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H. Beam Piper Mailing List and Discussion Forum

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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
Membership in this moderated list/forum is by invitation only. (If you'd like an invitation please request one by sending a message to the Moderator.) In order for your messages to be approved for posting to the list you must be both registered with the QuickTopic site (click the "Sign In" link at the top-right of the page) and subscribed to receive messages from the list by e-mail (click the "Get email" button below).
Moderation will focus on keeping the discussion related to H. Beam Piper in a broadly interpreted sense. Off-topic posts or ad hominem comments will not be approved for posting and repeat offenders may be banned from posting to the list.
There is an annual subscription fee required to keep this list/forum free of advertisements and to provide expanded functionality such as the capability to post images. You can support the continued ad-free availability of this shared resource by making a contribution using the PayPal link at the top of the page. (You don't need a PayPal account to make a donation, just a credit card.) Thank you for whatever level of support you can afford.
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David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
04:04 UT
Transition to H_Beam_Piper@simplelists.com

By now you should have gotten an e-mail invitation to the new H. Beam Piper mailing list. It should be up-and-running, with messages archived at:


Once you've confirmed your invitation (by e-mail) you can post messages directly simply by sending an e-mail message to:


Please go ahead and post a brief acknowledgment to let us know you've made it!

All messages are still moderated so you likely won't see your message immediately but it will get back to your e-mail inbox shortly.

(I tried to make sure that those of you who were subscribed to "daily digests" here will continue to get a "daily digest" for the new list. Apologies if I've not gotten this correct in your particular case. Let me know if I can help to get messages delivered as you would like to receive them.)

There are still a few details I'm working out--like a message footer with all the necessary info--but I should have most of these in place by this coming weekend.

If you did _not_ get an e-mail invitation to join the new list--and are still interested in H. Beam Piper discussion--please send me an e-mail message at "piperfan (at) zarthani (dot) net" and I will work to get you transitioned.

I'll keep this list up for now but please start posting your Piper content to the new list from here on out.


David SoobyPerson was signed in when posted
22:48 UT
I'll second what Tim said!

Thank you very much, David, for maintaining this list. It's great that there is still a forum for discussion of Piper's works in a real internet forum context, rather than using FaceBook, which unfortunately so many discussion groups have migrated to. The format of FB encourages quick "sound bite" type posts, and discourages more thoughtful, longer posts; and it is not set up to easily scroll back to see what was posted more than just a few days ago.

(There are other, much more important reasons for avoiding use of FaceBook, but I won't climb up on that soapbox here.)
Tim TowPerson was signed in when posted
05:51 UT
Thanks for maintaining this list and now migrating it to a new location. Appreciate it.

Regarding the covers, the cover illos are pretty aligned with the stories. The Ace Paperbacks were notably good with the covers for the Piper collection. Nowadays I find a lot of the cover illos a bit over the top and in some only loosely tied to the stories.

Definitely the covers were selling tools in the past especially for magazines, probably a bit less so especially for named book authors who get away with just plain text on covers a lot of the time.
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
02:48 UT
Piper Mailing List and Discussion Forum Will be MOVING!

Just received news this evening that QuickTopic, the provider of our our mailing list, is ceasing operations in December. (I have no details about the circumstances which have led to this decision, not that they matter particularly.)

I'll be looking to identify a new provider prior to Nov. 27th, the date when new messages will no longer be able to be posted to the mailing list. Archived messages will remain available at QuickTopic until Dec. 11th.

I have a separate archive that I've been maintaining manually at Zarthani.net which currently has all past messages through the end of last year:


I'll work to ensure that all 2021 messages are captured here too.

No effort is required on your part for the shut-down but do watch your inbox for details on how to join us at the new location. (Any suggestions on a good place to move to would be appreciated.)

It's my intention that we bring along everyone currently participating here to the new location (if you continue to be interested). My apologies in advance to anyone who may get lost in the shuffle. If you find yourself in early 2022 wondering what happened to the Piper mailing list please don't hesitate to contact me directly at Zarthani.net and I will do my best to help you return to the fold.


"Good things in the long run are often tough while they're happening." - Otto Harkaman (H. Beam Piper), ~Space Viking~
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
02:32 UT
Jon Crocker wrote:

> I do think the "Omnilingual" cover is the best Piper cover,
> but that's after reading the story.

