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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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Tom Rogers
02:26 UT

Piper with Hydra Club members from 1951
Tom Rogers
02:22 UT

Photo 6
Tom Rogers
02:22 UT

Photo 5
Deleted by author 03-14-2013 02:21
Tom Rogers
02:19 UT

Photo #4
Tom Rogers
02:19 UT

Photo #3
Tom Rogers
02:18 UT

Photo #2
Tom Rogers
02:17 UT

First, sorry for deleting my original message. I was trying to edit it to add photos but ended up deleting it instead (still getting the hang of doing all this on an iPad).

Here are some photos of the first few pages of Piper's "Precognition and a Theory of Time." This was written in 1947-1948 for a prozine entitled "Amateur Spectator," which was the official organ of The Spectator Club. It appeared in two parts (Mailing Number 4 and 5). This was a writers club whose membership was by invitation only. Doc Lowndes was the head, along with Phillip Klass (AKA William Tenn)' and it included a numb if writers from the NY/NJ area (Fred Pohl, Judith Merrill, John D. MacDonald, Ted Sturgeon, Lester del Rey and others). Piper was invited to join after his first story was published in Astounding, and he took the opportunity to write about his ideas on time and General Semantics. It is fairly dry stuff, but it shows Piper's use of Dunne's time theories as a basis for his own stories.

Piper contributed some letters to the prozine along with his article, and Number 5 also states that he helped to collate and staple some of the other magazines that were sent out to members along with Amateur Spectator (each Mailing had a number of different zines included). This group formed the nucleus of what became the Hydra Club in 1948/49, of which Piper was an early member. The next message includes a photo of a drawing of Hydra members from 1951 (Piper is on the upper left side, stting on a bunk bed).
Deleted by author 03-12-2013 04:05
00:10 UT
On 3/4/2013 12:57 AM, QT - David PiperFan Johnson wrote:

> What could have possibly happened on Fenris in the aftermath of
> the Monster Hunters' revolt that could lead the Federation to
> intervene with nuclear weapons?
> Monster Ho!
> David

 From the quote "this planet'll get it worse than Fenris did", I infer the Federation nuked inhabited portions of Fenris. I would think the only reason the Federation would have to nuke one of its own populations is if that planet revolted and declared itself independent of the Federation. Any lesser problem would have been dealt with by less destructive means... landing troops or whatever.

Clear ether!

Visit the Known Space Concordance at:
Jackson Russell
05:09 UT
There are no shortage of power hungry types, and Fenris had already proved susceptible to the charms of such people. I would hazard to say that another Stalin/Hitler/Ravick type popped up, got himself put in charge, and the feces hit the fan.


< replied-to message removed by QT >
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
04:57 UT
What happened to Fenris?

I know we've discussed this a bit before but I've run across it again while working on another project that's led me to make some modifications to the "Future History Chronology" at Zarthani.net. I'm wondering what happened on Fenris to cause the Federation government to intervene with nuclear weapons some time between the events portrayed in ~Four-Day Planet~ and those portrayed in ~Uller Uprising~.

Specifically, we have two tidbits from ~Uprising~. The first comes when Paula Quinton first suggests that the Terran settlers might use nuclear weapons against the Ullerans. "I hate to suggest it--I know what [nuclear weapons] did on Mimir, and Fenris, and Midgard, and what they did on Terra, during the First Century. But it may be our only chance." Later, when Carlos von Schlichten is musing about what will happen if the Ullerans are successful in wiping out the Terrans, he says, "And when the next ship gets in here and they find out what happened, they'll send the Federation Space Navy, and this planet'll get it worse than Fenris did. They'll blast anything that has four arms and a face like a lizard. . . ."

Whatever sparked this Federation intervention on Fenris it probably occurred about 500 AE. We know from internal evidence in ~Uprising~ as well as specific dates both in ~Fuzzies and Other People~ and Beam's "Future History" essay that the Uprising occurs in 526 AE. And internal evidence in ~Four-Day Planet~ suggests that the Monster Hunters' revolt and the capture of Ravick/Gerrit occurs late in the Fourth Century, say about 480 AE.

What could have possibly happened on Fenris in the aftermath of the Monster Hunters' revolt that could lead the Federation to intervene with nuclear weapons?

Monster Ho!

"Ravick had been in power too long, and he was drunker on it than Bish Ware ever got on Baldur honey-rum. As an intoxicant, rum is practically a soft drink beside power." - Walt Boyd (H. Beam Piper), ~Four-Day Planet~
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