The Cleaved Helm
Dominate Patrol Profile: Joyeuse
". . . mindful that it would be a long time before the industry to build new starships could be developed and wanting to preempt possession of the worlds between Gram and the closest world with surviving Darrians (Cunnonic), the escort ships were used [by the Founders] to establish small, but hopefully viable, colonies on Joyeuse, Colada, Tizon, and Hrunting."
— Hans Rancke-Madsen, "The Sacnoth Dominate"
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Joyeuse[*] |
World |
Joyeuse |
01S000 |
C464577-A |
- |
Ag Ni |
- |
Sd |
801 |
M3V M9V |
Joyeuse is named for the fantastical sword of a legendary ancient Terran monarch.† The first of the Sword Worlds to be settled from Gram, its proximity has also meant that Joyeuse has generally remained linked to Gram culturally, economically and politically.
Joyeuse is small world which orbits its close primary in twelve standard days. Joyeuse's day is just slightly longer than a standard day. (That a world this close to its primary is not tidally-locked or at least in a much longer rotation-orbit resonance seems to some planetologists to be evidence of ancient terraforming.) Joyeuse has a bright, yellow-gold ring — "La Couronne" — orbiting at two planetary radii.
Joyeuse world map[ᚠ]
Joyeuse is an unusually hospitable world; its atmosphere is breatheable at surface level without countermeasures though its surface gravity is just half of standard (an unlikely combination which again some planetologists say suggests evidence of ancient terraforming). Because Joyeuse's sun is a cool, red star, the world's climate is cool, with temperatures only reaching reliably above the freezing point of water year round in the equatorial regions. (Temperatures in the world's extensive polar regions are generaly below the freezing point of water year round.) (GT01, p. 69; GT31, p. 39) The world has native life, with extensive populations of advanced flora and fauna. Native megafauna are rare and generally tend to be found in the world's oceans.
Joyeuse is a wet world but its smaller hydrosphere — and the fact that the bulk of the world's oceans are not in the warmer equatorial regions — reinforces the cool climate. The world sees little tectonic activity though there are a few volcanoes scattered across the planet, including some undersea. Joyeuse has two major oceans (the Hearth Sea in the southern hemisphere and the Island Sea in the northern hemisphere) and two minor oceans (the Eaglewood Sea on the equator and the Thunder Sea in the northern hemisphere). Only the Eaglewood Sea is free of ice most of the year, though the equatorial coasts of the Hearth and Island Seas are generally ice-free throughout the year. (The Thunder Sea is ice-covered year-round.)
With seasons measured in just a few standard days, Joyeuse suffers rather chaotic weather. Powerful storms which prevail throughout the twelve-day year — except for perhaps several hours at the height of summer and winter — have limited the effectiveness of weather control. The meteorological turmoil has encouraged undersea aquaculture. The cold climate means there is little opportunity for land-based agriculture or large-scale animal husbandry but there is extensive processing of aquaculture foodstuffs and organics for off-world export. The world is rich in ores and mining operations extend across the world's surface, even into the polar regions — though mining operations away from the equatorial regions are largely automated. Joyeuse produces few manufactured goods for export — and, indeed, imports many manufactured goods — but exports a fair amount of information associated with agriculture and resource extraction efforts.
Joyeuse and surrounding worlds[ᚡ] |
Joyeuse is a moderately populated world with nearly three-quarters of the inhabitants living in one of seven cities spread across the equatorial region. The area around the Eaglewood Sea is generally the warmest on Joyeuse and thus the most populous regions of the planet tend to surround this sea, including the cities of Aachen (140K), on the southwest coast, Burgundaven (120K), the starport, on the western coast, and Hindmount (40K), on the eastern coast. Other areas of principal habitation are the equatorial regions of the larger Hearth and Island Seas, including the cities of Brambleton (140K), on the southwest coast of the Island Sea, Torhold (80K), on the northeast coast of the Hearth Sea, Ringhold (60K), on the northwest coast of the Hearth Sea, and Edgewater (20K), on the north-central coast of the Hearth Sea.
Most cities have a substantial underwater component intended to provide access to the nearby sea during the winter. There are no settlements in orbit about Joyeuse and little settlement in the rest of the Joyeuse system. The other minor planets in the primary system, the small satellites of the gas giant and the minor planets in the companion system each have small scientific settlements or highly-automated mining facilities operated by diverse feudal enties on Joyeuse.
