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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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David Johnson
04:07 UT
New Piper Fan Fiction at Zarthani.net

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it to Hostigos for the
Irregulars Muster this year. Instead I spent my free time this weekend completing a project I've had in mind for some time now.

Beam's "The Mercenaries" is my favorite of his short stories. It's a great yarn with one of Beam's most interesting concepts: the "Free Scientists," scientific mercenaries who owe permanent allegiance to no government. It's a straightforward, "hard" science-fiction story but the setting is a sort of odd amalgamation of bits and pieces of shared background from other yarns like "Time and Time Again" (most definitely not "hard" science-fiction) and elements akin to the Terrohuman Future History as portrayed in "The Edge of the Knife." And yet, as Beam tells us in his article "The Future History," "The Mercenaries" is _not_ a Terrohuman Future History yarn.

Well, I've tried to rectify that and have posted a slightly revised version of "The Mercenaries" on the fan fiction page at Zarthani.net:

The basic plot-line is essentially unchanged and there are footnotes explaining the most substantive changes from the original text. I've also made some minor changes meant to provide a possible explanation for why it is that we never see the Free Scientists again in any Future History yarn (like "Omnilingual").


"Why Walt Disney bought the movie rights to ['Rebel Raider'], I've never figured out. Will Colonel Mosby be played by Mickey Mouse, and General Phil Sheridan by Donald Duck? It's baffling. However, I was glad to get the check." - H. Beam Piper
Jack Russell
02:05 UT
I wish I could make it. Looks interesting. Anybody else in here gonna make it? Take pictures!

Jack Russell

"People shouldn't be shot for committing crimes. They should be shot for being the kind of people who commit them."
H Beam Piper - "Fuzzy Sapiens"

< replied-to message removed by QT >
David Johnson
14:53 UT
Lawrence Feldman wrote:

> It looks like I may be able to attend the May 22nd
> meeting. I sort of know where state college is (I got my Ph.D
> at Penn State in 1971) but I have not been there for almost 40
> years. So could you suggest driving directions. I will be
> coming from Owings Mills Maryland (in Baltimore County).

There's a Google Maps link to the Waffle Shop in Atherton on the front page at Zarthani.net.

Down Styphon!

"We talk glibly about ten to the hundredth power, but emotionally we still count, 'One, Two, Three, Many.'" - Otto Harkaman (H. Beam Piper), _Space_Viking_
Lawrence Feldman
22:51 UT

       It looks like I may be able to attend the May 22nd meeting. I sort of know where state college is (I got my Ph.D at Penn State in 1971) but I have not been there for almost 40 years. So could you suggest driving directions. I will be coming from Owings Mills Maryland (in Baltimore County).

           Larry Feldman (Lawrenc846@gmail.com)

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 3:15 PM, QT - John Carr <
qtopic-42-tnfVKeAH3s4T@quicktopic.com> wrote:

< replied-to message removed by QT >
David Johnson
18:09 UT
John Carr wrote:

> The 2010 Irregulars Muster will be on May 22nd. We will be
> meeting at the State College Waffle Shop on Atherton at 11:00am.

I'm sure this will be another wonderful gathering/outing. I've posted the details to the frontpage at Zarthani.net, along with links to the chronicles and photos of previous Musters.

Down Styphon!

"The Terro-Human Future History . . . has a historian's attention to sociological and political detail that is unsurpassed." - John F. Carr, Introduction to _Empire_
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