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Dominate Patrol World Profile: Gram

"The cloud-veil hid the stars from Gram, and Elaine had missed them, since coming home from Excalibur."

— H. Beam Piper, Space Viking

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Ag Ni Ri





Gram is located on the Sword Worlds Main at the juncture of the Horseshoe and the Far Leg.  It is the original world settled by the Founders and remains the most populous world in the Dominate.  Gram is named for the flagship of the fleet which brought the Founders to the world, the Sword-class warship Gram, itself named for a mythical sword of ancient Old Terran legend.

Image - Gram world map

(Map image derived from Sword Worlds: The Day After Ragnarok, p. 39)

Gram is a rich, agricultural world orbiting in the life zone around Sigurd, a yellow-white dwarf (main-sequence) star, with an orbital period of a bit more than 545 standard days.  A red degenerate-dwarf companion, Sigmund, is too far away to have much effect.  Gram is a large world with a surface gravity of 1.1 standard and a local day of 29.1 standard hours.  Gram's atmosphere is a standard oxygen-nitrogen mix with a surface pressure of 1.3 atmospheres.  The "cloud-veil," an enduring weather phenomenon caused by dust lifted into the dense atmosphere, makes an unclouded view of the daytime sun or the nighttime stars a very rare—and unpredictable—event.  Water covers 55% of the planet surface.  The base temperature is 22 °C, giving Gram a summer high of 46 °C at the equator and a winter low of -56 °C at the poles.

Gram and surrounding worlds
(Modified from The Traveller Map)

Gram has an extensive ecosystem, with complex native flora and fauna, which was conducive to the introduction of Terran flora and fauna.  The atmosphere is dense but breathable and because most of the interior of Midgaard ("Midgård" in Sagamaal), the single large, sprawling super-continent which covers one entire hemisphere, is desert, the coastlands host most of the world's 2.5 million inhabitants.  Four major and five minor continents are assembled into Midgaard.  In the World Ocean ("Verdenshavet" in Sagamaal) that covers the other hemisphere lies the last minor continent, eight major islands and eleven archipelagoes, altogether comprising less than six percent of the land surface.

There are both orbital and ground components of Gram's starport.  The highport, Old Gram Station, in a geosynchronous orbit above the downport, is built around the original warship Gram. (GJ2723, "The Five States"; GJ4316, "Old Gram Station"; GT31, p. 94)  The downport, Hansen's Landing, located on the opposite shore of the Solsund Strait from the capital, New Kalmar ("Ny Kalmar" in Sagamaal), is named for Commander Flemming Hansen, the Gram officer who led the first landing party to the surface. (GJ2723, "The Five States"; GT31, pp. 47, 48, 49, 88)

Gram's government is a traditional feudal technocracy with a hereditary planetary monarch—Hertug—at the pinnacle of the industrial and landed nobility.  (The original Hertug was installed by the Sacnoth Dominate, replacing the traditional Admiral who had ruled since the Founding Era.)  Sacnoth Dominate authority on Gram is represented by a planetary governor-general ("Øverste Guvernør" in Sagamaal) who is formally identified as an "advisor" to the Hertug but in truth executes direction from the Dominate government.  Nevertheless, the Dominate is careful not to trample on Gram's autonomy in internal affairs.  The Hertug is also advised by the Muster, a tricameral legislative body comprised of the Commissioned Corps (capital-holding nobles), the Enlisted Corps (professionals, technicians and tradespeople) and the Civilian Corps (unskilled, non-property-holding citizens).

Starport (A): excellent quality installation, refined fuel available; starship repair and shipyard facilities present. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; B03, p. 5)  No subordinate starports or spaceports.

Size (8): large (molten core), diameter 12,767 kilometers, surface gravity 1.1 g, density 0.94, mass 0.83. (GT31, p. 24; GJ2723, "The Five States")  Escape velocity: 11.0 kilometers per second. (B06, p. 48)  Rotational period ("local day"), 29.1 hours; axial tilt, 22 degrees. (GT31, p. 24; GJ2723, "The Five States")

Atmosphere (8): dense, breathable. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")  Surface pressure 1.3 atmospheres. (GJ2723, "The Five States")  Climate: normal, base temperature, 22°C; [no] eccentricity effects; average equatorial temperature, ___°C; average polar temperature, ___°C; base summer temperature increase, +___°C; base winter temperature decrease, -___°C; daytime temperature increase, +___°C; nighttime temperature decrease, -___°C; equatorial summer high 46°C, polar winter low -56°C. (GT31, p. 24; GJ2723, "The Five States")  Life: complex native flora and fauna, plus several species of imported Old Terran flora and fauna. (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Hydrosphere (5): wet, 55% water; ___ major tectonic plates, four major continents, seven minor continents (all but one assembled into one super-continent, Midgård), single ocean (Verdenshavet), eight major islands, eleven archipelagoes; ___ major volcanoes; weather control. (GT31, p. 24; GJ2723, "The Five States").

