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H. Beam Piper Mailing List and Discussion Forum

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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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Dennis FrankPerson was signed in when posted
20:02 UT
Thanks for posting the Sun-Gazzette piece. I've added the link to our H.Beam Piper files in the John F. Carr Collection at St. Bonaventure http://archives.sbu.edu/carr/index.html
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
04:27 UT
Piper piece in the ~Williamsport Sun-Gazette~

"Prolific sci-fi writer was inspired by Williamsport" by D. Everett Smith:



"Considering the one author about whom I am uniquely qualified to speak, I question if any reader of H. Beam Piper will long labor under the misunderstanding that he is a pious Christian, a left-wing liberal, a Gandhian pacifist, or a teetotaler." - H. Beam Piper, "Double: Bill Symposium" interview
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
15:49 UT
Eric Wollan wrote:

> Any one know why there is no audio book of Lord Kalvan of
> Otherwhen? I can find all the other Piper works but not Kalvan.

Welcome, Eric. Nice to have you join us.

I suspect this is mostly due to the combination of ~Kalvan~ only being in print in the Paratime "omnibus":


And also not being in the public domain (unlike much of the rest of Beam's work).


"The Federation Government owns a bigger interest in the Company than the public realizes, too. . . ." - Carlos von Schlichten (H. Beam Piper), ~Uller Uprising~.
Eric WollanPerson was signed in when posted
15:14 UT
Any one know why there is no audio book of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen? I can find all the other Piper works but not Kalvan.
Gregg LevinePerson was signed in when posted
02:46 UT
Yes an amazing message. I first discovered Piper in the form of his anthology "Worlds of H. Beam Piper" in the library in White Plains New York, a very long time ago. Then bought many of them in paperback, and of course two in e-book. (But those were written by our friend Wolf.) Didn't Ace either go away? I do know that Jerry is sadly no longer among the living. Oh and "Omnilingual" in an anthology via the Queens Public Library system years before that.
Jon CrockerPerson was signed in when posted
23:42 UT
That's a great post, thanks!
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
03:19 UT
From the Archives: "Discovering Piper"

Below, another message to the old PIPER-L mailing list, from twenty years ago this week, way back in January 2000, when several of us Piper fans were describing our first encounter with Piper's work. Then a very special, new member of the list chimed in:

Subject: Re: Discovering Piper
From: John Carr
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 19:51:37 -0800


I first started reading Piper in the '50s in 'Astounding Science Fiction,'
but didn't really discover him until the late '60s, when a theatre arts
friend of one of my roommates (at the time, I was living with 2 girls, Jerri
and Vicki -- ALA 'Three's Company' -- and he was Jerri's friend) loaned me
his copy of LORD KALVAN OF OTHERWHEN. This guy was a 'real' character; he
would occasionally wear a 7th Cavalry troopers' uniform to school (San Diego
Stage University). He considered LORD KALVAN one of the greatest military
fiction novels of all time; he loaned me his copy, I read it and agreed.
(Interestingly, he was not a science fiction fan.) Since most of Piper's
novels weren't published until the early sixties -- and were out-of-print by
then -- I bought my own copies of LORD KALVAN OF OTHERWHEN, COSMIC COMPUTER
and SPACE VIKING at used book stores. I was amazed by the wealth of detail
and the power of Beam's prose. Piper was a true storyteller; maybe the best
we've had this century. John W. Campbell -- the famed editor of
'Astounding/Analog' -- compared Beam's stories to the classics, such as
TREASURE ISLAND and ROBINSON CRUSOE. My belief is that -- since Piper is
constantly re-discovered -- over time Piper's books will join the list of
young adult (because they're fun and very readable and not 'serious,' AKA
real 'literature') classics in centuries to come, despite Ace's attempt to
keep them well hidden. Actually, the effort new readers undergo to locate
Piper's books may actually help them become classics, since most young
adults don't respond well to books they are spoon-fed! The books that I
believe will attain classic status are LORD KALVAN OF OTHERWHEN and SPACE
VIKING. LITTLE FUZZY and COSMIC COMPUTER are -- and will remain -- lesser
works, but will probably remain in print as Robert Louis Stevenson's minor
works do, such as KIDNAPPED.

>>A couple of questions for the list: Who actually owns the rights to
>>write in Piper's universe?

Ace Books. Jerry Pournelle has Beam's permission to write in Piper's

>>How would one go about getting permission to write a story set in
>>Piper's TFH or Paratime?

You can't. Ace is not even publishing Piper's own books, much less wanting
(or more importantly 'allowing') anyone else to do so. It's a closed/locked
door. If you want to write a novel for practice, or to give to friends --
go ahead. But don't expect to ever publish it as a mainstream SF novel.
Ace doesn't want to see or hear about Piper pastiches. I remember one Ace
editor, I talked to at a convention in the '80s, laughing about a would-be
author who sent them a 'new' Paratime novel each and every year. They
didn't even bother to read them, just tossed them into the circular file.
No other publisher will touch them.

>>In one of the prefaces to one of the Ace paperbacks that Jerry Pournelle
>>was the only writer who had such right.

True. He had Piper's permission, and has Ace's as well.

>>And, welcome to the list John!

Thanks, Tim.


John Carr

John, who had just joined the mailing list a few days earlier, was responding to questions offered by Piper fan Tim Tow, who is still with us here today. This was John's first post to the mailing list; the original message is available here:


An archive of most of the other posts that week about "Discovering Piper" is also available here:



"I was going to write like James Branch Cabell, which would have taken a lot of doing. Before that, I was going to write like Rafael Sabatini, and like Talbot Mundy, and like Rider Haggard, and even, God help us all, like Edgar Rice Burroughs. . . . Eventually I decided to write like H. Beam Piper, only a little better. I am still trying." - H. Beam Piper, "Double: Bill Symposium" interview
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