People on Joyeuse general believe change to be good and healthy and they readily accept promising new ideas. The population of Joyeuse has a fair measure of drive; definite measurable progress exists. The people of Joyeuse seldom flaunt their military might but they readily express their willingness to fight in self-defense if needed. Joyeuse's populace generally agrees on major issues, although observable dissention exists and they are congenial to offworlders, with locals often treating offworlders favorably.
Joyeuse is divided into seven independent, sovereign territories: the captaincies of Francia (with capital Aachen), Roncevaux (Brambleton) and Burgundy (Burgundaven), the commandancies of Neustria (Torhold) and Austrasia (Ringhold) and the lieutenantcies of Brunhild (Hindmount) and Aquitaine (Edgewater). Like most of the Sword Worlds, Joyeuse's basic governmental form is feudal technocracy. Each territory is ruled by a feudal lord or magnate, each with a variety of subordinate fief-holders tied to them via complex and diverse feudal techno-economic relationships. (An independent and nominally supreme governor-general administers Dominate affairs from a newly-established Dominate House at Burgundaven.)
In a given territory the chief feudal lord or magnate exercises supreme executive authority. Local tribunals appointed by the chief lord or magnate exercise judicial authority, with the degree of independence of these tribunals varying across sovereign territories. Generally, decisions of a tribunal can be appealed to the local feudal lord or magnate, though the lord or magnate decides whether or not the appeal will be considered. In most territories a tricameral assembly known as "The Muster" — comprised of sub-assemblies representing the subordinate feudal lords and magnates, the professional and skilled technical classes and the common people — exercises legislative authority, though again the degree of independence of this legislative assembly varies from region to region.
Law enforcement is generally moderate on Joyeuse but varies across the different territories which may add some complexity and uncertainty when traveling from one jurisdiction to another. Weapons restrictions generally exist for personal concealable firearms. Trade regulations are moderate. Both criminal and civil laws are moderate, typical of the feudal technocracy practiced in the different regions. There are generally moderate restrictions on personal freedoms.
Joyeuse has a routine quality starport at Burgundaven, with unrefined fuel available (from the nearby sea) and reasonable starship maintenance facilities able to repair major damage. There are good quality spaceports, with unrefined fuel and minor repair facilities, at Aachen and Brambleton and poor quality spaceports, with unrefined fuel and no repair facilities, at Torhold, Ringhold, Hindmount and Edgewater.
Joyeuse is typical for the Sword Worlds with early stellar technology prevalent throughout society. Each of the major cities includes a substantial undersea element and high-tech submersible transport is as ubiquitous as gravitics transport is in the air. An ultra-high-speed, high-capacity freight and passenger monorail system connects each of the major cities in the equatorial region. Though the Captaincy of Burgundy enjoys substantial economic prosperity from the starport in its midst, the starport itself is managed jointly with all territories of the world provided with unfettered access.
Joyeuse has no planetary military forces but each feudal territory maintains its own military forces and para-military constabulary which can even be "confederalized" for planetary defense and, if need be, can be called upon — in theory, no such call has ever been made — by the Dominate government. The Dominate has constructed initial elements of a reserve naval base on the second planet, Roland, as a potential staging point for naval forces in the Horseshoe.
Local technology achievement on Joyeuse includes fusion power for energy generation, early synaptic computer and robotics systems, voice and text transcription and holovision and extensive satellite communications systems. Local medical capabilities include antiviral vaccination, wide-scale cancer cures and growth quickening. Beside the undersea elements of most major cities there are also under-ice habitations in the Hearth and Island Seas. Advanced gravitic vehicles are ubiquitous for land, water and air transportation, Though there are no starship yards on Joyeuse the local starport is fully capable of conducting major maintenance and repairs on jump drives and gravitic maneuver drives. Local weapons manufacturers produce advanced combat rifles, reflective armor and combat environment suits. Plasma guns, crystaliron armor and repulsors are produced by heavy weapons manufacturers. A variety of higher-tech novelty items are imported from Gram.
The Joyeuse system is binary, consisting of the central red dwarf star, Karl, and the companion red dwarf, Gallas (in orbit eight). (GT31, p. 24) There is a single small gas giant, Fierabras, in orbit three, but no planetoid belts in the primary system. There are no gas giants or planetoid belts in the companion system.
Joyeuse orbits the primary star, Karl, in its habitable zone closest to the star. The world has no moons but a single ring, "La Couronne," orbits at two planetary radii. There are two other small, vacuum worlds which orbit between Joyeuse and the gas giant, Fierabras. A Dominate reserve military base is under development on Roland, the next world out (just inside the 100-diamter limit of Karl). The third world, Oliver, has a commercial research facility.