Population (6; 3): medium (moderate), 2.5 million.  (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 10)  ___ large cities: Ny Kalmar (400K), capital, on the west equatorial coast of Midgård; [- others -].  One orbital city. Old Gram Station, (__K), in geosynchronous orbit above Handsen's Landing downport at Ny Kalmar. (GJ2723, "The Five States")
Social outlook: progressiveness: progressive attitude, advancing action; aggressiveness: unaggressive attitude, neutral action; extensiveness, global harmonious, interstellar friendly.
Local customs: tattoing on body for religious figures (Aesirists); travelling far away required for religious figures (Aesirists); medical figures live at place of work; psionics allowed for medical figures.

Government (5): feudal technocracy; three-way division of authority, with representative executive authority (feudal capital-holders); legislative authority in an elite council ("The Muster"), and judicial authority in several councils (feudal tribunals).
Religious profile: Like most of the Sword Worlds most people on Joyeuse generally tend to be agnostic with few specific religious views but a small Aesirist sect is present on Joyeuse.  Aerisism religious profile: 284786-3 (god view, polytheism; spiritual aim, ethical and moral standards own reward; devotion required, daily; organization structure, loose hierarchy, planetary-level decisions; liturgical formality, rituals, with open teaching; missionary fervor, ordinary, willing to convert anyone; number of adherents, less than ten thousand).

Law (4): low; armament, light assault weapons prohibited; varies territorially; commerce, _____, communication, _____, congregation, _____, movement, _____, privacy, _____, process, _____. (T4:M0e, p. 140-143)
Legal profile: 7-43933 (weapons, light assault weapons prohibited; trade, low restrictions; criminal, high restrictions; civil, low restrictions; personal freedom, low restrictions).

Technology (C): early stellar. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, p. 23)  Availability: fusion and advanced fuel cells (energy); Model/6 and low autonomous robots and Model/6 (computers/robotics); real-time multilingual translators (communications); broad-spectrum antitoxins and enhanced prosthetics (medical); major terraforming and advanced weather control (environmental); personal grav belts and light gravitic modules (land/water/air transport); jump-3 (space); portable plasma guns and Gauss rifles (weaponry), fusion guns, superdense armor and nuclear dampers (military); jump-4 prototypes (regional novelty technology maximum). (GC, pp. 37-39; MT5, pp. 28-29)
Technology profile: CC-CCCCC-CCCC-CC-D (high common, 12; low common, 12; energy, 12; computers/robotics, 12; communications, 12; medical, 12; environment, 12; land transport, 12; water transport, 12; air transport, 12; space transport, 12; weaponry, 12; military, 12; novelty, 12, space transport protoypes, 13). (GC, pp. 31-35)

Military bases: none. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")  System defence forces (home guard): [- redacted -]
No Sacnoth Dominate military bases, but many individual feudal holdings maintain their own planetary and space forces.
Trade classification: agricultural, (non-industrial), rich. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")
Primary natural resources are agricultual, ores and radioactives; processed resources are agroproducts and information resources are documents (no substantial manufactured goods available for off-world trade).
Allegiance: Sacnoth Dominate (Sword Worlds). (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

Planetoid belts: None. (M3, p. 23)
Gas giants: Signy, Borghild and Brynhild. (M3, p. 23)

Stars: Sigurd (primary), yellow-white dwarf (F2 V), mass 1.5, luminosity 5.1; Sigmund (companion), red degenerate-dwarf (M2 D); orbital distance, ___ kilometers (___ light-minutes); orbital period, ___ standard years, mass ___, luminosity ___. (RM1, p. 45; GT31, pp. 8, 24; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GJ2723, "The Five States")
Main world orbital distance (orbit 4, near, "habitable zone"): 200M kilometers (11 light-minutes). (B06, pp. 28-29; GJ2723, "The Five States")  Orbital period, ("local year") 545 days; orbital eccentricity, 0.005. (GJ2723, "The Five States")  One small (size 2) moon, "Barnstokker" (H200121-0), in close orbit at eight planetary radii (51K kilometers). (B06, pp. 28, 29, 36; GT31, p. 24; GJ2723, "The Five States")

Primary system worlds: Roland, orbital distance, 60M kiliometers (0.4 AU; G301313-0, no satellites); Oliver, orbital distance, 105M kilometers (0.7 AU; H100212-0, no satellites); Turpin, orbital distance, 240M kilometers (1.6 AU; YS00111-0).
Companion system worlds: Berengier, orbital distance, 30M kilometers (0.2 AU; YS00112-0); Aude, orbital distance, 60M kilometers (0.4 AU; YS00112-0); Ogier, orbital distance, 105M kilometers (0.7 AU; H100213-0, no satellites).

Detailed World Data (GS, p. i; WBH, p. i)

UWP: A885654-C (GJ2723, "The Five States"; S03, p. 16)

Location: 000000 (S03, p. 16; GJ2723, "The Five States")

Date: 10 Maí 45 D.E.

