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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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David Johnson
03:53 UT

Great review of "Omnilingual" here:


Rod Mathews
14:15 UT
For Dietmar Wehr:

Is the Tides of Choas going to be available in a print copy on lulu? I have a kindle, but i'd rather have a print copy to read! I havn't read the book yet but sounds interesting! I've listened to the CC on librivox several times and would love to read a good sequel!
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
04:00 UT
Jonathan Crocker wrote:

> I dug out my copy of Uller Uprising copyright 1983, and in the
> introduction it said that Uller was part of a "Twayne Triplet"
> of "three thematically connected novels" the others being Judith
> Merril's "Daughters of Earth" and Fletcher Pratt's "The Long
> View."

I have the "Twayne Triplet," ~The Petrified Planet~. It's says the three stories are distinct, sharing in common only the inspiration provided by Clark's scientific essay. I've not read either story but it doesn't seem there would be any insight into Beam's yarn in them.

> So technically Piper didn't pick the system for his story - I
> mean, he could have refused to have anything to do with it, of
> course. But he still made a good book out of it.

Right. (Though, of course, whose idea the whole set-up was--Clark's, Piper's, or Pratt's--is perhaps lost to history. The essay could have come first, or perhaps Pratt's "The Long View" or even Beam's "Uller Uprising," with the essay being commissioned and the other two stories written subsequently.)

So, I doubt we'll ever know for sure whether Beam's ideas of Federation civilization rising from the Southern Hemisphere and Uller orbiting the "South pole star" Beta Hydri (or Beta Hydrae) were related, much less whether one idea sparked the other.

Znidd Suddabit!

"You know any kind of observation that doesn't contaminate the thing observed, professor?" - Tortha Karf (H. Beam Piper), ~Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen~
Jonathan Crocker
18:55 UT
I dug out my copy of Uller Uprising copyright 1983, and in the introduction it said that Uller was part of a "Twayne Triplet" of "three thematically connected novels" the others being Judith Merril's "Daughters of Earth" and Fletcher Pratt's "The Long View."

[Anyone read either of them? I might have to visit Project Gutenburg...]

It said the background essay was written first by one of the men who helped discover sulfa drugs(!)Dr. John D Clark and then given to contributors for a novel they'd write.

So technically Piper didn't pick the system for his story - I mean, he could have refused to have anything to do with it, of course. But he still made a good book out of it.
David Johnson
05:22 UT

Jonathan Crocker wrote:

> http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120802.html
> It's taken from the South Pole, showing perfectly circular star
> trails - and the innermost one is Beta Hydri, so it's as good a
> shot of Uller that we'll be able to get for a while.

Interesting. I wonder if Beam chose Beta Hydri for the sun of Uller--one of the earliest extra-solar colonies--not only because the star is so much like Sol but also because it likely would have been as familiar to Southern Hemisphere-dwelling Federation-era explorers as Polaris is to Northern Hemisphere folks today.
Or, given that Beta Hydri likely came from John Clark, maybe it was the other way 'round. ~Uller Uprising~ was Beam's first Terro-human Future History yarn. Perhaps he came up with the idea of Terran civilization based in the Southern Hemisphere after Clark's pointer to the southern "pole star."
(An interesting tidbit here is that Beam refers consistently to Beta Hydrae--even in the single mention in "Edge of the Knife"--rather than to Beta Hydri. But Beta Hydri and Beta Hydrae are two distinct stars, though the other particulars in ~Uprising~--like the distance from Sol and the characteristics of the star itself--still suggest Uller orbits Beta Hydri.)
Znidd Suddabit!

"We talk glibly about ten to the hundredth power, but emotionally we still count, 'One, Two, Three, Many.'" - Otto Harkaman (H. Beam Piper), _Space_Viking_
Dietmar Wehr
22:43 UT
Hello All,

My expanded sequel to Cosmic Computer is now available on Amazon as a kindle ebook. I've added over 30,000 new words to the end of my original 50,000 word novella. It's called the Cosmic Computer Legacy: The Tides of Chaos. I plan to write more under the Cosmic Computer Legacy umbrella title.

In case anyone doesn't already know, you can read Piper's CC and other books by going to gutenberg.org.
Jonathan Crocker
19:10 UT
OK, this is an oblique reference to Piper but:


It's taken from the South Pole, showing perfectly circular star trails - and the innermost one is Beta Hydri, so it's as good a shot of Uller that we'll be able to get for a while.

Then there's this link - http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120731.html - about the Curiosity lander heading for Mars, eta less than 12 hours from now. Here's hoping it finds the city from Omnilingual!
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Lawrence Feldman
18:53 UT
I have redone and expanded my Head of Susana to more than 200 pages. It is now ready for submission, somewhere, if I can get around to looking for a publisher. Currently I am working on a non fiction "Escape" book (on the escape of Jews from unoccupied France through Spain to Portugal and thence the United States between 1940 and 1942) that is taking most of my time. That second book is 326 pages and currently is being checked for footnotes etc. Any one who has any thoughts on the Head of Susana send me an e-mail at Lawrenc846@gmail.com
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