Fierabras is circled by a ring, "La Couronne D'Épines," at three planetary radii and has two moons. Floripas, a vacuum world in a close orbit, is the site of a commercial fuel skimming facility. Another vacuum world in a far orbit, Gui, has a commercial search and rescue facility which provides services to starships which suffer mishaps while attempting wilderness refueling.
There are four empty orbits between Fierabras and the companion star, Gallas, orbiting in Karl's outer system.
Four small worlds orbit the companion star, Galas, which has no habitable zone. Closest to the star is Turpin, a very small vacuum world with a commercial research facility. The next two worlds out, Aude and Berengier, are also very small vacuum worlds each also with a commercial research facility. The most distant world, Ogier, is a small vacuum world which also hosts a commercial research facility.
† Additional details on the origins of the name "Joyeuse" are available at Kiyo's Repository of Mythos and Poesy.
Location: 01S000 (S03, p. 16; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate") |
Date: 03 Desember 45 D.E. |
Size-related Details |
Diameter (4): small (6450 km) (GT01, p. 69; GT31, p. 24; MT2, p. 22) |
Surface gravity: 0.51g (GT31, p. 24) |
Primary (star) radii: 0.47 (B06, p. 45) |
Primary (star) 100-diameter limit: 66 Gm (B02, p. 4; B06, p. 46; J22, pp. 27-29; MT2, p. 39) |
Orbit number: 0 (0.14 AU)α (B06, p. 46) |
Orbital period: 11 days, 23 hours, 24 minutes (12 days) (GT31, p. 39) |
Rotation period: 24 hours, 58 minutesβ (GS, p. 26) |
Orbital eccentricity: 0.00 (WBH, p. 63) |
Seismic stress: 3.8 (WBH, p. 63) |
Orbit number (if satellite): n/a |
Orbit period (if satellite): n/a |
Satellite (ring): La Couronne (XR00000-0)γ (B06, pp. 24, 28, 33, 36-37; MT2, pp. 28-29) |
Satellite orbit (ring): 2R |
Size - notes: [- redacted -] |
Atmosphere-related Details |
Atmosphere (6): standard (S03, p. 16; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT01, p. 69; GT31, p. 24; MT2, pp. 22-23) |
Composition: oxygen-nitrogen mix (GT01, p. 69) |
Surface pressure: 0.76 (WBH, p. 64) |
Stellar luminosity: 0.31 (WBH, p. 64) |
Orbit factor: 940 (WBH, p. 64) |
Energy absorption: 0.82 (WBH, p. 65) |
Greenhouse effect: 1.10 (WBH, p. 65) |
Base temperature: -10 °C (WBH, pp. 64-65) |
Eccentricty modifier: ±0 °C (WBH, p. 66) |
Axial tilt effects: summer +15 °C; winter -25 °C (WBH, p. 66) |
Daytime effect: +0.4 °C per hour; +5 °C maximum (WBH, p. 66) |
Nighttime effect: -1.0 °C per hour; -12 °C minimum (WBH, p. 67) |
Native life: advanced fauna (S03, p. 16; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT01, p. 69; GT31, p. 39-40) |
Atmospheric terraforming: none |
Greenhouse terraforming: none |
Albedo terraforming: none |
Atmosphere - notes: [- redacted -] |
Temperature-related Details (WBH, p. 68) |
Hex Row |
Base Temp |
Lat Mod (WBH, p. 66) |
Row Base |
Summ Max |
Tilt Fact (WBH, p. 66) |
Summ incr |
Day Max |
Ecc incr |
Row High |
Wint Min |
Wint decr |
Nite Min |
Ecc decr |
Row Low |
1 |
-10 |
+15 |
5 |
+15 |
0.00 |
+0 |
+5 |
+0 |
10 |
-25 |
-0 |
-5 |
-0 |
0 |
2 |
-10 |
+10 |
0 |
+15 |
0.00 |
+0 |
+5 |
+0 |
5 |
-25 |
-0 |
-5 |
-0 |
-5 |
3 |
-10 |
+5 |
-5 |
+15 |
0.25 |
+4 |
+5 |
+0 |
4 |
-25 |
-6 |
-5 |
-0 |
-16 |
4 |
-10 |
+0 |
-10 |
+15 |
0.50 |
+8 |
+5 |
+0 |
3 |
-25 |
-13 |
-5 |
-0 |
-18 |
5 |
-10 |
-5 |
-15 |
+15 |
0.75 |
+11 |
+5 |
+0 |
1 |
-25 |
-19 |
-5 |
-0 |
-29 |
6 |
-10 |
-10 |
-20 |
+15 |
1.00 |
+15 |
+5 |
+0 |
0 |
-25 |
-25 |
-5 |
-0 |
-50 |
7 |
-10 |
-15 |
-25 |
+15 |
1.00 |
+15 |
+5 |
+0 |
-5 |
-25 |
-25 |
-5 |
-0 |
-55 |
8 |
-10 |
-20 |
-30 |
+15 |
1.00 |
+15 |
+5 |
+0 |
-10 |
-25 |
-25 |
-5 |
-0 |
-60 |
9 |
-10 |
-25 |
-35 |
+15 |
1.00 |
+15 |
+5 |
+0 |
-15 |
-25 |
-25 |
-5 |
-0 |
-65 |
10 |
-10 |
-30 |
-40 |
+15 |
1.00 |
+15 |
+5 |
+0 |
-20 |
-25 |
-25 |
-5 |
-0 |
-70 |
11 |
-10 |
-35 |
-45 |
+15 |
1.00 |
+15 |
+5 |
+0 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-5 |
-0 |
-75 |
Hydrosphere-related Details |
Hydrosphere (4): wet (44%) (S03, p. 16; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT01, p. 69; GT31, p. 24; MT2, pp. 22-23) |
Composition: liquid water (GT31, p. 39) |
Tectonic plates: single major plate (WBH, p. 66) |