Size-related Details

Diameter (8): large (12,767 km) (S03, p. 16; GT01, p. 70; GJ2723, "The Five States"; GT31, p. 24; MT2, p. 22)

Density: 0.94 (molten core) (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Mass: 0.833 (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Surface gravity: 1.09g (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Primary (star) mass: 1.5 (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Primary (star) radii: 1.6 (B06, p. 45)

Primary (star) 100-diameter limit: 220 Gm (B02, p. 4; B06, p. 46; J22, pp. 27-29; MT2, p. 39)

Orbit number: 5 (4.0 AU / 600 Gm)α (GJ2723, "The Five States"; B06, p. 46; MT2, p. 27)

Orbital period: 1.5 standard years (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Rotation period: 29 hours, 4 minutes, 12 seconds (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Axial tilt: 22° (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Orbital eccentricity: 0.005 (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Seismic stress: 2.3 (WBH, p. 63)

Orbit number (if satellite): n/a

Orbit period (if satellite): n/a

Satellite (very small): Skala (YS00140-B) (GT31, pp. 23, 24; B06, pp. 24, 28, 33, 36-37; MT2, pp. 28-29)

Satellite orbit (Skala): 7R (45,000 km) (MT2, p. 29)

Size - notes: [- redacted -]

Size-related Details notes:
α GT31, p. 24, says orbital distance is 4.0 AU (600 Gm).  B06, p. 46, and MT2, p. 27, indicate that Habital Zone distance for F2V star would be inward of Orbit 5 (at 2.8 AU / 420 Gm).  On the other hand, GT31 value of 4.0 AU / 600 Gm is at the extreme outward bound of Orbit 5.

Atmosphere-related Details

Atmosphere (8): dense (S03, p. 16; GJ2723, "The Five States"; GT01, p. 70; GT31, p. 24; MT2, pp. 22-23)

Composition: oxygen-nitrogen mix (GJ2723, "The Five States"; GT01, p. 70)

Surface pressure: 1.32 (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Stellar luminosity: 5.1 (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Orbit factor: 280 (WBH, p. 64)

Energy absorption: 0.78 (WBH, p. 65)

Greenhouse effect: 1.15 (WBH, p. 65)

Base temperature: 22 °C (GJ2723, "The Five States")

Eccentricty modifier: ±0 °C (WBH, p. 65)

Axial tilt effects: summer +13 °C; winter -22 °C (WBH, p. 66)

Daytime effect: +0.4 °C per hour; +3 °C maximum (WBH, p. 66)

Nighttime effect: -0.5 °C per hour; -7 °C minimum (WBH, p. 67)

Native life: advanced fauna (GJ2723, "The Five States"; GT31, p. 46-48)

Atmospheric terraforming: none

Greenhouse terraforming: none

Albedo terraforming: none

Climate: normal (GJ2723, "The Five States"; GT01, p. 70; GT31, p. 24)

Atmosphere - notes: [- redacted -]

Temperature-related Details (GJ2723, "The Five States"; WBH, p. 68)

Hex Row

Base Temp

Lat Mod (WBH, p. 66)

Row Base

Summ Max

Tilt Fact (WBH, p. 66)

Summ incr

Day Max

Ecc incr

Row High

Wint Min

Wint decr

Nite Min

Ecc decr

Row Low






































































































































































Hydrosphere-related Details

Hydrosphere (5): wet (55%) (S03, p. 16; GJ2723, "The Five States"; GT01, p. 70; GT31, p. 24; MT2, pp. 22-23)

Composition: liquid water (GT31, p. 39)

Tectonic plates: single major plate (WBH, p. 66)

Hydrosphere terraforming: none (WBH, p. 66)

Terrain terraforming: none (WBH, p. 66)

Major oceans (2): Hearth Sea, Island Sea (GT31, p. 39; WBH, p. 70)

Minor oceans (2): Eaglewood Sea, Thunder Sea (GT31, p. 39; WBH, p. 70)

Small seas (3): Austrasian Great Lakes, Burgundian Great Lakes, Lake Francia (GT31, p. 39; WBH, p. 70)

Scattered lakes: none (GT31, p. 39; WBH, p. 70)

Notable volcanoes: eleven, including five undersea (two in Hearth Sea, two in Island Sea and one in Eaglewood Sea) (WBH, p. 70)

Trade classification: agricultural, non-industrial (GJ0725; MT2, pp. 21, 25, 48)

Natural resource exports: agricultural, ores, compounds (GS, pp. 31-32, 46; WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49)

Processed resource exports: agroproducts, non-metals (GS, pp. 31-32, 46; WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49)

Manufactured good exports: none (GS, pp. 31-32, 46; WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49)

Information exports: documents (WBH, p. 71; MT2, pp. 47-49)

Weather control: none (WBH, p. 70)

Hydrosphere - notes: [- redacted -]

Hydrosphere - notes: [- redacted -]

Population-related Details

Population (5): moderate (805,000) (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 22, 24)

Very large citiesδ: Aachen, 140K, good quality (F) spaceport; Brambleton, 140K, good quality (F) spaceport; Burgundaven, 120K, routine quality (C) starport (WBH, pp. 55, 72-74; B06, pp. 29, 39)

Large cities: Torhold, 80K, poor quality (G) spaceport; Ringhold, 60K, poor quality (G) spaceport; Hindmount, 40K, poor quality (G) spaceport; Edgewater, 20K, poor quality (G) spaceport (WBH, p. 74; B06, pp. 26, 29, 39)

Orbital cities: none (WBH, p. 74)

Progressiveness: progressive attitude, advancing action (WBH, pp. 55-56, 74-75)

Aggressiveness: unagressive attitude, neutral action (WBH, pp. 55-56, 74-75)

Extensiveness: globally harmonious, interstellar friendliness (WBH, pp. 55-56, 74-75)

Local customs: [- redacted -]

Population - notes: [- redacted -]

