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H. Beam Piper Mailing List and Discussion Forum

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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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Moderation will focus on keeping the discussion related to H. Beam Piper in a broadly interpreted sense. Off-topic posts or ad hominem comments will not be approved for posting and repeat offenders may be banned from posting to the list.
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Spam deleted by QuickTopic 05-21-2015 06:08
18:01 UT
I'd just like everyone to know that this year's Irregulars Muster is taking place on Saturday, May 30th. We will be meeting at the Waffle Shop on North Atherton at 10:00am.
Dennis Frank, during his many drives through central Pennsylvania searching out Hostigos referenced locations, actually discovered Kalvan's Transposition site some 15 years ago. We usually visit it every year during the Muster.
Sadly, the little turnaround, where Pennsylvania State Trooper, Calvin Morrison parked his car, is slowly getting washed away by time and water. The small creek is being crowded by growing trees. It's too bad we can't get up a historical marker before it all disappears....
John Carr

Tomorrow is the 51st anniversary of Calvin Morrison's accidental transposition to Hostigos, as recounted in Beam Piper's novel Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. If you haven't yet down so, how 'bout commemorating this year's anniversary by picking up John Carr's latest Kalvan novel, The Hos-Blethan Affair, co-authored with Wolfgang Diehr:


Down Styphon!

Visit the H. Beam Piper Home Page: www.zarthani.net
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
17:35 UT
"He wasn't at any time in the past or the future of May 19, 1964, when he'd walked into that dome of light. He'd settled that in his mind definitely. So what did that leave? Another time-dimension."

Tomorrow is the 51st anniversary of Calvin Morrison's accidental transposition to Hostigos, as recounted in Beam Piper's novel Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. If you haven't yet down so, how 'bout commemorating this year's anniversary by picking up John Carr's latest Kalvan novel, The Hos-Blethan Affair, co-authored with Wolfgang Diehr:


Down Styphon!

Visit the H. Beam Piper Home Page: www.zarthani.net
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