Hydrosphere terraforming: none (WBH, p. 66) |
Terrain terraforming: none (WBH, p. 66) |
Major oceans (2): Hearth Sea, Island Sea (GT31, p. 39; WBH, p. 70) |
Minor oceans (2): Eaglewood Sea, Thunder Sea (GT31, p. 39; WBH, p. 70) |
Small seas (3): Austrasian Great Lakes, Burgundian Great Lakes, Lake Francia (GT31, p. 39; WBH, p. 70) |
Notable volcanoes: eleven, including five undersea (two in Hearth Sea, two in Island Sea and one in Eaglewood Sea) (WBH, p. 70) |
Trade classification: agricultural, non-industrial (GJ0725; MT2, pp. 21, 25, 48) |
Natural resource exports: agricultural, ores, compounds (GS, pp. 31-32, 46; WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49) |
Processed resource exports: agroproducts, non-metals (GS, pp. 31-32, 46; WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49) |
Manufactured good exports: none (GS, pp. 31-32, 46; WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49) |
Weather control: none (WBH, p. 70) |
Hydrosphere - notes: [- redacted -] |
Hydrosphere - notes: [- redacted -] |
Population-related Details |
Population (5): moderate (805,000) (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 22, 24) |
Very large citiesδ: Aachen, 140K, good quality (F) spaceport; Brambleton, 140K, good quality (F) spaceport; Burgundaven, 120K, routine quality (C) starport (WBH, pp. 55, 72-74; B06, pp. 29, 39) |
Large cities: Torhold, 80K, poor quality (G) spaceport; Ringhold, 60K, poor quality (G) spaceport; Hindmount, 40K, poor quality (G) spaceport; Edgewater, 20K, poor quality (G) spaceport (WBH, p. 74; B06, pp. 26, 29, 39) |
Orbital cities: none (WBH, p. 74) |
Progressiveness: progressive attitude, advancing action (WBH, pp. 55-56, 74-75) |
Aggressiveness: unagressive attitude, neutral action (WBH, pp. 55-56, 74-75) |
Extensiveness: globally harmonious, interstellar friendliness (WBH, pp. 55-56, 74-75) |
Local customs: [- redacted -] |
Population - notes: [- redacted -] |
Government-related Details |
Government (7): regional rivalryε (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 22, 24) |
Division of authority: executive with judicial and legislative (WBH, pp. 56-57, 78-79) |
Primary authority organization: rival regional (executive) elite councils |
Secondary authority organization: several (judicial) councils |
Tertiary authority organization: several (legislative) councils |
Allegiance (Sd): Sacnoth Dominate (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate") |
Religious profile: [- redacted -] |
Religious deity view: [- redacted -] |
Religious spiritual aim: [- redacted -] |
Religious devotion required: [- redacted -] |
Religious organization: [- redacted -] |
Religious liturgical formality: [- redacted -] |
Religious missionary fervor: [- redacted -] |
Religious adherents: [- redacted -] |
Government - notes: [- redacted -] |
Law-related Details |
Law (7): moderate (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 22, 24) |
Legal profile: 7-55555 (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82) |
Uniformity: territorial (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82) |
Weapons (5): personal concealable weapons prohibited (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22) |
Trade (5): moderate trade regulation (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22) |
Criminal (5): moderate criminal law (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22) |
Civil (5): moderate civil law (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22) |
Personal freedom (5): moderate regulation (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22) |
Law - notes: [- redacted -] |
Technology-related Details |
Starport (C): routine quality installation (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 17, 23) |
Technology level (A): early stellar (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 23-24) |
Bases: none (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate";B06, pp. 25, 29, 32, 37-38; MT2, pp. 20, 24, 29) |
High common (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; MT2, p. 22) |
Low common (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; MT2, p. 22) |
