, pp. 64-65)

Eccentricty modifier: ±0 °C (WBH, p. 65)

Axial tilt effects: summer +14 °C; winter -24 °C (GS, pp. 29, 39, 45; WBH, p. 66)

Daytime plus: +0.9 °C per hour; +11 °C maximum (GS, pp. 29, 39, 47; WBH, p. 66)

Nighttime minus: -8.0 °C per hour; -11 °C minimum (GS, pp. 29, 39, 47; WBH, p. 67)

Native life: microorganic (GT31, p. 70; WBH, p. 68)

Atmospheric terraforming: none (WBH, p. 68)

Greenhouse terraforming: none (WBH, p. 68)

Albedo terraforming: none (WBH, p. 68)

Climate: hot (GT01, p. 72; GT31, p. 64)

Atmosphere - notes: [- redacted -]

Temperature-related Details (WBH, p. 68)

Hex Row

Base Temp

Lat Mod (WBH, p. 66)

Row Base

Summ Max

Tilt Fact (WBH, p. 66)

Summ incr

Day Max

Ecc incr

Row High

Wint Min

Wint decr

Nite Min

Ecc decr

Row Low






































































































































































Hydrosphere-related Details

Hydrosphere (9): 94% (S03, p. 16; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT01, p. 72; GT31, p. 24; MT2, pp. 22-23)

Composition: liquid (and gaseous) water (GT01, p. 72; GT31, p. 70)

Tectonic plates: seven major plates (WBH, p. 69)

Hydrosphere terraforming: none (WBH, p. 69)

Terrain terraforming: none (WBH, p. 69)

Major oceans (1): single world ocean (GT31, p. 70; WBH, p. 70)

Minor continents: none (GT31, p. 70; WBH, p. 70)

Major islands: none (GT31, p. 70; WBH, p. 70)

Archipelagoes (4): four principal archipelagoes (GT31, p. 70; WBH, p. 70)

Notable volcanoes: five, in archipelagoes (WBH, p. 70)

Trade classification: barren (GJ0725; MT2, pp. 21, 25, 48)

Natural resources: agricultural, ores, radioactives, compounds (GS, pp. 31-32, 46; WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49)

Processed resources: agroproducts (GS, pp. 31-32, 46; WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49)

Manufactured goods: none (GS, pp. 31-32, 46; WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49)

Information resources: none (WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49)

Weather control: none (WBH, p. 70)

Hydrosphere - notes: [- redacted -]

Hydrosphere - notes: [- redacted -]

Population-related Details

Population (0): none (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 22, 24)

Primary cities: none (WBH, pp. 55, 72-74; B06, pp. 29, 39)

Secondary cities: none (WBH, pp. 55, 72-74; B06, pp. 29, 39)

Tertiary cities: none (WBH, pp. 55, 72-74; B06, pp. 29, 39)

Orbital cities: none (WBH, p. 74)

Progressiveness: n/a (WBH, pp. 55-56, 74-75)

Aggressiveness: n/a (WBH, pp. 55-56, 74-75)

Extensiveness: n/a (WBH, pp. 55-56, 74-75)

Local customs: n/a (WBH, pp. 75-77)

Government-related Details

Government (0): none (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 22, 24)

Division of authority: n/a (WBH, pp. 56-57, 78-79)

Primary authority organization: n/a

Secondary authority organization: n/a

Tertiary authority organization: n/a

Allegiance (Un): uninhabited (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

Religious profile: n/a

Religious deity view: n/a

Religious spiritual aim: n/a

Religious devotion required: n/a

Religious organization: n/a

Religious liturgical formality: n/a

Religious missionary fervor: n/a

Religious adherents: n/a

Government - notes: [- redacted -]

Law-related Details

Law (0): none (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 22, 24)

Legal profile: n/a (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82)

Uniformity: n/a (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82)

Weapons: n/a (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Trade: n/a (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Criminal: n/a (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Civil: n/a (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Personal freedom: n/a (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Law - notes: [- redacted -]

Technology-related Details

Starport (Class X): no facilities (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 17, 23)

Technology level (0): none (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 23-24)

Bases: none (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate";B06, pp. 25, 29, 32, 37-38; MT2, pp. 20, 24, 29)

High common: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; MT2, p. 22)

Low common: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; MT2, p. 22)

Energy achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Computers / robotics achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Communications achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Medical achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Environmental achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Land transport achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Water transport achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Air transport achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Space transport achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Personal weapons achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Heavy weapons achievement: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Novelty: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Technology profile: n/a (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Detailed World Data notes:
α Entries highlighted in yellow are canon information excerpted from the referenced Traveller® source(s).