Government-related Details

Government (7): regional rivalryε (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 22, 24)

Division of authority: executive with judicial and legislative (WBH, pp. 56-57, 78-79)

Primary authority organization: rival regional (executive) elite councils

Secondary authority organization: several (judicial) councils

Tertiary authority organization: several (legislative) councils

Allegiance (Sd): Sacnoth Dominate (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

Religious profile: [- redacted -]

Religious deity view: [- redacted -]

Religious spiritual aim: [- redacted -]

Religious devotion required: [- redacted -]

Religious organization: [- redacted -]

Religious liturgical formality: [- redacted -]

Religious missionary fervor: [- redacted -]

Religious adherents: [- redacted -]

Government - notes: [- redacted -]

Law-related Details

Law (7): moderate (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 22, 24)

Legal profile: 7-55555 (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82)

Uniformity: territorial (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82)

Weapons (5): personal concealable weapons prohibited (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Trade (5): moderate trade regulation (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Criminal (5): moderate criminal law (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Civil (5): moderate civil law (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Personal freedom (5): moderate regulation (WBH, pp. 57-58, 82; MT2, p. 22)

Law - notes: [- redacted -]

Technology-related Details

Starport (C): routine quality installation (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 17, 23)

Technology level (A): early stellar (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; MT2, pp. 23-24)

Bases: none (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate";B06, pp. 25, 29, 32, 37-38; MT2, pp. 20, 24, 29)

High common (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; MT2, p. 22)

Low common (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; MT2, p. 22)

Energy achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Computers / robotics achievement (A): voice transcription, early synaptics (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Communications achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Medical achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Environmental achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Land transport achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Water transport achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Air transport achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Space transport achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Personal weapons achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Heavy weapons achievement (A): early stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Novelty (C): average stellar (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Technology profile: AA-AAAAA-AAAA-AA-C (WBH, pp. 58, 83-86; GC, pp. 32-39)

Detailed World Data notes:
δ For these cities, instead of using the population-multiplier-limiting method for determining the share of world population available as described for very large cities in WBH, p. 74, the method here uses the half-of-world-population-limiting method described for large cities to determine the share of world population available.
ε GJ0725 shows the government type digit (6) indicating "captive government" which seems to be a mistaken reference to the interstellar control of the Sacnoth Dominate.  The government type has been revised here to indicate "regional rivalry" (7) with an assumption of rival territorial regions of the "feudal technocracy" government type more common in Sword Worlds of this era.

Primary Star System Data (B06, pp. 51-53; MT2, pp. 26-29)

Primary: Karl (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28; MT2, pp. 18, 26)

Spectral class (M3): red (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26)

Size (V): dwarf (main sequence) (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26)

Companion orbit number: eight (2900 Gm) (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26)

Maximum orbit number: three (150 Gm) (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26)

Available orbits: 0-4, 10+ (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26)

Habitable orbit: 0 (B06, pp. 29, 30-31, 34, 35, 43, 46; MT2, pp. 18-19, 27, 28; WBH, p. 59)

Empty orbits: none (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 28)

Captured planets: none (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 28)

Gas giants (1): Fierabras (M3, p. 23; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 28, 34, 35, 39; MT2, pp. 18, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 53, 60)

Gas giant orbit number: 3 (150 Gm) (B06, pp. 34, 35; MT2, pp. 18, 28)

Gas giant size: small (96000 km) (B06, pp. 28, 39, 48; WBH, pp. 53, 60)

Planetoid belts: none (M3, p. 23; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 28, 34-35, 39; MT2, pp. 18-19, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Planetoid belt orbit number: n/a (B06, p. 35; MT2, pp. 19, 28)

Predominate planetoid diameter: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Planetoid belt zones: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Planetoid belt width: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Primary - notes: [- redacted -]

Companion Star System Data (B06, p. 51-53; MT2, pp. 26-29)

Companion: Gallas (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28; MT2, pp. 18, 26)

Spectral class (M9): red (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26)

Size (V): dwarf (main sequence) (GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 22-23, 28, 41-43, 45; MT2, pp. 18, 26)

Maximum orbit number: three (150 Gm) (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26)

Available orbits: 0-4 (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 26)

Habitable orbit: none (B06, pp. 29, 30-31, 34, 35, 43, 46; MT2, pp. 18-19, 27, 28; WBH, p. 59)

Empty orbits: none (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 28)

Captured planets: none (B06, pp. 23, 28; MT2, p. 28)

Gas giants: none (M3, p. 23; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 28, 34, 35, 39; MT2, pp. 18, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 53, 60)

Gas giant orbit number: n/a (B06, pp. 34, 35; MT2, pp. 18, 28)

Gas giant size: n/a (B06, pp. 28, 39, 48; WBH, pp. 53, 60)

Planetoid belts: none (M3, p. 23; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, p. 24; B06, pp. 28, 34-35, 39; MT2, pp. 18-19, 25, 28; WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Planetoid belt orbit number: n/a (B06, p. 35; MT2, pp. 19, 28)

Predominate planetoid diameter: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Planetoid belt zones: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Planetoid belt width: n/a (WBH, pp. 52-53, 61)

Companion - notes: [- redacted -]

Companion - notes: [- redacted -]

Primary System World and Satellite Data (B06, pp. 51-53; MT2, pp. 28-29)



Name (UWP)


0 (21 Gm)


Joyeuse (C464557-A)

Habitable zone


2 (6400 km)

   La Couronne (XR00000-0)


1 (60 Gm)


Roland (G200313-4)

Reserve military facility under development. (Karl's 100-diameter limit at 66 Gm)

2 (105 Gm)


Oliver (H100111-0)

Commercial research facility.