Energy achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Computers / robotics achievement (A): voice transcription, early synaptics (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Communications achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Medical achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Environmental achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Land transport achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Water transport achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Air transport achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Space transport achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Personal weapons achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Heavy weapons achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Novelty (C): average stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Technology profile: AA-AAAAA-AAAA-AA-C (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39) |
Detailed World Data notes:
α GT31, p. 24, says orbital distance is 0.06 AU. B06, p. 46, says Habital Zone distance, interpolated for M3V star, would be 0.14 AU. B06 value fits better with Habital Zone identified for M3V star in B06, p. 31, and MT2, p. 27.
β GT31, p. 39, says there is a 3:2 rotation-orbit resonance resulting in a " day-season" cycle of 12 days and eight hours of constant daylight, followed by a similar period of constant darkness. The resulting daytime and nighttime rotation effects (WBH, pp. 66-67) would produce temperature variations exceeding 200 °C over the course of these nearly 300 hour long "day-seasons," rendering the world virtually uninhabitable. The rotation period has therefore been determined instead as described in GS, p. 26.
γ GT01, p. 69, mentions a moon, while GT31, p. 24, indicates no moon. The moon described in GT01 is the site of a military base which GT31, p. 41, indicates is instead located on the next planet out. Because GT31 is the later source, the decision here is to have no moon. (On the other hand, a ring is added so as to have served as possible original inspiration for the world's name.)
δ For these cities, instead of using the population-multiplier-limiting method for determining the share of world population available as described for very large cities in WBH, p. 74, the method here uses the half-of-world-population-limiting method described for large cities to determine the share of world population available.
ε GJ0725 shows the government type digit (6) indicating "captive government" which seems to be a mistaken reference to the interstellar control of the Sacnoth Dominate. The government type has been revised here to indicate "regional rivalry" (7) with an assumption of rival territorial regions of the "feudal technocracy" government type more common in Sword Worlds of this era.
Primary: Karl (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28; MT2, pp. 18, 26) |
Spectral class (M3): red (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26) |
Size (V): dwarf (main sequence) (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26) |
Companion orbit number: eight (2900 Gm) (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26) |
Maximum orbit number: three (150 Gm) (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26) |
Habitable orbit: 0 (B06, pp. 29, 30-31, 34, 35, 43, 46; MT2, pp. 18-19, 27, 28; WBH, p. 59) |
Gas giants (1): Fierabras (M3, p. 23; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 28, 34, 35, 39; MT2, pp. 18, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 53, 60) |
Gas giant orbit number: 3 (150 Gm) (B06, pp. 34, 35; MT2, pp. 18, 28) |
Gas giant size: small (96000 km) (B06, pp. 28, 39, 48; WBH, pp. 53, 60) |
Planetoid belts: none (M3, p. 23; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 28, 34-35, 39; MT2, pp. 18-19, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 52-53, 61) |
Planetoid belt orbit number: n/a (B06, p. 35; MT2, pp. 19, 28) |
Predominate planetoid diameter: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61) |
Planetoid belt zones: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61) |
Planetoid belt width: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61) |
