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H. Beam Piper Mailing List and Discussion Forum

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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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Moderation will focus on keeping the discussion related to H. Beam Piper in a broadly interpreted sense. Off-topic posts or ad hominem comments will not be approved for posting and repeat offenders may be banned from posting to the list.
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  Spam messages 893-891 deleted by QuickTopic between 08-24-2011 11:05 PM and 01-24-2014 01:09 AM
David Johnson
00:48 UT
Can you name these two characters?

1) A "gentleman of about thirty . . . perhaps the biggest-chested and longest-armed man I ever saw. He had yellow hair, a thick yellow beard, clear-cut features, and large grey eyes set deep in his head. I never saw a finer-looking man, and somehow he reminded me of an ancient Dane."
2) A retired military officer who "was broad, of medium height, dark, stout, and rather a curious man to look at. He was so very neat and so very clean-shaved, and he always wore an eye-glass in his right eye. It seemed to grow there, for it had no string, and he never took it out except to wipe it. At first I thought he used to sleep in it, but afterwards I found that this was a mistake. He put it in his trousers pocket when he went to bed. . . ."
You might be forgiven for guessing, respectively, Otto Harkaman from ~Space Viking~ and Carlos von Schlichten from ~Uller Uprising~ but these are actually descriptions of the characters Sir Henry Curtis and Captain John Good from H. Rider Haggard's ~King Solomon's Mines~. I've been reading (listening to the audiobook of) ~Mines~ and can not help but recognize many of the influences Beam must have found there.
Most recently I've been struck by a scene where the protagonist, Allan Quatermain, demonstrates to some primitive natives who have never scene a rifle how it "kills at a distance with sound" by shooting an antelope grazing in the distance. It's like something right out of "Naudsonce" (or the other way 'round, actually).
It's a good yarn, if you haven't read it, and worth revisiting if you haven't in a while.

"You had a wonderful civilization here. . . . You could have made almost anything of it. But it's too late now. You've torn down the gates; the barbarians are in." - Lucas Trask (H. Beam Piper), ~Space Viking~ ~
Spam deleted by QuickTopic 07-22-2011 20:03
David Johnson
05:49 UT
Down Styphon! Lord Kalvan wargame available on eBay:


Good luck,

(not involved in this sale, just ran across it and already have a copy) --
"Good things in the long run are often tough while they're happening." - Otto Harkaman (H. Beam Piper), _Space_Viking_ ~
Spam deleted by QuickTopic 01-24-2014 06:09
Jackson Russell
22:15 UT
Two years after? Must be a trend. Fuzzy Ergo Sum did the same thing.
Jack Russell

< replied-to message removed by QT >
Spam deleted by QuickTopic 01-24-2014 06:09
Terry Mancour
21:23 UT
New Space Viking novel.
  Spam messages 883-881 deleted by QuickTopic between 07-14-2011 08:21 AM and 12-03-2011 02:11 AM
Jon CrockerPerson was signed in when posted
04:58 UT
Ah well, I re-discovered the wheel.

Still, it's a good wheel to rediscover!
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