3 (150 Gm)



Small gas giant.


3 (144 Mm)

   La Couronne D'Épines (XR00000-0)



8 (384 Mm)

   Floripas (Y100111-1)

Commercial fuel skimming facility.


40 (1920 Mm)

   Gui (Y200111-0)

Commercial search and rescue facility.




Empty orbit




Empty orbit




Empty orbit




Empty orbit

8 (2900 Gm)


Gallas (M9V)

Companion star

Companion System World and Satellite Data (B06, pp. 51-53; MT2, pp. 26-29)



Name (UWP)


0 (30 Gm)


Turpin (YS00111-0)

Commercial facility.

1 (60 Gm)


Aude (YS00112-0)

Commercial facility.

2 (105 Gm)


Berengier (YS00111-0)

Commercial facility.

3 (240 Gm)


Ogier (H100113-0)

Commercial facility.

Historical Timeline

Sword Worlds

Old Terran

Historical event



Ancient Darrian explorers reach Gram. (AM08, p.9; GT31, p. 6; GT23, p. 34)



Ancient Darrians establish scientific outpost on Gram. (AM08, p.9-12; GT31, p. 6-7; GT23, p. 34-36)



Though beyond the range of physical disruption caused by the Maghiz, outpost on Gram loses contact with ancient Darrians (AM08, p.9-12; GT31, p. 6-7; GT23, p. 34-36)



Ancient Darrian outpost on Gram fails. (AM08, p.9-12; GT31, p. 6-7; GT23, p. 34-36)

1 F.E.


Founders arrive on Gram. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

4 F.E.


Gram establishes minor settlements on the Four Worlds ("First Colonies"). (J18, p. 17; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, pp. 8, 9, 11)

c100 F.E.


Population of Gram over 400,000. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

102 F.E.


Gram begins to retrofit mothballed escorts in anticipation of new colonization effort. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

106 F.E.


Gram begins settlement of New Colonies of the near Far Leg and of the Dyrnwyn Spur. (J18, p. 17; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, pp. 9, 11, 55, 99)

108 F.E.


Zhodani traders reach Gram. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate"; GT31, pp. 9, 11)

110 F.E.


Gram builds first new jump-capable ship. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

c200 F.E.


Gram begins settlement of the far Horseshoe Colonies. (GT31, p. 9, 11, 99)

c212 F.E.


First Gram-Sacnoth War begins. (GT31, p. 9; GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

213 F.E.


Gram flagship, the 5000-ton escort Ormen Hin Lange, destroyed in battle against Sacnoth forces. (GJ2723, "The Five States")

1 D.E. (214 F.E.)


First Sacnoth-Gram War ends with Sacnoth victory; Sacnoth Dominate gains control of Gram.

* Sacnoth Dominate Patrol World Profiles are a reference resource produced by the Patrol with almanac-style information about the Sword Worlds.  It provides a brief summary of the planetography, sociography and political-economy of each of the Sword Worlds.  Note: the information presented here relies extensively upon the Gram world brief from "The Five States," Hans Rancke-Madsen, Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (online), July 23, 2002. (GJ2723)  Also see Jones's non-canon.

Gram Canon and Apocrypha
(AAB entry / Webb's Canon)

Excerpts of Dominate-era information about Gram from various published Traveller® sources (in order of original publication).

— 1979 —

"The Sword Worlds [were] all colonized in the same era (400-200 PI)." (S03, p. 16)









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(S03, pp. 16-17; 3I:SM, pp. 96, 97)

— 1981 —

"-399 [3I] . . . Sword World colonization begins." (S08, p. 10; MT3, p. 7; RM1, pp. 22, 31)

". . . undermining the foundations of a 1500 year old . . . memorial to the first colonists on Gram . . . discovered the wreckage of an early colonial transport vessel, almost completely intact . . . of an age such that it might have been the first colonization ship to reach Gram. . . ." (J12, p. 10)

— 1982 —

". . . first settlement in the region was on Gram in -399 [3I]." (S11, p. 22; J18, p. 13; MT3, p. 40; T4:M0e, p. 22; GT, p. 65)

"-391 (sic) [3I]: First Settlement on Gram.
"-300 [3I]: Joyeuse, Colada, Tizon and Hrunting settled [from Gram].
"-200 [3I]: Tyrfing, . . . Sacnoth, Excalibur, Hofud, . . . Durendal, . . . Dyrnwyn settled [from Gram]." (J18, p. 17)

— 1983 —

". . . -399 [3I] . . . Gram . . . settled by Solomani exiles. . . ." (M1, pp. 11, 16; M2, pp. 7, 8)

"Fugitive Solomani first settled at Gram in -399 [3I]. . . ." (M1, p. 23)

— 1985 —

"In -399 [3I], Gram . . . was the first of the Sword Worlds to be colonized. . . ." (M3, p. 18)