Star System Data (B06, pp. 51-53; MT2, pp. 26-29)

Primary: Lightning (sole) (GT31, p. 64; B06, pp. 22-23, 28; MT2, pp. 18, 26)

Spectral class (F0): hot white (GT31, p. 64; M3, p. 26; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26)

Size (V): dwarf (main sequence) (GT31, p. 64; M3, p. 26; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26)

Companion orbit number: n/a (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26)

Maximum orbit number: ten (12,000 Gm) (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26)

Available orbits: 0 - 10 (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26)

Habitable orbit: 5 (B06, pp. 29, 30-31, 34, 35, 43, 46; MT2, pp. 18-19, 27, 28; WBH, p. 59)

Empty orbits: none (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 28)

Captured planets: one (Fremmedsten) (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 28)

Gas giants (4): Austur, Nordur, Sydur, Vestur (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 64; M3, p. 26; B06, pp. 28, 34, 35, 39; MT2, pp. 18, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 53, 60)

Gas giant orbit number: 7 (1500 Gm), 8 (2900 Gm), 9 (5800 Gm), A (12,000 Gm) (B06, pp. 34, 35; MT2, pp. 18, 28)

Gas giant size: small (96K km), large (272K km), large (288K km), small (80K km) (B06, pp. 28, 39, 48; WBH, pp. 53, 60)

Planetoid belts: one (M3, p. 26; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 64; B06, pp. 28, 34-35, 39; MT2, pp. 18-19, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Belt orbit number: 6 (B06, p. 35; MT2, pp. 19, 28)

Predominate diameter: ~100 meters (~1000 meters max) (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Belt zones: ~20% nickel-iron, ~70% mixed, ~10% carbonaceous / ice (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Belt width: 75 Gm (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Primary system - notes: [- redacted -]

System World and Satellite Data (B06, pp. 51-53; MT2, pp. 28-29)



Name (UWP)


0 (30 Gm)


Goethyt (Y100000-0)

Vaccum world

1 (60 Gm)


Lateryt (Y100000-0)

Vaccum world

2 (100 Gm)


Magnetyt (Y310000-0)

Trace atmosphere

3 (150 Gm)


Limonyt (Y530000-0)

Very thin atmosphere

4 (240 Gm)


Hæmatyt (Y420000-0)

Very thin, tainted atmosphere (Lightning's 100-diameter limit: J-1 point)

5 (420 Gm)


Lodestone (X529000-0)

Habitable zone (System J-4 point at 0.8 Gm)


8 (32 Mm)

Fremmedsten (Y111000-0)

Captured planet, trace atmosphere

6 (780 Gm)


Det Vindrose (X000000-0)

Mixed composition planetoid belt

7 (1500 Gm)



Small gas giant (System J-3 point at 10 Gm)


8 (380 Mm)

Vedsandøst (Y100000-0)

Vacuum world


11 (530 Mm)

Vedsydøst (YS00000-0)

Vaccum worldlet


40 (1900 Mm)

Vednordøst (Y200000-0)

Vaccum world

8 (2900 Gm)



Large gas giant (System J-2 point at 27 Gm)


5 (680 Mm)

Gnaven (YS00000-0)

Vacuum worldlet


7 (950 Mm)

Lykkelig (Y100000-0)

Vacuum world


9 (1200 Mm)

Søvnig (Y200000-0)

Vacuum world


11 (1500 Mm)

Genert (Y300000-0)

Vacuum world


30 (4100 Mm)

Prosit (Y300000-0)

Vacuum world


40 (5400 Mm)

Forvirret (Y200000-0)

Vacuum world


50 (6800 Mm)

Læge (Y310000-0)

Trace atmosphere

9 (5800 Gm)



Large gas giant


5 (720 Mm)

Aurboða (Y300000-0)

Vacuum world


8 (1200 Mm)

Bölþorn (Y200000-0)

Vacuum world


11 (1600 Mm)

Dúrnir (Y201000-0)

Vacuum world


25 (3600 Mm)

Eggthér (YS00000-0)

Vacuum worldlet


40 (5800 Mm)

Fornjót (Y110000-0)

Trace atmosphere


55 (7900 Mm)

Gymir (YS00000-0)

Vacuum worldlet

A (12K Gm)



Small gas giant


10 (400 Mm)

Vindhlér (Y200000-0)

Vacuum world


50 (2000 Mm)

Hallinskiði (Y300000-0)

Vacuum world

The Lodestone system consists of the central star, Lightning (named for the belief that lodestones are magnetized by lightning strikes), six inner, rocky planets (Lodestone is in the habitable zone in the fifth orbit), the planetoid belt, Det Vindrose ("The Windrose"), in the sixth orbit, and the gas giants Austur, Nordur, Sydur and Vestur (named for the points of a compass) in the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth orbits.  Nordur, the largest of the gas giants, has three, small, planet-sized moons.