Primary - notes: [- redacted -] |
Companion: Gallas (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28; MT2, pp. 18, 26) |
Spectral class (M9): red (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26) |
Size (V): dwarf (main sequence) (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26) |
Maximum orbit number: three (150 Gm) (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26) |
Habitable orbit: none (B06, pp. 29, 30-31, 34, 35, 43, 46; MT2, pp. 18-19, 27, 28; WBH, p. 59) |
Gas giants: none (M3, p. 23; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 28, 34, 35, 39; MT2, pp. 18, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 53, 60) |
Gas giant orbit number: n/a (B06, pp. 34, 35; MT2, pp. 18, 28) |
Planetoid belts: none (M3, p. 23; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 28, 34-35, 39; MT2, pp. 18-19, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 52-53, 61) |
Planetoid belt orbit number: n/a (B06, p. 35; MT2, pp. 19, 28) |
Predominate planetoid diameter: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61) |
Planetoid belt zones: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61) |
Planetoid belt width: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61) |
Companion - notes: [- redacted -] |
Companion - notes: [- redacted -] |
Primary System World and Satellite Data (B06, pp. 51-53; MT2, pp. 28-29) |
Orbit |
Radii |
Name (UWP) |
Remarks |
0 (21 Gm) |
- |
Joyeuse (C464557-A) |
Habitable zone |
- |
2 (6400 km) |
La Couronne (XR00000-0) |
Ring |
1 (60 Gm) |
- |
Roland (G200313-4) |
Reserve military facility under development. (Karl's 100-diameter limit at 66 Gm) |
2 (105 Gm) |
- |
Oliver (H100111-0) |
Commercial research facility. |
3 (150 Gm) |
- |
Fierabras |
Small gas giant. |
- |
3 (144 Mm) |
La Couronne D'Épines (XR00000-0) |
Ring |
- |
8 (384 Mm) |
Floripas (Y100111-1) |
Commercial fuel skimming facility. |
- |
40 (1920 Mm) |
Gui (Y200111-0) |
Commercial search and rescue facility. |
4 |
- |
- |
Empty orbit |
5 |
- |
- |
Empty orbit |
6 |
- |
- |
Empty orbit |
7 |
- |
- |
Empty orbit |
8 (2900 Gm) |
- |
Gallas (M9V) |
Companion star |
Companion System World and Satellite Data (B06, pp. 51-53; MT2, pp. 26-29) |
Orbit |
Radii |
Name (UWP) |
Remarks |
0 (30 Gm) |
- |
Turpin (YS00111-0) |
Commercial facility. |
1 (60 Gm) |
- |
Aude (YS00112-0) |
Commercial facility. |
2 (105 Gm) |
- |
Berengier (YS00111-0) |
Commercial facility. |
3 (240 Gm) |
- |
Ogier (H100113-0) |
Commercial facility. |
Joyeuse History
Sword Worlds |
Old Terran |
Historical event |
- |
c3181 |
Darrian explorers reach Joyeuse. (AM08, p. 9; GT31, p. 6; GT23, p. 34) |
- |
c3389 |
Darrians establish scientific outpost on Joyeuse. (AM08, p. 9-12; GT31, pp. 6-7; GT23, pp. 34-36) |
- |
3596 |
Though beyond the range of physical disruption caused by the Maghiz, outpost on Joyeuse loses contact with Darrians and eventually fails. (AM08, pp. 9-12; GT31, pp. 6-7; GT23, pp. 34-36) |
4 F.E. |
4125 |
Gram Council establishes colony on Joyeuse, one of the four "First Colonies." (GT31, pp. 8, 11) |
13 F.E. |
4134 |
Efforts to preserve the starships of the original Gram expedition begin to limit contact with Gram and the other settled Sword Worlds. (GT31, p. 8) |
c100 F.E. |
4221 |
Joyeuse population is approximately 8000. (GT31, p. 9) |
102 F.E. |
4223 |
Contact with Gram and other First Colonies improves when Gram gains jump capability. (GT31, p. 9) |
135 F.E. |
4256 |
Joyeuse population is approximately 50,000. (GT31, pp. 9, 11) |
c212 F.E. |
c4333 |
The Mutiny / Unshackling (Gram-Sacnoth war) begins. (GT31, pp. 9, 11) |
1 D.E. |
4335 |
The Mutiny / Unshackling ends with Sacnoth victory; Sacnoth Dominate takes control of Joyeuse from Gram. (GT31, pp. 9, 11) |
[*] Sacnoth Dominate Patrol World Profiles are a reference resource produced by the Patrol with almanac-style information about the Sword Worlds. It provides a brief summary of the planetography, sociography and political-economy of each of the Sword Worlds. (Also see Jones's non-canon.)
Joyeuse Canon and Apocrypha
(AAB entry / Webb's Canon)
Excerpts of Dominate-era information about Joyeuse from various published Traveller® sources (in order of original publication).