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(M3, pp. 23, 24; MT3, p. 95; MTJ3, p. 49)

— 1987 —

". . . (-925 [3I] to -907 [3I]) . . . [ancient Darrian settlement on Gram is beyond range of communications and computing disruption caused by Maghiz]." (AM08, p. 11)

"In -399 [3I] Solomani colonists . . . settled on Gram. . . . their survey of various systems detected the Darrian worlds and their low-tech settlement . . . they avoided contact with the Darrians and instead selected the worlds [that would become] the Sword Worlds. . . ." (AM08, p. 12)

— 1991 —

"Sword Worlds . . . first settled by Solomani sleeper ships in -399 [3I]." (MTJ1, p. 25)

— 1995 —

"-399 [3I]:   First settlers on Gram." (RM1, p. 32)

"The Sword Worlds were populated beginning in -399 [3I] by Terrans of Germanic and Nordic descent." (RM1, p. 32)









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(RM1, p. 45)

c1202 [3I]



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(RM1, p. 45)

— 1998 —

". . . first of the Sword Worlds to be colonized was Gram, by Terran settlers of Germanic and Nordic descent." (GT01, p. 27)
. . .
"Gram . . . Diameter: 7,935 miles (12,767 km).  Atmosphere: Dense oxygen-nitrogen tainted by industrial pollution.  Surface Water: 55%.  Climate: Normal." (GT01, p. 70)

— 1999 —

". . . the mining colony on Gram IV." (GT04, p. 34)

— 2000 —

"So on Day 127 of the Year -399 [3I], the [Gram] Council decided to colonize the world, which was named Gram after the ship. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate";GT31, p. 8; 3I:SW, p. 34)  The sun was named Sigurd and its companion Sigmund." (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate";GT31, p. 8)
. . .
"The survey [of neighboring systems] found the Darrians, but the [Gram] Council decided against any contact with them.  . . . wanting to preempt possession of the worlds between Gram and the closest world with surviving Darrians (Cunnonic), the escort ships were used to establish small . . . colonies on Joyeuse, Colada, Tizon, and Hrunting." (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")
. . .
"In -300 [3I], Gram had a population of over 400,000. . . .  In -298 [3I], they began refitting the old escorts and embarked on a program of colonizing the remaining worlds in the region.  Eight years later they built their first new jump-capable ship.  For most of a generation Gram sent much of its population increase off to settle Tyrfing, Sacnoth, Hofud, Durendal, Dyrnwyn and Excalibur.. . . .  In -292 [3I] the Zhodani contacted Gram. . . .  In -265 [3I] . . . Gram had a population of 600,000. . . .  In -232 [3I] . . . Gram had 800,000. . . .  Three more planets were settled from -200 to -186 [3I]: Morglay . . . and Haulteclere . . . and Isenfang . . . were all settled from Gram." (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")









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(GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

"[In the] Sacnoth Dominate [era] . . . populations . . . on . . . Gram [is] (2.5 million). . . ." (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")
. . .
"Ormen Hin Lange ("The Long Worm"): 10,000-ton cruiser, flagship of the Gram Navy.  Named after Olaf Trygvesson's longship, and second of that name; the first was a 5,000-ton escort destroyed after a heroic battle against Sacnoth forces in -187 [3I]." (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")
. . .
"Red Worm: Symbol of Gram.  Derived from the crest of the 8th Scandinavian Army Corps." (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")
. . .
"-399 [3I]   Settlement of Gram.
"-396 [3I]   Joyeuse, Colada, Tizon, and Hrunting settled [from Gram].
"-300 [3I]   Population of Gram exceeds 400,000.
"-298 [3I]   Gram achieves jump industry.
"-294 to -265 [3I]   Tyrfing, Sacnoth, Hofud, Durendal, Dyrnwyn, and Excalibur settled [from Gram].
"-292 [3I]   Zhodani traders visit Gram.
"-232 [3I]   . . . Gram has 800,000 [population].
"-200 to -186 [3I]   Morglay . . . , Haulteclere . . . , and Isenfang . . . settled from Gram. (GJ0725, "The Sacnoth Dominate")

— 2003 —

"In -399 [3I] a new group of Solomani colonists arrived in the sector and settled on Gram. . . .  By -200 [3I], most of the worlds within four parsecs of Gram had been settled by secondary expeditions from there. . . .  When the original Sword Worlders arrived in the Spinward Marches, their survey detected the low-tech settlements of the Darrian worlds.  The Sword Worlders feared by overwhelmed by the (much more numerous) Darrians, and wanted to create their own independent community of worlds.  Hence, they refrained from opening contact, and instead staked out a neighboring region." (GT23, pp. 36-37)