Yes, Freas's illustration is wonderful, both the way it presents Martha Dane--it was rare to see a woman on an ~Astounding~ cover; and her two layers of clothing made her stand-out as compared to most women on sci-fi pulps of that era--and because of the way it portrays the not-quite-human Martians in the mural in the background.

> Which one would grab someone, looking at all the
> magazines on the rack? I think they tried all the angles
> with the samples shown.

I have a large print of Schoenherr's cover for (the first instalment of) ~Space Viking~ hanging on my wall but I have to admit it is perhaps not the most striking illustration. (Part of what I like about it also comes from reading about the spherical starships in the story.)

I think perhaps the most striking illustration of a Piper yarn is Schoenherr's ~Analog~ cover for (the first instalment of) ~Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen~ (i.e. "Gunpowder God"). Freas's cover illustration for the second instalment--"Down Styphon!"--is also pretty cool but, again, hard to make sense of until you've read the story.


"There ain't no pictures in it; nothing but print. It's a Literate book." -- Olaf Olafsson (H. Beam Piper & John J. McGuire), ~Null-ABC~
Jon CrockerPerson was signed in when posted
14:06 UT
I do think the "Omnilingual" cover is the best Piper cover, but that's after reading the story. Which one would grab someone, looking at all the magazines on the rack? I think they tried all the angles with the samples shown.
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
03:48 UT

Screen capture: "Day of the Moron" from ~The Box~ (2009)
Tim TowPerson was signed in when posted
16:54 UT
This is great. I always wanted to see the original presentations. Regarding Day of the Moron, that cover and issue was shown and even the title mentioned in the 2009 film, The Box, which is based on the Richard Matheson story, Button, Button, which also was a Twilight Zone episode.

I always wondered if the Day of the Moron placement and reference was a subtle nod to H. Beam Piper.
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
01:34 UT
Jon Crocker wrote:

> The "unrelated cover illustrations" seem to run the
> gamut - on the one hand, I'm kind of curious if there
> was in fact a story about a fish-lady stealing a radio
> set from the guy in the deep-sea diving gear. On the
> other, I wonder if the guy who wrote the later "Silver
> Surfer" ever saw that "Amazing" cover with the ladies
> in yellow on the galactic surfboards.

Definitely some fascinating art in ~Astounding~ (and ~Analog~) "back in the day."

It's interesting too to see when there was cover art commissioned to illustrate Beam's yarns. "Last Enemy" is great, "Time Crime" is remarkably subtle and clever, and the cover illustration for "Day of the Moron" is the best thing about that sad yarn.

One of the cool things about these pulps being posted online is that we get to see the ~interior~ illustrations too. (I have some of those up at Zarthani.net but there are others here I've yet to get to.)

Remember Ashmodai! Remember Belphegor!

"They were turning into the main hallway, between the rows of portraits of past emperors, Paul and Rodrik, Paul and Rodrik, alternating over and over on both walls." — H Beam Piper, "Ministry of Disturbance"
Jon CrockerPerson was signed in when posted
04:37 UT
Thanks for posting those! The "unrelated cover illustrations" seem to run the gamut - on the one hand, I'm kind of curious if there was in fact a story about a fish-lady stealing a radio set from the guy in the deep-sea diving gear. On the other, I wonder if the guy who wrote the later "Silver Surfer" ever saw that "Amazing" cover with the ladies in yellow on the galactic surfboards.
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
03:46 UT
New Piper Originals at Zarthani.net!

I've just added links for electronic versions of all of Piper's work originally published in either ~Astounding~ or ~Analog~, included in each case within the entire issue of original publication, to the "First Publications" bibliography:


This includes not only originals like the serializations of ~Time Crime~, ~Null-ABC~ and ~Space Viking~ but also the first two parts of ~Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen~--"Gunpowder God" and "Down Styphon!"--originally published in ~Analog~.

Wonderful to see the original text with the original illustrations (when there were any) in place.

Bonne journée,

"Do you know which books to study, and which ones not to bother with? Or which ones to read first, so that what you read in the others will be comprehensible to you? That's what they'll give you [at university]. The tools, which you don't have now, for educating yourself." - Bish Ware (H. Beam Piper), ~Four-Day Planet~
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