— 1979 —
• Supplement 3: The Spinward Marches (S03): "The Sword Worlds," pp. 16-17 (dates for era of original Sword Worlds colonization; Milieu 1105 world and system data for Joyeuse).
— 1980 —
• Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society #6 (J06): "Amber Zone: Ticket to Swords," pp. 28-29 (Milieu 1105 population and geography details for Joyeuse nation of Brunhild).
— 1981 —
• Supplement 8: Library Data (A-M) (S08): "Chronology," p. 10 (date Sword World colonization began; date first Sword Worlds government established).
• Fifth Frontier War: Battle for the Spinward Marches (G04): Joyeuse counter and board "world box" (Milieu 1105 system defense boats and defense battalions for Joyeuse).
— 1982 —
• Supplement 11: Library Data N-Z (S11): "Sword Worlds Confederation," p. 22 (date and world of first Sword World settlement; date by which most Sword Worlds were settled; date Sacnoth Dominate was established, number of Sword Worlds at formation).
• Introductory Adventure: The Imperial Fringe (A00): "The Sword Worlds," p. 29 (Milieu 1105 world data for Joyeuse).
• Adventure 7: Broadsword (A07): "Library Data: Sword Worlds," p. 47 (dates for era of original Sword Worlds colonization).
— 1983 —
• Tarsus: World Beyond the Frontier (M1): "Renard Ruche" non-player character card (prior service history on Joyeuse).
• Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society #18 (J18): "Contact: The Sword Worlders," p. 13-19 (original Sword Worlders identified as "Solomani exiles," date of arrival in region; date and word of first Sword World settlement; date by which most Sword Worlds were settled; date Sacnoth Dominate was established, number of Sword Worlds at formation; date Joyeuse settled).
— 1985 —
• The Spinward Marches Campaign: Adventures in a War Ravaged Sector (M3): "Fifth Frontier War: The Sword Worlds Campaign," p. 11 (Joyeuse Fleet movement and engagements in the War); "The Spinward Marches: The Sword Worlds (J)," p. 19 (original Sword Worlders identified as "Solomani exiles;" dates for era of original Sword Worlds settlement); "Spinward Marches Data," p. 23 (Milieu 1105 world and system data for Joyeuse).
• Book 7: Merchant Prince (B07): "Merchant Lines: Chaperons Blancs," p. 14 (details for Joyeuse-based interface line).
— 1987 —
• Alien Module 8: Darrians: The Secret of the Star Trigger (AM08): "History of the Darrian People: The Darrian Explosion / The Golden Age of Darrian / Darrian's Ultimate Disaster," pp. 9-10 (ancient Darrian exploration and settlement in region around Joyeuse); "The Effects of the Maghiz (-925 to -907)," p. 11 (ancient Darrian outpost on Joyeuse avoids physical disruption of the Maghiz); "History of the Darrian People: Night Time," p. 12 (Darrian settlements in Sword Worlds region lose contact with Darrian worlds); "Darrian Colonies," pp. 24-25 (ancient Darrian settlements in Sword Worlds region eventually fail); and "Darrian Timeline," p. 25 (date Sword World colonization began; date first Sword Worlds government established).
• Imperial Encyclopedia (MT3): "Spinward Marches Data," p. 95 (Rebellion Era world and system data for Joyeuse).
— 1990 —
• The Travellers' Digest #18 (TD18): "Concise History of the Third Imperium: After the Rim War (1002 to 1082)," p. 28 (Joyeuse balkanization).
— 1992 —
• MegaTraveller Journal #3 (MTJ3): "Domain of Deneb Sector Data," p. 49 (Rebellion Era world and system data for Joyeuse).
— 1995 —
• Regency Manual 1: Keepers of the Flame, The Regency Sourebook (RM1): "Sword Words History and Society," p. 32 (date by which Joyeuse was settled); "Spinward Marches Subsector J: Sword Worlds," pp. 44-45 (Rebellion Era and New Era world and system data for Joyeuse).
— 1998 —
• GURPS: Traveller (GT): "Library Data: Sword Worlds Confederation," p. 65 (date by which most Sword Worlds were settled; date Sacnoth Dominate was established, number of Sword Worlds at formation).
• Behind the Claw: The Spinward Marches Sourcebook (GT01): "Recent History of the Spinward Marches," p. 4 (date of civil war on Joyeuse); "Sword Worlds Subsector," p. 67 (dates for era of original Sword Worlds settlement); "1123 Joyeuse (Sword Worlds) — Amber Zone," p. 69 (Milieu 1120 world data, brief description for Joyeuse).