— 2004 —

". . . from -1270 to -924 [3I] [Darrians] set up scientific research outposts and resource extraction operations on various worlds.  Sword Worlds which once had Darrian outposts include . . . Gram. . . ." (GT31, p. 6)
. . .
"[Gram] Council found the post-Maghiz Darrians during the initial survey, but decided against any contact with them. . . .  The Council decided to preempt the worlds between Gram and Kunonic (Cunnonic), the closest world with surviving Darrians. . . .  Small colonies were established on Joyeuse, Colada, Tizon and Hrunting. . . ." (GT31, p. 8)
. . .
"By -300 [3I] Gram had a population of over 400,000. . . .  Within two years, they began refitting the old escorts and embarked on a program of colonizing the remaling worlds in the region.  Eight years later they built their first new jump-capable ship. . . .  For most of a generation Gram sent much of its population increase off to settle Durendal, Dyrnwyn, Excalibur, Hofud, Sacnoth and Tyrfing. . . .  In -292 [3I] the Zhodani contacted Gram. . . .  In -265 [3I] . . . Gram had a population of 600,000. . . .  In -232 [3I] . . . Gram had 800,000. . . .  . . . in the period from -200 to -186 [3I], Morglay . . . and Haulteclere . . . and Isenfang . . . were all settled from Gram." (GT31, p. 9)
. . .
". . .-187 [3I] . . . was followed by a two-year conflict, in which Sacnoth defeated Gram. . . .  [In the] Sacnoth Dominate [era] . . . populations . . . on . . . Gram [is] (2,500,000). . . ." (GT31, pp. 9-10)
. . .
"-399 [3I]   Settlement of Gram.
"-396 [3I]   Joyeuse, Colada, Tizon and Hrunting settled [from Gram].
. . .
"-298 [3I]   Gram achieves jump industry.
"-294 to -265 [3I]   Tyrfing, Sacnoth, Hofud, Durendal, Dyrnwyn and Excalibur settled from Gram.
"-292 [3I] Zhodani traders visit Gram.
. . .
"-200 to -186 [3I]   Morglay, . . . Haulteclere . . . and Isenfang . . . settled from Gram." (GT31, p. 11)
. . .
"Gram . . . 7,900 [km] (Diameter) . . . 1.09 (Gravity) . . . Dense(T) (Atmosphere) . . . 55% (Hyrdosphere) . . . Normal (Climate) . . . F2 V (Sigurd; Primary) . . . M2 V (Sigmund; Companion) . . . 3 (Gas Giants) . . . 0 (Planetoid Belts) . . . 4.00 (Orbit) . . . 1 small (Moon)" (GT31, p. 24)
. . .
"Gram is the first Sword World. . . ." (GT31, p. 46)
. . .
"Gram is a very good analog of Terra, being just a few miles larger in diameter and only slightly denser.  It is notable only in that its surface is divided almost exactly between one large ocean (Vendshavet) and one supercontinent (Midgaard).  Only a few scattered Mediterranean-sized seas spoil the symmetry.  The existence of the smaller seas is important to Gram's habitability, however, as they are arranged in such a way that very few parts of the planet are far from a source of moisture.  Gram has large deserts, as it is drier than Terra, but because of the large sea and smaller interior seas, much of it remains habitable." (GT31, pp. 46-47)
. . .
[Gram World Map] (GT31, p. 47)
. . .
"Badges: In the early days of the Sword Worlds, Gram adopted the Red Worm, derived from the unit patch of the 8th Scandinavian Army Corps, as a planetary symbol." (GT31, p. 75)
. . .
"Gram Hegemony: . . . the period from -399 to -186 [3I]. . . .  Gram . . . certainly did run the [four First] colonies from -294 to -265 [3I]. . . ." (GT31, pp. 86, 87)
. . .
"Greve Henrik II Universitet: . . . Greve Henrik II . . . was . . . in -181 [3I] . . . the then-Colonial Minister in the Gram government." (GT31, p. 88)
. . .
". . . Founding Day, May 5th, is the most important holiday in the Sword Worlds. . . .  On that day in -399 [3I] shuttle pilot Commander Flemming Hansen was the first Founder to set foot on Gram." (GT31, p. 88)
. . .
"Margesi: . . . originally settled by Sword Worlders from Gram in -186 [3I], who named it Isenfang." (GT31, p. 88)
. . .
"Robert the Bruce: A 20,000-ton Rob Roy-class cruiser, which accompanied the Gram . . . through the Asian Hierate.  In -388 [3I] it was sent back to Terra in an attempt to establish contact with the families that the Founders had been forced to leave behind.  It disappeared on the return journey. . . ." (GT31, p. 96)

"So on Day 127 of the Year -399 [3I], the [Gram] Council decided to colonize the world, which was named Gram after the ship.  The sun was named Sigurd and its companion Sigmund." (GBJ1, p. 35)
. . .
"The survey [of neighboring systems] found the Darrians, but the [Gram] Council decided against any contact with them.  . . . wanting to preempt possession of the worlds between Gram and the closest world with surviving Darrians (Cunnonic), the escort ships were used to establish small . . . colonies on Joyeuse, Colada, Tizon, and Hrunting." (GBJ1, p. 35)
. . .
"Getting Back into Space: In -300 [3I], Gram had a population of over 400,000. . . .  In -298 [3I], they began refitting the old escorts and embarked on a program of colonizing the remaining worlds in the region.  Eight years later they built their first new jump-capable ship.  For most of a generation Gram sent much of its population increase off to settle Tyrfing, Sacnoth, Hofud, Durendal, Dyrnwyn and Excalibur.. . . .  In -292 [3I] the Zhodani contacted Gram. . . .  In -265 [3I] . . . Gram had a population of 600,000. . . .  In -232 [3I] . . . Gram had 600,000. . . .  Three more planets were settled from -200 to -186 [3I]: Morglay . . . and Haulteclere . . . and Isenfang . . . were all settled from Gram." (GBJ1, pp. 35-36)









