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H. Beam Piper Mailing List and Discussion Forum

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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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  Spam messages 1046-1045 deleted by QuickTopic between 02-16-2014 05:39 AM and 02-16-2014 09:35 AM
David Sooby
03:47 UT
~ Jonathan Crocker wrote:
>> When people buy their Piper books, did they do it online? I
>> found most of my Piper books in used bookstores, usually by
>> accident while I was looking for something else - which made

I mostly bought them when they were new; the re-issues during the '80s.
If I were going to assemble a collection now, I could do so quite easily using the online bookstore meta-search engine:


So -very- much easier than spending hours and hours standing around and flipping thru poorly organized books in used bookstores!

Clear ether!
Lensman (aka David Sooby)
Jonathan Crocker
03:24 UT
I've also downloaded a couple of titles from Gutenburg - I have a couple of fragile books, and I want to make certain that I'll be able to read the stories if they fall apart.
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
02:31 UT
Tim Tow wrote:

> Gutenberg also has many titles, which are great if
> you're looking to search for references such as in Space
> Viking!

Yeah, that's a great boon. Thanks again, Greg Weeks:


> Have you started collecting the foreign language editions?

Some, mostly those that have some sort of original, Piper-related artwork:


> Here's also compilation I had not seen before. It looks like an
> e-book only edition.
[snip URL]
> Does anyone know who did the artwork for this book? Is it new
> artwork or compiled from previously published sources.

That's just a ripped-off version of the Schoenherr cover art for original ~Analog~ serialization of ~Space Viking~:


Down Styphon!

"Oh, my people had many gods. There was Conformity, and Authority, and Expense Account, and Opinion. And there was Status, whose symbols were many, and who rode in the great chariot Cadillac, which was almost a god itself. And there was Atom-bomb, the dread destroyer, who would some day come to end the world. None were very good gods, and I worshiped none of them.” - Calvin Morrison (H. Beam Piper), ~Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen~
11:07 UT
I had acquired my collection through used bookstores in the early 1990s. Gutenberg also has many titles, which are great if you're looking to search for references such as in Space Viking!
Have you started collecting the foreign language editions?

Here's also compilation I had not seen before. It looks like an e-book only edition.
Does anyone know who did the artwork for this book? Is it new artwork or compiled from previously published sources.
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
03:40 UT
Jonathan Crocker wrote:

> When people buy their Piper books, did they do it online? I
> found most of my Piper books in used bookstores, usually by
> accident while I was looking for something else - which made the
> lucky find that much better! Of course, it took years to get
> them all, and with a few clicks on ebay you could build a very
> good collection very quickly.

I didn't become a committed collector until the late '90s when eBay was blossoming. I've used a variety of on-line sources to fill-out my collection, including both paperbacks and hardcovers as well as the original pulp magazines.

I still love to wander through the shelves of an old bookshop, though they're getting tougher to find these days and often have few Piper works. I always try to buy something by Piper if it's available, just to let the bookseller know someone is still buying Piper.

It's rare these days when I find something in a bookshop I don't already have though it's always nice to find one of the many printings of the Ace editions that I haven't seen before. (Sometimes it's difficult to tell because Ace was so bad at marking them correctly.) This is tougher to do on-line because many of the large on-line sellers don't actually have the book on hand. If the description doesn't list the ISBN or the printing number they often can't tell you anything more about it.

Perhaps the best part of the emergence of the "great bookshop on the Web" is that it's driven down the prices of originals, whether it be the original pulps or rare hardcovers like the Garland ~Space Viking~ or ~Lord Kalvan~ or originals like the Putnam's ~Four-Day Planet~ and ~Junkyard Planet~. I probably paid on average about $25 an issue for original pulps back in the late '90s and yet today you can routinely get copies for about five bucks. (It's a good thing I never saw my collection as an investment!)

One thing that's getting increasingly annoying are all of the print-on-demand editions. I've been slowly collecting the Wildside and AEgypan POD editions--these were folks who were genuinely interested in Beam's work--but there's lots of other "junk" out there that just makes it harder to weed through to find the gems (POD or otherwise).

Be well,

"Do you know which books to study, and which ones not to bother with? Or which ones to read first, so that what you read in the others will be comprehensible to you? That's what they'll give you [at university]. The tools, which you don't have now, for educating yourself." - Bish Ware (H. Beam Piper), ~Four-Day Planet~
Jonathan Crocker
16:52 UT
When people buy their Piper books, did they do it online? I found most of my Piper books in used bookstores, usually by accident while I was looking for something else - which made the lucky find that much better! Of course, it took years to get them all, and with a few clicks on ebay you could build a very good collection very quickly.

Happy New Year!
  Spam messages 1038-1036 deleted by QuickTopic between 01-23-2014 08:37 PM and 02-16-2014 05:39 AM
22:22 UT
One of the "Convention Stories" in /Niven's Laws/ concerns a mock duel between Larry Niven and fan Russel Seitz. During the pre-duel negotiations-- but not the actual "duel"-- Seitz and his second, Gordy Dickson, wore 7th century Samurai armor from a Boston museum.

Don't recall reading anything about Piper trying on a real suit of armor.
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