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H. Beam Piper Mailing List and Discussion Forum

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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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Moderation will focus on keeping the discussion related to H. Beam Piper in a broadly interpreted sense. Off-topic posts or ad hominem comments will not be approved for posting and repeat offenders may be banned from posting to the list.
There is an annual subscription fee required to keep this list/forum free of advertisements and to provide expanded functionality such as the capability to post images. You can support the continued ad-free availability of this shared resource by making a contribution using the PayPal link at the top of the page. (You don't need a PayPal account to make a donation, just a credit card.) Thank you for whatever level of support you can afford.
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David Johnson
16:57 UT
Jackson Russell wrote:

> To what is this upsurge
> credited? In the 80s almost everything Piper wrote was
> rereleased, some under different titles. Also, Tuning and
> Mayhar put out some new sequels to the Fuzzy books, easily
> Piper's most popular works.

This is clearly the cause of the peak in 1980.

> More recently, Project Gutenberg
> has made the majority of Piper's work available for free for
> some time now.

I think this is the source of the bulk of the rise after 2005. I don't think Google is using Gutenberg versions (thanks again, Greg Weeks!) in its analysis but beginning with the Wildside and Aegypan reprints in 2006 there have been several print-on-demand reprintings of Beam's work using the public domain source material at Gutenberg. Resellers at places like eBay and ABEbooks.com are overwhelmed with these editions.
Remember Ashmodai! Remember Belphegor!

"Do you know which books to study, and which ones not to bother with? Or which ones to read first, so that what you read in the others will be comprehensible to you? That's what they'll give you [at university]. The tools, which you don't have now, for educating yourself." - Bish Ware (H. Beam Piper), ~Four-Day Planet~ ~
David Johnson
16:49 UT
Jonathan Crocker wrote:

> Is the graph a count of books published?

If I understand correctly, it's not specifically books published by Piper but rather books in which "H. Beam Piper" (the search term I used) is mentioned. Presumably, that includes books in which Piper's name is listed as the author. . . .
Dennis' refinement to just books published in American English is a great improvement over my first effort.
Thanks, Dennis!

"Our rulers are the barbarians among us. There isn't one of them . . . who is devoted to civilization or anything else outside himself, and that's the mark of the barbarian." - Otto Harkaman (H. Beam Piper), _Space_Viking_ ~
Dennis Frank
05:45 UT
Look at American English and you'll see that "Piper's Peak" hasn't been reached yet!

http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?conte...r&year_start=1940&y ear_end=2008&corpus=17&smoothing=3&share=


On 12/30/12 12:07 AM, "QuickTopic daily digest"
<qtopic-42-tnfVKeAH3s4T@quicktopic.com> wrote:

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Jackson Russell
05:09 UT
I think another question might be: To what is this upsurge credited? In the 80s almost everything Piper wrote was rereleased, some under different titles. Also, Tuning and Mayhar put out some new sequels to the Fuzzy books, easily Piper's most popular works. More recently, Project Gutenberg has made the majority of Piper's work available for free for some time now. It has also been findable in used book stores. In the late '90's compilations of the Fuzzy trilogy and Paratime were issued by Ace, which is where the Graph shows a new climb in popularity. More recently, we have had John F. Carr cranking out Lord Kalvan sequels, plus additions to Space Viking with Mike Robertson and more Fuzzy books by Wolfgang Diehr (would a third Fuzzy book by Diehr be too much?) I think Time Crime is in there, too, as an expanded story with some added original material. Finally, we have John Scalzi's dreadful (in my opinion) reinterpretation of Little Fuzzy. All of this should bring Piper back into the public consciousness. Too bad the graph doesn't give a clear accounting after 2000.

Jonathan Crocker
04:46 UT
That's interesting. Is the graph a count of books published? It can't be internet searches if it starts in the 1940s.

And it's trending upwards again. But does it count ebook usage now too?
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
22:07 UT
Piper's Peak in 1980?

This Google Ngram is pretty cool:


Down Styphon!

"You know any kind of observation that doesn't contaminate the thing observed, professor?" - Tortha Karf (H. Beam Piper), ~Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen~
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Jonathan Crocker
00:18 UT
Thanks for the reminder - I was waiting to see which way that Mayan thing broke first...
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
23:56 UT
Happy Christmas, Piper Fans!

Thank you again to those of you who have contributed to keep Zarthani.net's H. Beam Piper List on the Web and free of advertising this past year. I have just paid the annual subscription fee (US$49) for the next year. If you've not yet had a chance to contribute please consider making a small donation using the PayPal Donate link on the discussion forum page. (Just follow the link to the discussion forum if you're reading these messages by e-mail.)

And no peeking at those New Year's presents!

"I always was a present-peeker, New Year's and my birthdays." - Elaine Karvall, ~Space Viking~
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David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
23:26 UT
Junkyard of Empire

I've recently completed another "reboot," this time of Piper's "Graveyard of Dreams" (which became the first three chapters of ~The Cosmic Computer~). It's posted at Zarthani.net:


I've tried to do a bit of the sort of thing John Cowan has done with "Omnilingual" and that John Scalzi did less well (imho) with ~Little Fuzzy~. I'm eager to hear what others think.


"Why Walt Disney bought the movie rights to ['Rebel Raider'], I've never figured out. Will Colonel Mosby be played by Mickey Mouse, and General Phil Sheridan by Donald Duck? It's baffling. However, I was glad to get the check." - H. Beam Piper
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