— 1999 —
• Star Mercs: Military and Mercenary Campaigning (GT04): "A Cold Night on Joyeuse", p. 20 (Fifth Frontier War vignette).
— 2000 —
• Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (online), July 25, 2000 (GJ0725): "The Sacnoth Dominate" (rationale for original settlement of Joyeuse, earliest settlement experience; early population levels for Joyeuse; -105 IE world and system data for Joyeuse).
• Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (online), August 29, 2000 (GJ0829): "The Sword Worlders" (original Sword Worlders identified as "Solomani exiles;" number of Sword Worlds at formation; dates of Sacnoth Dominate era).
— 2002 —
• Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (online), July 23, 2002 (GJ2723): "The Five States" (55 IE world and system data for Joyeuse).
— 2003 —
• Humaniti: The Infinite Variety of Mankind in Space, (GT23): "The Darrian Explosion," pp. 34-35 (ancient Darrian exploration and settlement in region around Joyeuse); "Night Time," p. 36 (Darrian settlements in Sword Worlds region lose contact with Darrian worlds); "Rebuilding the Darrian Community: The Sword Worlds," pp. 36-37 (original Sword Worlders identified as "Solomani colonists;" dates for era of original Sword Worlds settlement; early Sword Worlder detection of Darrian settlements in region, reluctance to engage Darrians).
— 2004 —
• Sword Worlds: The Day After Ragnarok (GT31): "History: The Darrians," pp. 6-7 (ancient Darrian exploration and settlement in region around Joyeuse, ancient outpost on Joyeuse); "History: The Early Days," p. 8 (Joyeuse, other Sword Worlds settled in effort to pre-empt Darrian expansion); "Sword Worlds Chronology, Part I," p. 11 (date for settlement of Joyeuse); "Worlds: Sword Worlds Confederation Worlds," p. 24 (Milieu 1120 world and system data); "Worlds: 1121 Mjolnir (The Oil Pools)," pp. 37-38 (exports to Joyeuse, other worlds); "Worlds: 1123 Joyeuse," pp. 39-41 (Milieu 1120 world map wth sea names, capital city and starport names; extended description; native lifeform statistics; off-world military base established in Sacnoth Dominate era); "Library Data: Chaperons Blancs," p. 78; "Library Data: Four Worlds," p. 84 (origins of the Four Colonies, including Joyeuse); "Library Data: Gram Hegemony," p. 86 (brief description of pre-Dominate era); "Campaigns: Where's Egon? (Joyeuse)," p. 89 (Joyeuse city).
• The Best of the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (JTAS) (online), Volume 1 (GBJ1: "The Sacnoth Dominate: The Early Days," p. 35 (rationale for original settlement of Joyeuse, earliest settlement experience); "The Sacnoth Dominate: Getting Back Into Space," pp. 35-36 (early population levels for Joyeuse); "The Sacnoth Dominate: The Sacnoth Dominate," p. 36 (Dominate political order on Joyeuse, other worlds); "Sword Worlds Subsector Data," p. 38 (-105 IE world and system data for Joyeuse); "The Sacnoth Dominate: Timeline," p. 39 (settlement date for Joyeuse); and "Sword Worlders," pp. 40-41 (original Sword Worlders identified as "Solomani exiles;" number of Sword Worlds at formation; dates of Sacnoth Dominate era).
— 2008 —
• The Third Imperium: The Spinward Marches (3I:SM): "Sword Worlds Subsector," p. 94 (original Sword Worlders identified as "a long-range colony mission from Terra;" early awareness of nearby Darrians), and "Sword Worlds Subsector" (table), p. 96 (Milieu 1105 world and system data for Joyeuse).
— 2011 —
• The Third Imperium: Sword Worlds (3I:SW): "History of the Sword Worlds," pp. 34-35 (rationale for original settlement of Joyeuse, earliest settlement experience, early population levels for Joyeuse); "The Sword Worlds," p. 43 (Milieu 1105 world and system data for Joyeuse); "Joyeuse," pp. 52-53 (world data, extended description; climate details, terrain details, largest settlement, native lifeforms, off-world military base); "Sword Worlds Animals: Joyeuse," p. 121 (native lifeform statistics).
Image credits:
[ᚠ] Map derived from original illustration from GT31, p. 39. No endorsement of The Cleaved Helm has been made or is implied.
[ᚡ] Map modified from The Traveller Map. No endorsement of The Cleaved Helm has been made or is implied.
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