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(GBJ1, p. 38)

"[In the] Sacnoth Dominate [era] . . . populations . . . on . . . Gram [is] (2.5 million). . . ." (GBJ1, p. 38)
. . .
"-399 [3I]   Settlement of Gram.
"-396 [3I]   Joyeuse, Colada, Tizon, and Hrunting settled [from Gram].
"-300 [3I]   Population of Gram exceeds 400,000.
"-298 [3I]   Gram achieves jump industry.
"-294 to -265 [3I]   Tyrfing, Sacnoth, Hofud, Durendal, Dyrnwyn, and Excalibur settled [from Gram].
"-292 [3I]   Zhodani traders visit Gram.
"-232 [3I]   . . . Gram has 800,000 [population].
"-200 to -186 [3I]   Morglay . . . , Haulteclere . . . , and Isenfang . . . settled from Gram. (GBJ1, p. 39)
. . .
"Ormen Hin Lange ("The Long Worm"): 10,000-ton cruiser, flagship of the Gram Navy.  Named after Olaf Trygvesson's longship, and second of that name; the first was a 5,000-ton escort destroyed after a heroic battle against Sacnoth forces in -187 [3I]." (GBJ1, p. 39)
. . .
"Red Worm: Symbol of Gram.  Derived from the crest of the 8th Scandinavian Army Corps." (GBJ1, p. 39)

— 2008 —

". . . the troops, now colonists, settled on Gram in -399 [3I]." (1248S3, p. 14)
. . .
"The inhabitants of the Sword Worlds . . . are descended from Solomani exiles who first settled Gram in -399 [3I]." (1248S3, p. 63)









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(1248S3, p. 109)

"One [mission from Terra] . . . reached the world now named Gram . . . and in -399 founded a colony there.  This group was composed mainly North Europeans from Terra, and . . . developed a rather unique culture based on an idealised version of Icelandic/Scandinavian values." (3I:SM, p. 45)
. . .
". . . Gram is a moderate sized world with a dense, tainted atmosphere and about 50% coverage of seas . . . there is one giant ocean and one supercontinent, though this does have a number of small inland seas and there [sic].
. . .
"Gram was the first of the Sword Worlds to be settled." (3I:SM, p. 94)

— 2011 —

"Preemptively settling the worlds between Gram and Cunnonic, the closest world with a Darrian population, the [Gram] Council used its remaining ships to establish small colonies on Joyeuse, Colada, Tizon and Hrunting." (3I:SW, p. 34)
. . .
". . . by -300 [IE] . . . Gram had a population of over 400,000. . . ." (3I:SW, p. 35)
. . .
"[By -292 IE, Gram] built the first jump-capable ship of their own, the Genfoedsel . . . Sagamall for 'Rebirth'. . . .  Gram [settled] . . . Durendal, Dyrnwyn, Excalibur, Hofud, Sacnoth and Tyrfing." (3I:SW, p. 35)
. . .
"In -292 [IE] the Zhodani sent emissaries to Gram and began official trade with the Sword Worlders." (3I:SW, p. 35)
. . .
"[By] -265 [IE] . . . Gram had grown to a population of 600,000. . . ." (3I:SW, p. 35)
. . .
"The period from -265 to -232 [IE] . . . disruption caused by the Umbaetur . . . , a political movement on [Gram] that pushed for greater freedom. . . ." (3I:SW, p. 35)
. . .
". . . in -232 [IE] . . . the . . . population of . . . Gram [was] . . . 800,000. . . ." (3I:SW, p. 35)
. . .
". . . between -200 and -186 [IE] . . . [Morglay] and [Haulteclere] . . . and Isenfang . . . were Gram's contribution to the Sword Worlds as a whole." (3I:SW, p. 35)
. . .
"A two year conflict [-187 to -185 IE] . . . where Sacnoth defeated Gram. . . ." (3I:SW, p. 35)









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(3I:SW, pp. 43-44)

"Gram. . . .  Diameter: 7,900 km, Gravity: 1.09g, Atmosphere: Dense Oxygen-nitrogen (Tainted), HydrographicsL 55%, Climate: Normal. . . ." (3I:SW, p. 57)
. . .
"Gram is the forefather Sword World, the first world from which every other Sword World sprang." (3I:SW, p. 57)
. . .
"The planet Gram is geologically similar to Terra, being just a few kilometers larger in diameter and fractionally denser.  This is notable in that Gram's surface is divided nearly between the large Vendshavet ocean and the only supercontinent of Midgaard.  A few scattered seas spoil the symmetry but not enough to shadow the two primary planetary features." (3I:SW, p. 57)
. . .
"Ny Kalmar is the planetary capital and one of the most important cities in the Sword Worlds. . . .  Situated on the southeast coast of the Vendshavet, Ny Kalmar faces south onto the Solsund strait that opens up into the sea. . . .  The city is somewhat triangular and fills a wide, fan-shaped gorge cut into the crust by the Etir River.  The river was what originally spurred the city's foundation. . . .  Hansen's Landing, the primary starport of the planet, is right across the water on the opposite coast just a few thousand kilometers away." (3I:SW, pp. 57-58)

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