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H. Beam Piper Mailing List and Discussion Forum

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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
Membership in this moderated list/forum is by invitation only. (If you'd like an invitation please request one by sending a message to the Moderator.) In order for your messages to be approved for posting to the list you must be both registered with the QuickTopic site (click the "Sign In" link at the top-right of the page) and subscribed to receive messages from the list by e-mail (click the "Get email" button below).
Moderation will focus on keeping the discussion related to H. Beam Piper in a broadly interpreted sense. Off-topic posts or ad hominem comments will not be approved for posting and repeat offenders may be banned from posting to the list.
There is an annual subscription fee required to keep this list/forum free of advertisements and to provide expanded functionality such as the capability to post images. You can support the continued ad-free availability of this shared resource by making a contribution using the PayPal link at the top of the page. (You don't need a PayPal account to make a donation, just a credit card.) Thank you for whatever level of support you can afford.
^     All messages    << 437-452  432-436 of 2246  416-431 >>
David Johnson
06:15 UT
Jim Broshot wrote:

> Is there another way to make a donation? I don't use PayPal.

I'm willing to accept the funds whatever way is most convenient for you, Jim. I'll follow-up off-line to discuss.

Thanks much!

"This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope." - Princess Leia, _Star_Wars_IV:_A_New_Hope_
Jim Broshot
05:50 UT
QT - David Johnson wrote:

>> Please do your bit to help us keep the discussion going by
>> making a contribution using the PayPal link in the upper
>> right-hand corner at Zarthani.net:
>> http://www.zarthani.net/
> Thank you to those of you who have made contributions to keeping
> the discussion going. So far we've reached half of the annual
> cost to keep our discussion forum free of ads and allow us to
> do things like post images. If you've not yet had a chance to
> make a contribution please consider doing so. Any amount will
> help.

Is there another way to make a donation? I don't use PayPal.

Merry Christmas to all.

Jim Broshot
David Johnson
01:39 UT
Re: Time to Renew our Hosting Service

> Please do your bit to help us keep the discussion going by
> making a contribution using the PayPal link in the upper
> right-hand corner at Zarthani.net:
> http://www.zarthani.net/

Thank you to those of you who have made contributions to keeping the discussion going. So far we've reached half of the annual cost to keep our discussion forum free of ads and allow us to do things like post images. If you've not yet had a chance to make a contribution please consider doing so. Any amount will help.

Thanks, and best wishes for the holidays.

"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is
right." - Salvor Hardin
David Johnson
05:47 UT
Time to Renew our Hosting Service

Some of you may have noticed a reduction in capabilities here at our mailing list/discussion forum. That's because it's time to renew our annual subscription fee to keep the forum free of advertising and to have added functionality such as the ability to post images. Please do your bit to help us keep the discussion going by making a
contribution using the PayPal link in the upper right-hand corner at Zarthani.net:


Any amount you are able to contribute is appreciated.


"Why not everybody make friend, have fun, make help, be good?" - Diamond Grego (H. Beam Piper), _Fuzzy_Sapiens_
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
05:41 UT
Origins of the name "Corisande"

I've long wondered what the source material was for the name of Otto Harkaman's ship. I think I may have found it:


This 17th Century French opera is based upon an even earlier Spanish work, Amadis de Gaula, from the same genre as the legends of Arthur and Charlemagne from which many of the names of the Sword Worlds were taken.

^     All messages    << 437-452  432-436 of 2246  416-431 >>

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