* Exploring Expedition World Survey Reports are a reference resource produced by the Sacnoth Dominate Patrol with almanac-style information about the worlds surveyed by the Rim Frontier Exploring Expedition.  They provide a brief summary of the planetography, sociography and political-economy of each of the worlds surveyed by the Expedition.  Some information is redacted from publicly available editions for security purposes.)

Lodestone Canon and Apocrypha
(AAB entry / Webb's Canon)

Excerpts of Dominate-era information about Lodestone (Iron) from various published Traveller® sources (in order of original publication).

— 1979 —

Supplement 3: The Spinward Marches (S03): "The Sword Worlds," pp. 16-17 (Milieu 1105 world and system data for Iron).

— 1985 —

The Spinward Marches Campaign: Adventures in a War Ravaged Sector (M3): "Spinward Marches Data," p. 26 (Milieu 1105 world and system data for Iron).

— 1990 —

The Travellers' Digest #20 (TD20): "The Hiawatha Gambit," p. 20 (Milieu 1105 world data for Iron; wilderness refueling at Iron's gas giant).

— 1992 —

MegaTraveller Journal #3 (MTJ3): "Domain of Deneb Sector Data," p. 49 (Rebellion Era world and system data for Iron).

— 1995 —

Regency Manual 1: Keepers of the Flame, The Regency Sourebook (RM1): "Spinward Marches Subsector J: Sword Worlds," pp. 44-45 (Rebellion Era and New Era world and system data for Iron).

— 1998 —

Behind the Claw: The Spinward Marches Sourcebook (GT01): "1626 Iron (Imperial)," p. 72 (Milieu 1120 world data, brief description for Iron).

— 2000 —

Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (online), July 25, 2000 (GJ0725): "The Sacnoth Dominate" (-105 IE world and system data for Iron).

— 2002 —

Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (online), July 23, 2002 (GJ2723): "The Five States" (55 IE world and system data for Iron).

— 2004 —

Sword Worlds: The Day After Ragnarok (GT31): "Sword Worlds Chronology, Part III," p. 16 (claims and counter-claims to Iron—and other "Metal Worlds"—by Steel and Sting during "Squabbling States" era); "The Fifth Frontier War," p. 20 (Imperial attack on Iron and other "Metal Worlds"); "The Postwar Era," p. 21 (Imperial occupation of Iron and other "Metal Worlds," creation of Border Worlds Confederation; Imperial purchase of "Metal Worlds"); "Worlds: Imperial Worlds / Navigation Data," pp. 64-5 (Milieu 1120 world and system data); "Imperial Worlds: 1529 Steel," pp. 67-68 (claims and counter-claims to Iron—and other "Metal Worlds"—by Steel and Sting during "Squabbling States" era; establishment of "Metal Worlds" reserve by Second Dominate); "Imperial Worlds: 1626 Iron," p. 70 (Milieu 1120 world map; extended description); "Library Data: Metal Worlds," p. 93; "Library Data: Princes of the Metal Worlds," p. 95 (titles for Sting royal heirs, recalling original claim to "Metal Worlds"); "Library Data: Steel, Kingdom of," p. 99 (claims and counter-claims to Iron—and other "Metal Worlds"—by Steel and Sting during "Squabbling States" era); "Library Data: Sting, Kingdom of," p. 99 (claims and counter-claims to Iron—and other "Metal Worlds"—by Steel and Sting during "Squabbling States" era).

The Best of the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (JTAS) (online), Volume 1 (GBJ1: "Sword Worlds Subsector Data," p. 38 (-105 IE world and system data for Iron).

— 2008 —

The Third Imperium: The Spinward Marches (3I:SM): "The Sword Worlds," p. 46-7 (Iron—and other "Metal Worlds"—long held in reserve but not developed, Sword Worlds open to potential development by Imperium), "Sword Worlds Subsector," p. 94 (Iron—and other "Metal Worlds"—long held in reserve but not developed, Sword Worlds open to potential development by Imperium), and "Sword Worlds Subsector" (table), pp. 96-7 (Milieu 1105 world and system data for Iron).

— 2011 —

The Third Imperium: Sword Worlds (3I:SW): "The Sword Worlds," pp. 43 (Milieu 1105 world and system data for Iron) and "Iron," p. 67 (world data, extended description; ecology details, brief history).

Image credits:
[ᚠ] Map derived from original illustration from GT31, p. 70.  No endorsement of The Cleaved Helm has been made or is implied.
[ᚡ] Map modified from The Traveller Map.  No endorsement of The Cleaved Helm has been made or is implied.

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