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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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^     All messages    << 1508-1523  1504-1507 of 2246  1488-1503 >>
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
15:34 UT
Tim Tow wrote:

> There's also the Whisper Phone from Day of the Moron, an invention
> that would find great utility in call centers and open office spaces
> nowadays!

Ah, yes, the "whisper mouthpiece." Clever, that.

I wonder if that was something Beam had heard about in some speculative fiction piece--though obviously it may simply have been invented to fit the needs of that scene.


"We talk glibly about ten to the hundredth power, but emotionally we still count, 'One, Two, Three, Many.'" - Otto Harkaman (H. Beam Piper), ~Space Viking~
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
15:24 UT
". . . everything speeds up about double in hyperspace."

That's Oscar Fujisawa, in ~Four-Day Planet~, explaining that Leo Belsher likely spent enough time aboard the ~Peenemunde~ with Glenn Murell to figure out he that wasn't really "a famous author."

It's also Beam signalling that there is time dilation for hyperspace travel. I seem to remember a few other references in Future History works--I believe Jack Holloway mentioned at some point how it made sorting out his age a bit of a challenge--and wonder if some of you might help me track them down.

We know that hyperspace travel speeds varied across the Future History, as Dillingham technology improved--and declined--and I would expect that the effects of hyperspace time dilation varied with these changes in hyperdrive speeds. So, having some sense of what the time dilation effects were at different points in the Future History might help to sort that out.

Any pointers to additional references are appreciated.


"As to Heisenberg compensators . . . I'd rather rely on reversing the polarity of the neutron flow." - Tom Rogers, H. Beam Piper Mailing List and Discussion Forum, July 15, 2015
Tim TowPerson was signed in when posted
01:49 UT
There's also the Whisper Phone from Day of the Moron, an invention that would find great utility in call centers and open office spaces nowadays!
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
03:47 UT
Piper's Sci-Fi Technology

This seems to be an interesting exercise:


I especially enjoy the entry on "contragravity armor." It's shame the Federation era folks never seemed to see such things as having military applications.

Znidd Suddabit!

"A lot of technicians are girls, and when work gets slack, they're always the first ones to get shoved out of jobs." - Sylvie Jacquemont (H. Beam Piper), ~Junkyard Planet~
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