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Welcome to the Zarthani.net H. Beam Piper mailing list and discussion forum. Initiated in October 2008 (after the demise of the original PIPER-L mailing list), this tool for shared communication among Piper fans provides an e-mail list and a discussion forum with on-line archives.
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Tim Tow
02:20 UT
I've just started reading James White's The Dream Millenium. James White is most known for this Sector General series about an interstellar hospital. This appears to be a stand-alone book and not related to Sector General.

The backstory of The Dream Millenium depicts an Earth society where personal dueling has been taken to an extreme. It appears to be the opposite of Piper's Planet for Texans.

Just wondering if others have read this and offer their insights.
David Johnson
15:11 UT
Mike Robertson wrote:

> One of the great things about this list is learning about
> authors that I hadn't noticed before.

To be fair, I have to give credit to Amazon's "recommendation" robot for making me aware of Hemry's/Campbell's "Lost Fleet" novels. Seeing as the bulk of the other science-fiction works it has to go on to make recommendations for me are Beam's novels and collections (and related items like John's Kalvan sequels), Amazon must be doing something right.

"Do you know which books to study, and which ones not to bother with? Or which ones to read first, so that what you read in the others will be comprehensible to you? That's what they'll give you [at
university] on Terra. The tools, which you don't have now, for
educating yourself." - Bish Ware (H. Beam Piper), _Four-Day_Planet_
Mike Robertson
15:35 UT
One of the great things about this list is learning about authors that I hadn't noticed before.

Mike Robertson
David "PiperFan" JohnsonPerson was signed in when posted
12:38 UT
Here's a better link to the Hemry interview.
David Johnson
03:23 UT
A sequel to Piper's Space Viking and Cosmic Computer?

Check out this interview with John G. Hemry:


He lists Beam as one of his influences and also says he's
"considering trying to get approval to do a sequel to Piper's Space Viking and Cosmic Computer novels"!

I've been listening to Audible versions of his "Lost Fleet" books:

Great stuff!

"Naturally. Foxx Travis would expect a soul to be carried in a holster." - Miles Gilbert (H. Beam Piper), "Oomphel in the Sky"
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David Johnson
22:09 UT
John F. Carr's Piper Anthologies

For some time I've wanted to put together a page dedicated to the Piper anthologies John edited for Ace back in the early 1980s--the books which first introduced me to Beam's short fiction. Well, I've finally done it:


It includes links to the text of each story at Project Gutenberg and, when available, a link to the original pulp publication for sale at Amazon.

"_Space_Viking_ itself is . . . a yarn that will be cited, years hence, as one of the science-fiction classics. It's got solid
philosophy for the mature thinker, and bang-bang-chop-'em-up action for the space-pirate fans. As a truly good yarn should have!" - John W. Campbell, 1962
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14:40 UT
I think it was in the Fuzzy series. I am paraphrasing, of course, and I think it was mentioned more than once. I would check books 2 & 3.
< replied-to message removed by QT >
14:29 UT
QT - Wolf wrote:

> "People shouldn't be shot for committing crimes. They should be
> shot for being the kind of people who commit them."

I've been looking for that Piper quote! What is the source?

Clear ether!
07:52 UT
Hi Jack,
In answer to your question regarding "The Fireseed Wars." The book is almost finished; I've spent most of the last year re-writing, editing and working on continuity. (Having my computer crash right after I finished the first draft, did not help!) I will mail it out to my copyeditors in about 2 weeks -- I'm that close to the end. The plan is to get it to the typesetters by late February/early March. Depending upon how fast they take to typeset it, the book should be out sometime in the summer of 2009.
I've been working on this book for 4 years; it runs 182,000 (851 manuscript pages) words and will take Kalvan & Company into some new and very interesting places. The last two books were easier to write because I was working from the original "Gunpowder God" manuscript and I knew how it was going to end. Also, the more books a series runs, the more you run into the Herbert (Dune) Problem, i.e., continuity issues. I spent over a year working out a 60 page outline for the next couple of books, only to find that I veered into new territory after following the first 4 or 5 pages!
I discovered that I hadn't completely thought-out what Kalvan would do with the quarter of a million refugees who tagged along with him to escape the Grand Host of Styphon's House and Archpriest Roxthar's Investigation of Hos-Hostigos... The most believable response to that question caused me to completely re-do the book I had outlined, and I think it will be a better (more realistic) book for all that. And, it was more interesting to me, because I wrote most of "The Fireseed Wars" without knowing where it hell it was headed...
John Carr


I personally look forward to reading the deleted material. I
also can't help asking how much longer before The Fireseed Wars
is out. I imagine rewrites, editing, and still more revisions
to address the edits would take some time.
04:11 UT

I personally look forward to reading the deleted material. I also can't help asking how much longer before The Fireseed Wars is out. I imagine rewrites, editing, and still more revisions to address the edits would take some time.

"People shouldn't be shot for committing crimes. They should be shot for being the kind of people who commit them."
< replied-to message removed by QT >
02:53 UT
Finally, an Amazon review! And a good one at that, thanks David.
I would like to address your one criticism, that being that "this reviewer often found himself wanting Carr to add more analysis of these observations himself, giving the reader better advantage of Carr's own insights gained through a lifetime of study of Piper and his work."
First, I was determined to include as much of Beam's own letters/diary entries as I could, as well as much primary source material as possible, especially reminiscences from those who knew Beam, in my Piper biography.
Secondly, the original draft was 154,000 words, which did not include any appendices. McFarland wanted me to cut the book down to around 100,000 to 110,000 words! To do this, I had to cut around 8 to 10 chapters and a lot of supporting material, including a lot of my own analyses. To make matters worse, after I cut 45,000 words, I came up with another 20,000 words of new material that I believed I had to include.
This brought the final manuscript that I presented to McFarland up to around 132,000 words, not including the appendices (about 15,000 words) which I just "threw in." I figured a scholarly press such as McFarland couldn't resist appendices -- I was right. They balked at first, but kept the longer manuscript I submitted. They did not make any cuts, but did reduce the type (to make up for the unexpected length) to a ridiculous point size...
I was even able to "convince" them to use the Alan Gutierrez painting we worked out together, i.e., I came up with the idea (Piper as Verkan Vall sitting at his horseshoe desk in the Paratime Building in front of his curio case) and Alan, of course, did all the rendering, for the book cover.
If I can find the time, I would like (as soon as I finish the continuity re-write of "The Fireseed Wars") to add some of this deleted material to the Piper website.
Still, 45,000 words were cut from the book. Overall, I'm happy with it. In another 10 or 15 years, I may well do a "new" edition from Pequod Press, with the original title ("The Last Cavalier: H. Beam Piper), which would include most of the material I had to cut and any new stuff I've been able to compile.
John Carr

H. Beam Piper: A Biography by John F. Carr

I've just posted my review of John's biography at Amazon.com.

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